What Do Psychopedagogical Reeducation Consist Of?

Re-education are personalized psycho-pedagogical interventions, aimed at working on the school difficulties of children and adolescents.

What do psychopedagogical reeducation consist of?

What are re-educations?

Reeducation is personalized psychopedagogical interventions, aimed at working on the school difficulties of children and adolescents. They aim to intervene on the negative effects of attention, concentration, planning and organization problems in relation to their learning and academic competence, including activities such as:

  • Recovery of the learnings: reading, writing, calculation, mathematics…
  • Planification and organization: agenda, study schedules, folder, notes…
  • Study techniques and methods: pre-reading, reading, underlining, summary, outline and study.
  • Exam preparation: (pre-during-post)
  • Work the motivation and self-esteem before schoolwork
  • Boost appropriate behaviors (sitting in the chair, finishing tasks, thinking before responding…) and reducing/eliminating inappropriate ones (out of place comments, constantly getting up, not following instructions, screaming…)
  • Generalization of appropriate behaviors to all problem areas

The purpose One of these is to improve the academic performance of children and/or adolescents, carrying out actions that facilitate their school adaptation. Thus, reeducation is not the same as a private class. They are especially indicated for children and adolescents with school problems, learning disorders and/or inattention and hyperactivity disorders.

Children with these types of disorders grow up subjected to a greater number of failures and errors, having to try much harder than the rest and often receiving much more. criticism of their behavior and abilities.

What is the purpose of psychopedagogical re-education?

As a result, we can observe:

  • Low self-esteem
  • High fatigue.
  • Demoralization and frustrationd.
  • Irritability.
  • Little interest in learning
  • Low academic performance, and may end up dropping out due to school failure (the school dropout rate of children or adolescents with learning disorders is around 40%, APA DSM-IV)
  • Feelings of helplessnessh. Problems in social relationships
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In adults:

  • Difficulties at work
  • Social adaptation problems

Finally, it should be noted that it is very important when carrying out a psychopedagogical reeducation that there is good family involvement and coordinated intervention between it and the professionals who work with the child, especially with the school.