What Is Personal And Social Development

What is personal and social development

The human being cannot only be understood in his individual facet since his social nature is fundamental for his well-being. The person creates social ties from the freedom of being. A person can not only observe himself in his current dimension, from a vision that describes his current map. The potential for growth is inherent in intelligence, will, creativity, the desire to improve, intuition and commitment.

A person establishes different bonds throughout their life, however, there is a common thread in the biography. The bond that each human being establishes with himself. This level of commitment to one’s own happiness is essential. What is personal and social development? At PsychologyFor we reflect on this question.

What is personal development

Personal development is a inner process that reflects the movement necessary to travel the distance that separates the current state from that desired horizon. A learning horizon through the achievement of new objectives of self-esteem, emotional intelligence, motivation or overcoming difficulties.

Personal evolution

In this way, a person can project his image on the mirror of life from a vision of growth defined by evolution. If you look back you can observe this vital journey through your own history.

Personal development is that potential that connects with the leading role that each person must assume in their own life.


Just as when you begin a bond of friendship with another person you share moments of conversation to discover common interests and know the other as another, in the journey of introspection you adopt a position in which you grant yourself the importance you deserve in your life. This personal self-knowledge helps you know who you are and remember it more often.


Freedom is a capacity that manifests itself in decision making. Personal development is inseparable from this ability. However, sometimes it happens that the person feels determined by external circumstances and needs to remember that he can always influence the external through his inner power: her attitude.

conscious presence

It is possible to reach the past or the future through memory or anticipation, however, it is essential that these experiences are temporary and have a return point to land in the present. Personal development is linked to conscious presence because only in that time is it possible to generate meaningful changes (no one can modify the past nor can anyone predict the future in all the details).

Search for joy

exist pleasant and unpleasant emotions. Joy manifests a state of mind marked by vitality and positive energy. Personal development gives space to all emotions and feelings. In fact, it is important not to judge an emotion. You have the right to feel how you feel about a certain issue. But the search for joy is the goal of self-love that reminds you that you deserve to be happy despite everything.

What is personal and social development - What is personal development

What is social development

Development and evolution can not only be observed individually, but also, in your group perspective. In that case, social development refers to human progress seen as a whole. That is, in search of the common good. In this way, social progress nourishes one’s own potential for individual development since whoever is part of a society that promotes values, resources and means aimed at strengthening the happiness of its protagonists, has opportunities to which perhaps they would not have access in other conditions.

Social development starts from search for equal opportunities the application of humanism and values ​​focused on the practice of good, the promotion of health as a principle of well-being, the creation of quality employment, access to culture, care for nature and integration social.

Reflections on what personal and social development is

  • Therefore, social and individual development they constantly feed each other since the advancement of a community is stronger when the person is put at the center and their needs, rights and freedoms are respected.
  • Personal and social development is a experience of evolution, progress and growth that involves you as the protagonist in those actions that depend on you.

What is personal and social development - What is social development

7 tips for personal and social development

Below, we give you growth ideas that you can put into practice as a protagonist:

  1. Observe the social dimension of your actions as acts that in many cases produce an effect that goes beyond your own personal sphere. Therefore, aspire to be your best version because in this way you positively influence your environment. You can become an example of inspiration for others.
  2. Value knowledge as a medium that is shared. You can teach what you know and others can learn from you. Knowledge is not exhausted by sharing it, on the contrary, it grows.
  3. Environmental sustainability Caring for nature is a pillar of social and individual development since there is a constant relationship between the environment and well-being. Resources are not infinite but limited. Therefore, it is important to make responsible use of them.
  4. Social commitment Volunteering is a manifestation of this individual commitment to the search for the common good through collaboration in projects that have a specific objective.
  5. Take care of relationships that you have with those around you through attitude, willingness to listen, encounter, patience, respect, kindness, social skills and emotional closeness.
  6. Emotional awareness. It is as important to listen to one’s own feelings and emotions as it is to give space to the emotional needs of others. Happiness is not born from constant selfishness or individualism, but from the experience of sharing this journey of life in society.
  7. read. Culture is a manifestation of the legacy of talent of so many authors who have contributed their knowledge to the common good. The great works of universal literature are an example of this. Enjoy culture in all its manifestations.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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