What Happens If You Ignore The Narcissist After Discarding

Ignoring a narcissist after dismissal can have different effects such as the narcissist seeking more attention, trying to regain control, or ignoring your ignorance and moving on with their life. Being in contact with narcissistic people can be complicated because they always put their own emotions and needs before others.

In any case, it’s important to remember that dealing with a narcissist can be complicated, and setting healthy boundaries is crucial to your emotional well-being. If you find yourself in this situation, in this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about what happens if you ignore the narcissist after discarding and what to do in these cases.

What does narcissistic discard consist of?

Narcissistic discard is a phase in which A narcissist decides to end a relationship Unlike a regular breakup, narcissistic discard is usually driven by the narcissistic desire to maintain control and superiority. During this phase, you may act cold, disinterested, or even cruel in ending the relationship.

The narcissistic discard is that it appears when there is no longer any type of interest for continuing the relationship. It is important to note that each situation can be unique, and not all narcissists act the same during discard. Some may seek to emotionally hurt the other person, while others may simply move on without much regard for the other party’s feelings.

Sometimes narcissistic discard can be foreseen. You have to pay attention to subtle signs such as avoidance, apathy, disinterest, or lack of responses. In this article, we tell you when a narcissist doesn’t come back.

What happens if you ignore a narcissist while he ignores you after discarding

Ignoring a narcissist while he ignores you after discarding can have different effects depending on the narcissist’s specific personality and the dynamics of the relationship. Here we show you some possible reactions:

  • Seeking attention: Some narcissists constantly seek attention and validation. This can occur through appearances in public places, unidentified phone calls, random letters and messages, among others. If you ignore them, they might try to get your attention in various ways, whether through messages, calls, or even by displaying striking behavior on social media.
  • Handling: A narcissist might try to emotionally manipulate you to regain control. He might use tactics like victimhood, blame, or praise to draw you back into his orbit. So that you can identify them, we recommend you read this article on Psychological manipulation techniques.
  • Apparent indifference: Some narcissists may seem unaffected and carry on with their lives as if nothing had happened. This may be part of their strategy to maintain a facade of superiority.
  • Anger or hostility: If the narcissist feels hurt or threatened by your ignorance, he or she may react with anger or hostility. This can manifest itself in offensive messages, criticism or even attempts at defamation.
  • Search for other validation sources: In the event that indifference towards the narcissist continues for a long time, he may look for other victims to attract attention.

What happens if you ignore the narcissist after discarding - What happens if you ignore a narcissist while he ignores you after discarding

What to do if the narcissist comes back after discarding

If a narcissist returns after discarding, it is crucial to make decisions that prioritize your emotional well-being and establish healthy boundaries. Next, we will explain what to do if the narcissist returns after discarding:

  • Set clear boundaries: If you decide to interact with the narcissist, set clear boundaries from the beginning. Communicate your expectations and what you are willing to tolerate. Keep a firm focus on your own well-being. In this article you will see How to set limits in relationships.
  • Seek psychological support: In the event that the narcissist is insistent, psychological assistance is usually an effective resource. Based on a therapeutic approach focused on improving self-esteem and overcoming trauma, it is possible to achieve peace of mind that lasts. Seek professional guidance for additional help and advice in making decisions.
  • Consider the behavior pattern: Narcissists often repeat behaviors. Consider whether the narcissist’s return is part of a cyclical pattern of breakups and make-ups. If so, you may want to reconsider getting involved again.
  • Prioritize personal well-being: Instead of taking into account what is happening to the narcissist that caused the discard, it is preferable to do activities that improve your mood. Additionally, following a balanced diet and proper sleep hygiene is also very important.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What happens if you ignore the narcissist after discarding we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Serra Undurraga, J.K. (2016). The diagnosis of narcissism: a relational reading. Journal of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry, 36 (129), 171-187.

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