How To Make Difficult Decisions In Life

How to make difficult decisions in life

What direction do you want your life to take?

Every step we take along the way is aimed at pursuing a vital objective. Whether they are small decisions like choosing the clothes we are going to wear or what we are going to eat, life choices are part of our daily lives. However, there are times when a decision can lead to an unexpected turn of events, radical changes are difficult to accept and it is very important to be sure of what we are going to do.

Start dating a person, change house or job, get married…if you are not sure which path to take, in this PsychologyFor article, we will help you with this article, in it we will give you the best advice to know how to make difficult decisions in life

Difficult but necessary decisions

If there is something that is very difficult for us as human beings, it is making a difficult decision. These usually generate a lot of fear and anxiety and are associated with leaving something behind. Whether it’s quitting a job, leaving a partner, or moving, difficult decisions can be very necessary. There are many examples of difficult decisions, however, most have a very similar psychological process, this is based on the interaction of the feelings with the more rational processes to know how to make a difficult decision in life, it is important to find the balance between both elements.

What to do when you don’t know what decision to make

If we don’t know what to do in a compromising situation, we can do the following exercise:

  • Think about what you want your life to be like in 24 hoursHow would you be happier?
  • Now repeat the same exercise but you must visualize yourself in 2 months, half a year… and so on.
  • Do you see yourself in two months with the same job, partner or apartment? What do you want to do about it?

It is not necessary to establish long-term objectives because they may not be met; doing this exercise for up to a period of one year is enough. Now that we know how we would like to live, it is time to gather courage and communicate our decision to our environment and to the people affected.

This may be the most complicated step, however, if we are clear about the path to follow, we must remain firm and faithful to our decision.

How to make difficult decisions in life - Difficult but necessary decisions

Decision making example

We are living in a small apartment, without a terrace and paying cheap rent. We are considering moving to a slightly more expensive apartment but we are afraid that it is not the best decision.

  • “Do I want to continue living in this apartment in two months?”
  • “What can I do about it? Do I have the tools to change?”
  • In case you have any impediment (personal, financial, you don’t have time to look at new apartments…) “Can I get over it and continue pursuing my goal?”
  • “Do I look happier if I imagine myself living somewhere else?”

Once we are clear about what we want to do, we just need to arm ourselves with courage and take the big step

How to make important decisions in love

Making a love decision can be complicated and generate a lot of emotional tension. Personal relationships are one of the challenges that humans face most frequently but with greater difficulty. When feelings are involved, it is complex to decide what is best for our psychological well-being.

Make a sentimental decision

These types of paths tend to be of two very different natures: either we want to take the step and declare our love or we want break a relationship

  • If the first case occurs, it is normal for us to feel fear and insecurities. Being rejected by someone can be a very hard blow. For these types of occasions we can ask ourselves the following question: “What would happen if I didn’t tell him what I felt?“If we want to take the big step, we have to leave fear behind and be brave in love.
  • Otherwise, we may not know how to tell our partner that we want to separate. This can be for different reasons but when that feeling blooms we must make the wisest decision to avoid harming the other person and ourselves.

How to make difficult decisions in life - How to make important decisions in love

How to know which path to take in life

Sometimes, the problem lies not in making decisions but in not knowing how to pursue our emotional and personal goals. Choosing the best path is not always easy, that is why we want to give you the best advice from the practice of positive psychology.

How to know if you are on the right path

Seligman’s theory of positive psychology states that there are three types of happiness:

  • The pleasant life: based on hedonism and the search for pleasant sensations
  • Life’s Commitment: This type of path projects us into a state of balance between responsibilities and personal well-being, it is based on discovering our virtues and strengths and using them to take on interpersonal challenges.
  • The meaningful life: typical of spiritual leaders and activists, it is about focusing all our efforts on fighting for a cause greater than our own individuality.

Each of these directions is aimed at pursuing some type of vital happiness. However, according to Seligman himself, a life of commitment is one that gives us the key to emotional well-being.

What kind of path do you want to follow?

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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