TherapyChat Reviews: Does Online Therapy Work?

TherapyChat reviews: Does online therapy work?

The online therapy has become more popular than ever. Its effectiveness, convenience, and increased stress and anxiety in society have contributed to the influx of people turning to this alternative form of support. Have you wondered if online therapy is effective or how it works?

In this PsychologyFor article we explore the opinions of TherapyChat, a leading platform in online psychology since 2016, about this form of help and its benefits.

What is online therapy

Online therapy is exactly what it sounds like: distance therapy sessions between the patient and his psychologist that are carried out via video call. Although many people think it is something new, online therapy has actually been around for decades.

Also known as telepsychology, online therapy has seen a huge increase in interest over the past two years. The demand for simple and convenient therapeutic options has made it a common way to get help to treat mental health problems and needs.

Although some doubts have been raised about the effectiveness of online therapy, research shows time and time again that this new way of seeking therapeutic interaction works.

Does online therapy work?

The research on online therapy is clear. Can be as effective, if not more so, than in-person therapy. The Journal of Anxiety Disorders published a study that contains some surprising results. First, the study shows that traditional cognitive behavioral therapy and that administered online are equally effective.

One review from TherapyChat, a leading online psychology platform, states: “Online therapy is actually the same as in-person therapy, it’s just done through a digital platform instead of in a consultation.” ”.

How online therapy works

Online therapy works by allowing people to arrange and attend sessions with a psychologist via video call. To the connect with a mobile phone, computer or tablet it is possible to access all the benefits of therapy, without having to physically be in the same room as the psychologist-therapist.

Nowadays, many psychology professionals offer online therapy sessions. In this sense, online therapy platforms such as TherapyChat offer services and therapy options to safely personalized, comfortable and accessible.

If you are looking to start an improvement process at the hands of the best psychologists from wherever and whenever you want, TherapyChat offers a 1st 60-minute video session at no cost or obligation so that you can meet your professional before starting to work on your emotional well-being.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to TherapyChat reviews: Does online therapy work? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.

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