Vertical Thinking: Definition And 11 Characteristics

Vertical thinking

There are different types of thinking, depending on their characteristics, procedures, uses, fields of application. A great division of thought is that which classifies it into: vertical thinking (logical) and lateral thinking (creative).

In this article we will talk about one of them: vertical or logical thinking, based on reason. We will explain what it consists of, what its 11 most important characteristics are and we will learn about some of its differences compared to lateral thinking.

Thought: definition and functions

Thought is, in a certain way, one of the defining characteristics of the human being. It is a capacity that differentiates us from animals, and that allows us to form ideas, relate them to each other and represent reality in our minds. It also allows us to solve problems, draw conclusions, analyze data and sequences, etc.

There are many ways of thinking, and surely, all of them are complementary, valid and necessary in one context or another. When we use reason, logic, and evidence, we are using a type of thinking called vertical thinking Do you want to know more details about this type of thinking? Keep reading.

Vertical thinking: what does it consist of?

Vertical thinking is also called logical thinking It would be the “opposite” thought to lateral thinking, which is more free and creative. Thus, vertical thinking is characterized by being a type of thinking based on analysis and reasoning. When we use it, we tend to reach conclusions and solutions where others have previously reached, that is, it is not as “innovative” in this sense as lateral thinking is.

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In this way, when we use logic and common sense, we are using vertical thinking; This, in addition, is characterized by the fact that it uses ways and strategies already known and “visible” to the naked eye, that is, more obvious or more recurrent strategies. These strategies are used to solve a problem or reach a conclusion.

In reality, vertical thinking is used much more than lateral thinking, because the latter is based on creativity and using less obvious or less visible strategies (in some ways, more difficult to find).


Let’s get to know the 11 most important characteristics of vertical thinking next.

1. Emphasize logic

As we saw, this type of thinking is based on logic. That is, it emphasizes the logical sequential chain of things and ideas. This means that to reach a conclusion through vertical thinking, we must analyze in detail the steps that will allow us to reach it, and follow them strictly.

In this way, we have previously defined the solution to the problem in a concrete way, and the direction we take to get there is also well defined.

2. Already proven solutions

Another characteristic of vertical thinking is that it is usually based on solutions that have previously demonstrated their effectiveness (in other situations, moments, contexts…). That is, the intention is to “play it safe” in this sense.

3. Emphasize the reason

Vertical thinking, furthermore, is also based on reason, in addition to logic. Reason is a capacity that allows us to establish relationships between concepts, as well as obtain results and/or conclusions when faced with certain problems. Thus, it is the way that vertical thinking uses to design the steps “to follow” when solving certain problems.

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4. It is based on analysis

On the other hand, vertical thinking is based on the analysis of different elements: among them, the analysis of the original problem (its causes, consequences…), the analysis of the methodology to follow (the steps) to obtain a solution, and finally the analysis of the implemented solution (although not in all cases).

5. Useful in mathematics

These characteristics that we have discussed make vertical thinking especially useful in certain fields and areas, such as mathematics and science, since they aim to be exact fields.

Furthermore, in mathematics or science, we must use specific sequences of steps to reach specific solutions, which characterizes vertical thinking. If we use different steps or in a different order, many times we will not be able to reach the desired result.

6. Emphasis on process

Vertical thinking is characterized because the process to follow is very important to reach the correct or correct conclusion, unlike vertical thinking, which emphasizes the effectiveness of the solution.

7. The goal is to reach a valid conclusion

The direction we set when we use vertical thinking is unique and well-defined; Through that direction we follow a few steps and reach a conclusion. This is the goal of vertical thinking.

8. The steps are “sacred”

The steps we design to reach our conclusion are of great importance. This means that we cannot skip any of them, nor change the order, because that would prevent us from reaching our solution.

That is, the steps we establish must always be respected. This also differentiates it from lateral thinking, where steps can be skipped and what matters is the solution (and creation).

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9. It is not related to other approaches

Another characteristic of vertical thinking is that it does not use other topics to reach a conclusion, whether they are topics related to what we are working on or independent of it. That is, we work exclusively with the problem statements. This does not mean that you do not use other solutions that have already been proven effective, because that is what you do.

10. It is based on evidence

Thus, in relation to the last thing we mentioned, vertical thinking is based on evidence to design its steps and look for solutions. On the other hand, lateral thinking focuses on less obvious or less obvious approaches or approaches.

11. Your goal is to find a solution

The objective of vertical thinking is to find a solution to the problem at hand; This means that a solution will always be found, even if it is not initially “the best”.

Vertical thinking vs. lateral thinking

We can say that vertical thinking is antagonistic to lateral thinking We have only seen some of the differences between the two, but there are many more. Broadly speaking, what mainly differentiates them is that vertical thinking is logical and analytical, and lateral thinking is creative and free, and tries to go “further.”

These two types of thinking are effective at different times and, in a certain way, they can complement each other in order to optimize our resources and find different conclusions. Thus, each of them can be applied in specific contexts, areas or fields.