Susceptible People: Their 6 Characteristics, And How To Deal With Them

Susceptible people

Whatever the lifestyle we lead, it is clear that sooner or later we end up encountering susceptible people. Individuals who create dramas at the minimum and who, although they do not have to enjoy conflicts, the truth is that they take everything to the personal level with great ease.

In this article We will see how to identify susceptible people by their typical characteristics Of course, keep in mind that these are general indications, and that each human being is a world that cannot be completely summarized with just one label.

The characteristics of susceptible people

Among the signs that show that we are dealing with a susceptible person, we find the following.

1. In the face of ambiguity, they see conflict

Many moments of ambiguity usually arise in personal relationships, which are open to multiple interpretations. When this occurs, especially susceptible people assume the worst possible scenario, and they easily imagine offenses directed towards them

2. They do not stop to reflect on their anger

Another of the basic aspects of susceptible people is that they do not stop too much to consider what really happened when they feel offended. However, they do not always directly confront whoever they believe has attacked them; It is also possible to simply adopt a passive-aggressive attitude.

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3. They try to make the conversation revolve around the alleged attack

It is not easy for these individuals to turn the page in a matter of seconds, since they give so much importance to the cause of their discomfort that they may try to leave aside the topic of conversation that was being discussed before, or what was being done.

Although That does not mean that it is impossible to prevent this false attack from gaining prominence ; There are ways to show that it has no reason to exist and that therefore we should not pay attention to it.

How to relate to them?

If something characterizes us as a species, that is diversity. Human beings are capable of adopting many ways of living life, and that is why we have different personalities, attitudes and ways of perceiving life and personal relationships

Now, our diversity means that in some cases, we encounter people with a very extreme personal characteristic, much more developed than average. When this characteristic has to do with hostile attitudes or the ease of generating conflict, it can be a challenge to deal with these individuals.

Susceptible people are a reality that it is better to know how to manage in our personal relationships, without necessarily having to become friends with them. Practically No conversation is predestined to end in arguments and anger no matter how much predisposition there is to conflict.

1. Don’t ridicule

Sometimes, the sensitivity of the person speaking to us can seem like a joke. However, for them the reason for their anger is very real, they do not do comedy.

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The first step is to accept that they have been truly offended, although that does not mean that we give much importance to the situation if we see that it is not serious enough to limit ourselves to not fueling that confrontation.

2. Apologize only when you have reasons

Apologizing for the simple fact that someone has taken a comment or action wrong is not recommended, at least in all cases. You just have to do it if there really has been a reasonable misunderstanding that is, one in which you believe that a large part of the rest of the people could have fallen into that context.

It may seem that by refusing to apologize to the susceptible person you are generating conflict, but this does not have to be the case. On many occasions, apologizing will only feed the narrative that there has been an offense, and not a misunderstanding, and that can further vitiate the conversation, anchoring it in hostility

3. If you are going to criticize, adopt an impersonal and constructive perspective

When you want to criticize something that a particularly susceptible person has done, do so referring to the perspective of a fictitious person, who does not know any of those involved, and always putting emphasis on what can be improved, and not on what is evil.

4. Use non-hostile non-verbal language

Your posture and gestures should denote trust and acceptance, not hostility or a defensive attitude. Avoid adopting hunched postures or keeping your arms crossed or covering a good part of your frontal area in general, and shows that the context does not deserve to see an enemy in the other person.

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5. Maintain a polite attitude, but don’t get obsessed

Being afraid of offending the other person does not make sense, because that in any case only creates a rarefied atmosphere to which susceptible people tend to be sensitive. Just assume that you don’t have to try to fully control the situation, and maintain some basic politeness.