What Are High Capacities? 6 Keys To Detect Them

Do you think your child has high intellectual abilities? Do you want to know if you have them? He goes in and discovers how to detect them through psychological methods.

How do you know if you have high abilities?

There are more and more cases where parents worry about their children’s behavior that is closely related to the high capacities On these occasions, children can be seen as very sensitive since they question everything around them or have even reached a situation of academic failure. Although finding people or children with high abilities is more than common, in reality these types of traits are quite unknown in our social and educational environment. The problem of not detecting any of the types of high abilities that exist is not attending to the needs of these people so that they can develop their full potential.

What does it mean to have high capabilities?

It should be explained that there are different Intelligence types and how this concept has evolved over time. In the 19th century, authors such as J. McKeen Cattell, Binet and Galton began to be interested in individual differences and people’s mental abilities. Later Piaget defined intelligence only from the cognitive part; He explained that it was built progressively following some laws, passing through different stages, until reaching the adult stage. Already in the 20th century, Gardner specified multiple intelligences, which he classified as: linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial or visual intelligence, musical intelligence, corporal-kinesthetic intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence and naturalistic intelligence. Currently, others have been added to these such as emotional intelligence, existential intelligence, creative intelligence or collaborative intelligence.

In this way, the High capacities and its definition encompasses many skills and nuances. Not all high capacities can be put in the same bag, since there are different types of high capacities.

  • Simple Talent

We refer to a person with high capacity who has a very marked talent in a single area. For example, children may present intellectual giftedness that is seen in the branch of mathematics.

  • Multiple talent

Point out those children with high abilities that have more developed aspects than that which corresponds to the general average. That is, the child can excel in various branches of science and the arts.

  • Giftedness

When we talk about a gifted We are referring to a child who stands out in all branches in a brilliant way. So much so that in most cases, people who have this intellectual capacity end up getting bored in classes since they see the concepts as too easy for them.

  • Precocity

One of the characteristics of the children with high abilities is that they mature in some aspects before the rest of their peers. This condition can end up leveling out over time.

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Sometimes parents may want their little ones to be included in a gifted IQ So much so that perhaps we can see certain attitudes that children do not really do. Therefore, in cases where high abilities are suspected, it is necessary to consult these symptoms with a professional psychologist so that they can evaluate it.

How to detect high capacities?

How to detect high intellectual abilities?

If we suspect that both we and our children may have High capacities it will surely be because we identify with some of the following traits:

1. Skills that stand out

Babies with any feature that stands out from what corresponds to their age, whether due to clearer speech, turning before 6 months or imitating the act of clapping before 7 months. In this way it is possible to detect a high capacity baby since it has a much faster rate of maturation and development than the rest of the average of its age. In the event that high abilities are in adults and have not yet been detected, this trait is also perceived throughout life. So much so that people feel that they are older (mentally) or that they feel out of date with their life stage.

2. Emotional

Children or emotionally intense people. The children with high abilities They are much more sensitive to emotions, art and the environment. In this way, they feel all aspects of their emotions and feelings with much more nuance.

3. They question authority

When they already have well-acquired speech, they question what adults tell them. So much so, people with high abilities maintain this trait at all stages of their lives.

4. Interest in existentialist themes

People with high intellectual abilities They show a clear interest in existential or social issues. The reason is because by having more intelligence they focus on deeper aspects of life.

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5. Ease of memorizing

In many cases, one of the qualities of a child with high abilities It is precisely the ability to memorize very easily those data in which they show interest.

6. Creativity

When there is a high intellectual capacity, one of the most prominent traits is creativity. So much so that for the diagnosis of high abilities this is one of the facets that are most perceived in people who fall within this distinction.

7. Disconnection from the environment

When a topic greatly interests someone with high capacity, they seem to disconnect from their environment. In most cases, high intellectual capacity results in obsessions with some topics. It is for this reason that in some cases ADHD and high abilities are erroneously linked.

In cases where there is a suspicion that someone has a high intellectual capacity, it is essential to make a good evaluation. This means that it is not enough for a professional to explore their intellectual abilities through an intelligence test, but other aspects such as life history, creativity, personality traits, etc. must be evaluated. If it is a child, once it has been done, it will be necessary for the professional to be able to give clear guidelines, both for home and school, to help manage it in the best possible way.

How to treat a child with high abilities?

You have to be well informed about what the person’s needs are. Based on this, in the case of a child, from the school and the family environment it is necessary to act in the following way.

  • Present learning as a challenge.
  • Adapt the programs in the subjects where he has special ease so that he can work at a faster pace or have alternative options.
  • Facilitate access to additional information resources in art and science.
  • When possible, put you in contact with people specialized in the matter.
  • Provide encouragement to be more creative and take risks.
  • Motivate him to investigate on his own the contents that are being worked on.
  • Don’t give it more of the same content, but change the way you work with it. From home, we can do some things, such as:
  • Stimulate learning in the family environment.
  • Promote work habits.
  • Give enthusiastic, but moderate and realistic praise.
  • You have to reinforce intermittently, not continuously.
  • Enhance intrinsic rewards.
  • Try to not depend on the adult’s attention constantly.
  • Do not propose impossible goals.
  • Give support on an emotional level.
  • Learn to manage rivalries and envy that may arise with siblings or close family members.
  • Show him/her that we accept and love him/her, even if he/she feels differently.
  • Inform and ask for help from professionals who can guide us. Having high abilities can have an influence in all areas of life, so we must detect it as soon as possible in order to save ourselves a lot of suffering.
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Although these may be good premises for treating a child with high abilities the reality is that in these cases supervision with a specialist is always necessary.

Signs that you have high abilities

What are people with high abilities like?

On some occasions, the high abilities in adults have not been detected during their first years of life. In this way, there are some cases in which there is no knowledge of intellectual giftedness. In these cases, we can see that there may be high capacities through the following attitudes:

1. Perfectionism

One of the most characteristic features of the people with high intellectual capacity It is precisely that they encourage a lot of self-criticism. So much so that they tend to be people who focus on perfectionism: everything they do they want to do perfectly.

2. High level of frustration

By having a very reluctant attitude towards not being perfect in each of the tasks they perform, they can become easily frustrated. This fact can make them feel insecure and even end up developing depression due to their high demands.

3. They question authority

The people with high abilities They have very critical thinking about everything around them. That is why the authority and speech of most people are always questioned.

4. Prodigious memory

One of the most common traits of a gifted or someone with a high IQ is precisely the ability to enjoy a very prodigious memory.

5. Learn easily

The high capacity of these people It allows them to learn much more easily than others. That is why the majority of people who have this condition manage to cover many branches of knowledge.

6. They have suffered bullying or mobbing

Unfortunately, one of the common characteristics of the intellectual giftedness The thing is that the majority of people who enjoy it tend to receive ridicule from others. In this way, bullying and mobbing are usually present in the lives of these people.

If you think you may be a gifted person, it is vital to do a high ability test or gifted test to determine your IQ. On many occasions, knowing that you have high abilities can explain many perceptions or situations in your life. Therefore, this can help you evolve in all aspects.