Meyo: The New Technological Tool That Helps Manage Stress

Meyo: the new technological tool that helps manage stress

For many people, excess stress is just another aspect of daily life in which they have to resign themselves to suffering its effects. However, while it is true that a certain degree of stress is inevitable, no one should get used to seeing their quality of life continually limited by it.

Luckily, today the development of new technologies allows us to design resources with which we can learn to relate to our own emotions and feelings. A clear example of this is Meyo, a perfect app to manage stress and anxiety, among many other functions related to the maintenance of psychological well-being. In this article we will see what it consists of.

What is Meyo?

Meyo is an app for smartphones with a very ambitious goal: to be an intelligent assistant designed to provide 360º coverage on all the major issues of physical and psychological well-being

Professionals from all areas of health have participated in its creation, from sexology and nutrition to psychology and fitness. In addition, Meyo is full of cultural content perfect for learning and reflecting, alone and with the family: short films, audio-reflections, etc.

Regarding the topic at hand, Meyo has several tools specially designed to help the user deal with stress and anxiety, both in the short term, in the moment, and in the medium and long term, offering resources to learn skills. of emotion management and regulation of the state of activation. It is a very useful and adaptable digital platform that is also always at hand

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How does it help to overcome stress?

These are the main functionalities with which Meyo helps the user manage stress in their daily lives.

1. Mindfulness content and relaxation exercises

Meyo includes several Mindfulness programs, meditation and relaxation techniques in general, very practical for dealing with stress in the moment. You just have to select the corresponding option, place the smartphone in a nearby place, close your eyes and let yourself be guided by the audio.

Besides, It is a very good way to get started in these practices and begin to apply them in everyday life autonomously, since it provides everything necessary to learn these exercises without the need for prior knowledge.

2. Guidelines to organize yourself better and gain performance

The feeling that our responsibilities surpass us is one of the main reasons why many people suffer from stress on a regular basis. Fortunately, Meyo offers the possibility of learning to structure the day to day, optimizing the use of the time available to the user For example, it gives the keys to studying efficiently, to work without giving in to distractions, etc.

3. Physical exercise plans adapted to the person

You may be wondering what exercise has to do with stress management. In reality, they are very related. It is currently known that Performing moderate exercise helps a lot to control stress and anxiety, both on a physiological level (favors the release of hormones and neurotransmitters associated with calm and pleasure) and psychological (helps get rid of intrusive and anxiety-inducing thoughts).

Meyo includes exercise programs specially designed for people who want to reduce their stress levels by adopting healthy habits… Which brings us to the next section.

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Meyo app

4. Helps maintain adequate energy levels

Meyo includes meal plans that go beyond the typical “I want to lose weight.” And it has been proven that high levels of stress maintained for long periods have a lot to do with the physical conditions of the person, and taking into account that we are what we eat, the lack of nutrients is expensive for emotional balance.

Those who eat worse have fewer resources to use the energy they have available, and this leads the body to put psychological well-being at the bottom of its priority list, since the most important thing is to keep basic biological processes working. As a consequence, stress appears, the effect of feeling in a situation of physical vulnerability in which strength is lacking, concentration problems appear, etc.

By the way, Meyo also helps combat sleep problems, also closely related to stress for reasons similar to those of lack of nutrients.

5. Guidelines to detect trap thoughts

Stress is often based on a dysfunctional belief system s, which predispose us to think that we are not prepared to face the tasks that we have pending, our responsibilities, etc. Meyo includes the function of learning to detect this type of recurring thoughts so that the user gets used to quickly identifying them as such and neutralizing their effects.

6. Programs to overcome addictions

Addictions as common as smoking are significantly related to stress problems, since one phenomenon reinforces the other and vice versa.

Smokers tend to seek relief from their stress by turning to cigarettes and at the same time, smoking promotes the maintenance of a high sensitivity to stress in the medium and long term, through several processes: deterioration of physical health, more opportunities to lose control of time (due to smoking breaks), concentration problems and appearance of anxiety about the “monkey”, worsening of self-esteem, etc.

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Therefore, leaving addiction behind is very important to win the battle against excess stress, and Meyo includes programs to get rid of these dependency processes.