How To Positively Manage Emotions And Feelings

How to positively manage emotions and feelings

Emotions and feelings are part of living experience. Our quality of life improves to the extent that we have a positive relationship with our own nature. It is important to observe any emotional information from a positive function, far from any negative judgment or repression.

Happiness is not the metaphor of a straight line, but it is not advisable to fall on the opposite side of a scheme conditioned by constant script twists that depend on one’s own mood at the moment. How to positively manage emotions and feelings? Instead of feeling overwhelmed by anger, sadness or joy in every moment, it is recommended that you take control of your vital center. How to achieve it? In PsychologyFor we tell you.

Avoid absolute identification with your emotions and feelings

This information captures our heart and being so intensely when the volume of a feeling is high that we can feel trapped in that core. From this perspective, it is difficult for us observe ourselves as independent of that data. Your emotions and feelings are a concrete manifestation of yourself in your present, however, your reality transcends this plane of information.

The practice of mindfulness As a formula for mindfulness, it is one of the most effective to go beyond this identification with emotions and feelings through self-awareness that transcends affective force. Meditation is a technique that can also help you. By learning some of these disciplines you can achieve the balance of identify your emotions, but without merging with them.

How to positively manage emotions and feelings - Avoid absolute identification with your emotions and feelings

Change of thinking when faced with unpleasant sensations

To positively manage emotions and feelings you have to go to the root: the thought When you feel overwhelmed by unpleasant sensations that lead you to somatize that drama on a bodily level, take a pencil and paper to write a list of alternative thoughts to those negative ideas that make you feel this way.

For example, if you are distressed by the thought of “this is horrible”, look for more enriching alternatives: “I am capable of managing this situation if I deal positively with this matter”, “Everything passes and nothing remains definitively”, “ “This isn’t important enough to ruin my moment.”

Therefore, to constructively influence our emotions and feelings we have to start by influencing our thoughts. In this other article we give you some exercises so that you can encourage positive thinking.

Temporal reframing technique

Emotions and feelings make up the present reality of the human being. When something involves you in the form of now, this is very important to you. However, when you feel overwhelmed by the force of very intense emotions of an unpleasant nature, you can apply what is known in NLP as reframing technique.

That is to say, look for a new point of view of that situation through a new frame of reference. By applying time reframing, you can ask yourself this question: What will this situation mean to me in ten years? Chances are, then you won’t even remember how you felt today.

You can also apply the reframing of focusing on the opportunity that this present situation offers you right now. For example, look for a positive side Even if it is difficult for you, you will surely find it.

How to positively manage emotions and feelings - Temporal reframing technique

Frequent contact with nature

You are human, therefore, you achieve a true balance of well-being in contact with green areas and natural spaces in which you merge as a whole. In this contact with nature, you also acquire a better quality in your conscious breathing. Curiously, this breathing is very important to remain very connected to your vital center. During these walks through the countryside or gardens, try to pay attention to your sensations at that moment by concentrating on the breathing exercise.

Forest bathing is therapeutic to reduce stress through the appreciation of external stimuli that produce a response of well-being. And stress reduction is vital to positively manage emotions and feelings.

When you want to clarify your ideas about your feelings, the experience of a walk through a natural place is a recommended routine.

Let the emotion calm down

To positively manage emotions and feelings you have to seek the balance between reason and heart. Therefore, it is recommended that you give an emotion time to lower its intensity. Therefore, give yourself a period of time to wait before acting. For example, if you are angry and your anger is overflowing, it is best to wait until the next day to talk to that person about it.

To influence emotion, you can focus on thinking. And, of course, also in language as a manifestation of what happens to you internally. To positively manage your emotions and feelings, start talking about how you feel when you see fit. Then, apply assertiveness to describe your reality in first person. When you do this, you inspire empathy in your interlocutor.

How to positively manage emotions and feelings - Let the emotion calm down

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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