How To Overcome Fear Of Women

How to overcome fear of women

One of the issues that most worries men is how to approach a woman to start getting to know her and finally, if things work out, being able to have a loving relationship with her. If you constantly ask yourself: how to overcome the fear of women? It’s because surely that worry you have is so great that it has finally become just that, fear. This type of fear towards women is produced by the level of anxiety that you experience just thinking about the first approach with a woman that you like and evidently all this type has been limiting you since in the first place you cannot let yourself flow and be. yourself and ultimately makes it impossible for you to have a relationship with a woman beyond friendship.

But can the fear of women be overcome? The answer is that YES you can, all you have to do is work on certain aspects of your life to improve them and that your trust and security in yourself increase enough so that you can not only start talking to them but also that you can have loving relationships with them. This is why in this PsychologyFor article we are going to explain to you the reasons why this is happening to you and above all how to overcome fear of women.

Why am I afraid of women?

There are many reasons why fear of women may appear in a man, among the main ones the following are worth highlighting:

  • Extreme shyness. Men who are too shy to the point that their shyness becomes limiting. In these cases it may be that there is another underlying problem that is very common such as social phobia, although rather the phobia or fear is specifically towards a woman where the level of anxiety is so high that the boy better chooses to avoid them.
  • Irrational beliefs. Another possible cause why a fear of women may develop is irrational beliefs. That is, a man may think that all women are the same, that at some point they are going to hurt him, that they only bring you problems, etc. Beliefs that may come from observing the bond that their parents have had between them or the bad experiences of people close to them.
  • Low self-esteem. Another reason why a man may be afraid of women is because he has low self-esteem. A man who doesn’t feel good about himself and who is too insecure will feel that he is not valuable enough for a woman to like him.
  • Fear of being rejected. The fear of being rejected also has its origin in low self-esteem since in the end the man does not love himself enough and thinks that all women are going to reject him.

In this other article we discover why you don’t trust women and how to overcome this mistrust.

How to overcome fear of women - Why am I afraid of women?

7 tips so you can overcome your fear of women

  1. Recognize your worth: Work on your self-esteem and recognize yourself as a valuable person who deserves to be loved and respected. Remember that in order for another person to love and respect you, you first have to do the same with yourself.
  2. Identify what type of women you are afraid of. It is necessary that you determine exactly what type of women cause fear in you, that is, if only those that you are physically attracted to, those that have a more dominant character, those that you perceive as more self-confident, all of them in general, etc. cause fear in you. This will help you find a solution to your problem faster.
  3. Display. Work at home constantly visualizing yourself talking to those women who scare you, imagine talking to them safely and without hesitation, imagine that instead of fear it gives you satisfaction to be able to do so. Visualizing it will help you feel more confident in yourself when it comes to really approaching a girl.
  4. Practice with a woman you trust. Before approaching women who cause you anxiety and fear, it is better to practice this first approach with a woman you trust and with whom you feel calm. She can be, for example, a friend, a cousin, etc.
  5. Approach women who scare you the least. Then start by having contact with those women who generate less fear and anxiety in you and try to start a conversation, even if it is small.
  6. Don’t be afraid of rejection. I know it’s very easy to say it but think that you already have NO for sure and if you don’t try you will never have the chance to be with a girl you like. So every time you try to approach one of them, stop worrying about what is going to happen or whether she is going to reject you or not, just be yourself and talk to her without caring about the outcome.
  7. Don’t judge yourself. Stop playing games and telling yourself things like: “no one is going to pay attention to me”, “I am going to get nervous and make a fool of myself”, “I will never be able to be with a woman”, “I am a fool”, etc. . Every time you catch yourself thinking this way, change your thoughts to more positive ones that help you feel calmer and achieve your goals.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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