What Is The Gestalt Law Of Contrast And Examples

Human beings have the ability to distinguish shapes, colors, sizes and/or other characteristics of the objects that we often perceive. In fact, we have this skill built in involuntarily and we can ask ourselves questions like “how can we calculate the height of a building compared to others?” “How do we distinguish a door in a home from others?” These are just some examples that serve as a basis for thinking about the different particularities that the objects that are part of our world have.

In this sense, there is a theoretical current that has been dedicated to the study of this purpose. In the following PsychologyFor article we will explain what is the Gestalt law of contrast and examples

What is the Gestalt law of contrast

The theoretical principle that postulates the fact that the elements that are perceived are differentiated from each other through variables caused by factors such as size, length or colors, among others. From this, a contrast is produced between the figures and the background that are within the visual field.

In this sense, the law of contrast makes it possible to generate a visual impact through the interpretation made of each aspect recognized by the person.

How to use the Gestalt law of contrast

In order for the Gestalt law of contrast to be applied to different areas of a person’s environment, a series of steps must be followed to achieve an adequate perception of those stimuli that occur in reality. Next, we explain how the Gestalt law of contrast is used:

  • Stimulus perception: First, the visual impact must be produced by detecting the complete perceived image.
  • Selection and interpretation of objects: after having made the material visible, its interpretation is carried out based on a selection of objects. This is when the law of contrast comes into play, since the differences in them become noticeable through the analysis of the figures and the background.

It should be noted that perception and interpretation will be directly conditioned by the life experiences of each person, as well as their social, political and cultural context. For this reason, it is possible to delimit and understand aspects of reality if you have prior information on a particular topic.

On the other hand, it is important to highlight the importance that this principle has in the area of advertising and product promotion In this sense, special emphasis is usually placed on certain products that are promoted by establishing a clear difference with the background of the image, taking into account that human beings are capable of perceiving and interpreting figures and background.

Examples of the Gestalt law of contrast

Below we show you some examples of the Gestalt law of contrast:

Marked advertising

Certain advertising brands design logos that are differentiated and characterized by their shapes, sizes, colors and background qualities. For example, the figure of a beverage brand It can be similar to a bottle due to its outline.

In this way, it can be distinguished from a background that has another color so that said element stands out within the image. Consequently, the person who sees this photograph will initially perceive this object and then place it within a context because there is also a background.

Visual design

Another example may be to locate two squares of different sizes and colors within the same image. The purpose of this will be that the person who establishes visual contact with these elements can locate them, since the figures are the first elements that are perceived, as long as the steps that conceive the Gestalt law of contrast are taken into account.

However, it is necessary that there be a background of other characteristics so that these objects can be highlighted in the same image. In general terms, the main global companies have advanced knowledge of the ways of perception of human beings and apply these conditions to their strategies.

What is the Gestalt law of contrast and examples - Examples of the Gestalt law of contrast

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  • López Ortiz, RN (2016). Analysis of the Gestalt laws and their application in teaching materials for early education children II. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Esmeraldas headquarters. Faculty of Administrative and Accounting Sciences, School of Graphic Design.

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