6 Tips So They Don’t Play With Your Feelings

6 Tips so they don't Play with your Feelings

Having someone play with our feelings as if it were something fun or a way to pass the time makes us feel smaller, fragile and vulnerable. Experiencing intense emotions such as disappointment, sadness or anger towards those who play with us can be overwhelming. The pain of feeling like we have been deceived, manipulated, or emotionally used leaves deep scars on our hearts and minds.

Emotional gambling can manifest itself in many ways: from empty promises to inconsistent behavior or even the other person’s denial of one’s feelings. Whatever form it takes, the experience of being emotionally manipulated can erode our trust in ourselves and others. It makes us question our worth and leads us to wonder if we are good enough to deserve honest and respectful treatment.

Throughout this article, we will explore how someone playing with our feelings has a direct impact on our self-esteem and the way we relate to our emotions. We start with the objective of offering different advice and ways to take control of our own emotions to prevent third parties from taking control of them.

The importance of preserving self-esteem

Preserving self-esteem is essential when it comes to protecting ourselves from having our feelings played with. Our self-esteem influences how we value ourselves and how we allow others to treat us. When our self-esteem is strong, we are less likely to tolerate disrespectful or harmful behavior from other people.

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When a person plays with our feelings, it can undermine our self-esteem in several ways. It makes us question our worth and makes us feel like we don’t deserve loving and respectful treatment. This can lead us to tolerate situations that do not benefit us emotionally, simply because we do not believe we deserve better.

Protecting our self-esteem in this sense involves recognizing our own value and establishing healthy boundaries in our relationships. It means having the confidence and security to say no to behaviors that harm us, and seeking relationships that nourish us emotionally instead of draining us. When we cultivate strong self-esteem, we are better able to recognize when someone is playing with our feelings and take the necessary steps to protect ourselves.

6 tips so they don’t play with your feelings

In this section, we will offer a series of tips that can be useful to detect when someone is trying to play with your feelings and prevent these actions from taking place or, if they have already started, have enough control to make them disappear and manage its negative impact.

1. Know your limits

One of the most powerful defenses against emotional gambling is being clear about your own limits. Knowing your limits means understanding what your emotional needs are and what behaviors you are willing to accept in a relationship. This involves identifying what makes you comfortable and what makes you uncomfortable, and being willing to communicate this clearly and firmly. When you know your boundaries, you can set healthy expectations for your relationships and be alert for any signs that those boundaries are being crossed.

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2. Observe actions, not just words

It’s vital to pay attention to how someone really treats you, not just what they say to you. Actions are often a more reliable indicator of a person’s intentions than words. If their actions don’t match what they say, they may be playing with your feelings. See if they keep their promises, if they show consistency in their behavior, and if they show you genuine respect and consideration. Don’t be fooled by empty words ; Actions speak louder and reveal the true nature of the relationship.

3. Take your time

Don’t be too quick to fully trust someone new. Give yourself the time to get to know the person and observe how they behave in different situations before investing emotionally. Strong relationships are not built overnight. Take the time to develop a foundation of trust and mutual understanding. This will help you avoid falling prey to emotional games, as it will allow you to evaluate whether the person is genuine and really interested in you before becoming emotionally involved.

4. Listen to your intuition

Don’t ignore your intuition when you feel like something isn’t right in a relationship. If something makes you feel uncomfortable or distrustful, it’s important to pay attention to those feelings. Your intuition can be a powerful tool for detecting possible emotional games. Often, our instincts warn us when something is not in tune with our emotional needs or when we perceive that someone is not sincere. Don’t underestimate the power of your intuition; learn to trust yourself and your instincts when it comes to protecting your heart and emotional well-being.

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5. Communicate your expectations

Be clear and direct about what you expect from the relationship and what you are willing to give. Open and honest communication is essential to establishing healthy relationships and avoiding misunderstandings. Express your emotional needs and set clear expectations from the beginning. This will help avoid confusion and ensure that both parties are on the same page. Additionally, effective communication also allows you to address any issues or concerns that arise in the relationship, which can help prevent emotional gambling before it becomes a more serious problem.

6. Prioritize your emotional well-being

Remember that your emotional health is the most important thing. If you feel like someone is playing with your feelings or hurting you, don’t hesitate to walk away from that person, no matter how difficult it may be. Set healthy boundaries and don’t be afraid to put your well-being first. Sometimes this can mean making difficult decisions, such as ending a relationship or establishing emotional distance. However, it is essential to protect your mental and emotional peace, even if that means giving up relationships that are not doing you good.


In conclusion, protecting your feelings is essential for your emotional well-being. Knowing your limits, observing actions, taking your time, listening to your intuition, communicating your expectations, and prioritizing your well-being are crucial steps. Maintain strong self-esteem and trust your intuition. Don’t hesitate to walk away from situations that hurt you, always prioritizing your emotional health.