Psychological Effects Of Menopause In Women (and How To Manage Them)

psychological-effects-menopause-women-how-to-manage them

Menopause should not be a taboo topic. This moment in women’s lives comes naturally, and understanding it is key to accepting it. And menopause not only entails physical transformations, but in many cases it also has psychological implications. There are many who experience a wave of emotions when entering this phase, and you can surf better when you have the necessary knowledge.

Menopause and its effects

Menopause is presented as a natural stage in a woman’s life, which signals the end of menstruation and reproductive capacity. It is determined that a woman has reached menopause when a year has passed without menstruating. The average age at which this change occurs is around 51 years, although it can range between 45 and 55 years.

This stage of life brings with it different manifestations. In many cases, feelings of uncertainty, questions and longing are mixed with irritability, sadness and even depressive symptoms. However, this process does not have to be experienced in a negative way. In the following lines we will address how to face the psychological impacts of menopause on women and how to deal with them.

Physical effects

These are some of the symptoms of menopause (which can, in turn, trigger psychological changes as a consequence):

1. Variations in the menstrual cycle

Menstrual periods begin to appear irregularly, in which the frequency, duration and amount of bleeding can vary considerably. On the other hand, The lack of menstruation will be the most obvious symptom of the arrival of menopause. However, this process does not occur suddenly. It is considered that there is no menstruation when a woman has not had bleeding for 12 months in a row.

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2. Hot flashes and sudden feeling of heat

One of the most common (and annoying) symptoms is suddenly experiencing a feeling of heat in the face, neck and chest. This is often accompanied by redness of the skin, sweating and chills. Something challenging is that these hot flashes can occur at any time of the day or night.


3. Dryness in the intimate area

A reduction in vaginal lubrication occurs naturally due to decreased estrogen levels. This can cause pain during sexual intercourse, vaginal irritation and burning.

4. Mood changes

During this process, hormones play a determining role, causing great variability in emotional states. The person may feel irritability, anxiety and depression, even having difficulty concentrating, insomnia and possible sleep disorders.

5. Loss of bone mass

It is essential that you stay in contact with your doctor during this stage, as there is an increased risk of osteoporosis This disease weakens bones, increasing the likelihood of fractures. If you are under medical control, you can considerably reduce the risk.

6. Alterations in body weight

Due to the decrease in metabolism and the redistribution of body fat, you are likely to experience significant weight gain.

7. Alteration in emotions

Emotions at this stage can feel like a roller coaster. Mood swings and irritability can affect relationships with your partner, family, and friends. It’s normal to feel confused and unsure about the changes your body is experiencing. Some women may feel embarrassed about menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes or urinary incontinence.

Psychological effects of menopause

Although women experience menopause differently, it can sometimes be experienced as a whirlwind of emotions. The main cause lies in the decrease in hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which have a fundamental role in regulating the menstrual cycle and other aspects of the female body. This hormonal decrease impacts mood, self-esteem, memory and concentration, among other aspects. Next, we are going to analyze some of the psychological effects of menopause and how to deal with them:

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1. Denial

Accepting that the possibility of having a child has faded can be a painful process for some women, especially those who have always longed for motherhood. How to cope:


2. Mood variations

Symptoms include irritability, sudden emotional changes, a tendency to cry, feelings of sadness and depression. How to deal with them:

3. Decrease in mental acuity:

Symptoms include frequent forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, short-term memory problems. How to deal with them:

4. Low self-esteem

Symptoms include lack of security, feelings of inferiority, fear of the aging process. How to deal with them:

5. Problems falling asleep:

Symptoms include difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, constant nighttime awakenings. How to deal with them:


Menopause can be seen as a positive opportunity to embrace maturity with wisdom and fullness rather than a negative experience. It is the perfect time to renew yourself, explore yourself and enjoy a new stage in life. It is essential to learn to accept and manage changes to go through this stage calmly and optimistically. Seeking support from a mental health professional to address concerns and fears can be of great benefit.
