Spiritual Awakening: What It Is, Symptoms And Stages

Spiritual awakening: what it is, symptoms and stages

You may have heard about spiritual awakening or about people who are spiritually awakening. In fact, mystical teachings throughout history mention an emotional and inner evolution that serves to understand the forces of the universe and understand creation.

But do you know what spiritual awakening entails? It is a new existential beginning that entails a series of challenges to move away from prejudices and stereotypes and learn to see life from another point of view. If you are interested in this fascinating topic, in this Psychology-online article you will discover What is spiritual awakening, its symptoms and stages so that you learn to recognize the characteristics of this transformation.

What is spiritual awakening

Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Jung describes spiritual awakening as “the return to one’s SELF” or “original Being.” Therefore, it can be defined as a rebirth of the concepts of life to learn to see what the eyes do not visualize. In other words, spiritual awakening is a internal growth which implies, among other things, the understanding of personal happiness as a concept that goes beyond money, fame and material things.

For centuries, and according to different cultures, much has been said about spiritual awakening as a purpose or objective in life to find true happiness. In some religions or beliefs it is called “Nirvana”, “enlightenment”, “bliss” or simply “awakening”.

It could be said that it is an existential beginning in which the individual takes a step back to connect with a new meaning in this world, as well as a way of rise to a higher state of consciousness which is an intrinsic part of the human being itself.

Spiritual awakening: what it is, symptoms and stages - What is spiritual awakening

How spiritual awakening begins

Contrary to popular thought, spiritual awakening does not arise only through meditation or other methods guided by specialists, since it is born through different channels.

According to each reality, it can occur spontaneously either through different stages. For example, there are those who awaken spiritually after going through personal crises, going through substance detoxes, separations, or after bringing a life into the world.

It is usually a complicated process at first, in which it is difficult to let go of old beliefs, but the reward is true personal evolution, expansion and maturation of the soul.

Symptoms of spiritual awakening

A spiritual awakening can be a bewildering thing that raises troubling questions like: “who am I?”, “what is my purpose?”, or “why am I here?” Likewise, it is also accompanied by exciting elements when discovering a sensation of life never experienced before.

Next, we show you some of the symptoms or signs of spiritual awakening:

  • Detachment arises: You will feel a disconnection from everything material and physical that you desired with ambition and anxiety. That is, you free yourself from your emotional and material attachments.
  • Reevaluate your beliefs: A spiritual awakening causes you to reevaluate your beliefs and doctrines, including starting new practices in which you feel greater comfort and identification.
  • You will be attracted to thoughtful and motivating readings: This as a way to find the best version of yourself and improve many emotional aspects of your life.
  • Awaken love for your environment: A true appreciation for people and other living beings begins that makes you more compassionate, tolerant and kind to those around you.
  • Are you interested in taking care of your body and your diet: to take care of your health and improve your mood.
  • Your dreams become more real– In the hours of rest, you will experience very vivid and exciting dreams that will seem to be real. These dreams have a meaning that connects with your spiritual growth.
  • You will want to spend more time alone and in silence: More and more you will need to be alone to appreciate the sound of nature and to get lost in your own reflections. That is, the appreciation for loneliness will emerge.
  • You will experience greater freedom and your true SELF will come out.: You will feel a different inner freedom, since you will not have the need to appear anything to anyone. In fact, your original self will come out.
  • You will slow down to appreciate life: You will put aside the tendency for speed and doing everything faster. That keeps you away from stress and anxiety to enjoy every step of the way.

Physical symptoms of spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakening also brings with it some physical symptoms that at first may be worrying and that must be identified in time, such as:

  • Headache and dizziness.
  • Tension in the neck and lower spine.
  • Feeling like crying for no apparent reason.
  • Difficulty falling asleep.
  • Physical disorientation and momentary loss of enthusiasm.

However, the positive part is that they are passing signs that announce the growth of the seed that will give way to spiritual evolution.

Spiritual awakening: what it is, symptoms and stages - Symptoms of spiritual awakening

Stages of spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakening is a complex and different process for each person. Therefore, we cannot speak of fixed stages of this concept, but rather of general phases that make up a kind of energy flow. These phases are:

  1. Feeling of unhappiness and discouragement: Specialists call it the “dark night of the soul” and during this stage people feel a great inner emptiness, but they do not know what it is.
  2. Changing perspectives: the person begins to change their point of view and way of thinking in relation to everything around them.
  3. Search for answers and meanings: The individual begins to ask himself many deep questions and begins spiritual awakening.
  4. Answers and progress: the person will find practices, teachers or people who will guide him on the right path.
  5. Deep inner work: It is a very strong job in which you will have to deal with old beliefs.
  6. Integration and expansion: The individual will consciously apply the lessons learned in their daily life and their perspective will expand.

How long does the spiritual awakening last and what happens after?

In spiritual awakening, very profound changes occur within us. However, it is almost impossible to know exactly how long it will last the process, since each person lives their own experience.

Of course, after spiritual awakening, your life will be more pleasant, complete and focused, since you will know what you really want and what objectives to focus all your energies on. Therefore, what you should do is stick with the process, trust in your abilities and prepare for a full life.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Duke Videla, F. (2017). The theory of the soul in Plato. New Acropolis International Organization.
  • Ollé Borgue, AM (2010). Spiritual Intelligence. Global Magazine No. 36. Recovered from: http://revista.global/inteligencia-espiritual/

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