The 5 Types Of Dictatorship: From Totalitarianism To Authoritarianism

Although it may seem incredible in the 21st century, in the contemporary world dictatorial governments and regimes continue to exist or, in other exceptional cases, democratic government systems with a dictatorship character.

However, this is not so strange if we take into account that dictatorship was a common form of government since the existence of the first civilizations, in which “a lord” held all the powers related to managing resources, concerns and life. of his fellow citizens. This offered protection in exchange for power.

We’ll see now What are the types of dictatorship that have existed? and what are its characteristics.

    What is dictatorship?

    The origin of the term dictatorship comes from the Latin word “dictator”, and dates back to the time of Antiquity, specifically during the Roman Empire, where This “dictator” was invoked to bring order and stability in moments of institutional upheaval.

    The concept of dictatorship corresponds to a type or system of government (commonly also known as a regime) whose State legislative, judicial and executive powers rest directly and exclusively with an individual or, in many cases, a political group such as a hegemonic party.

    The characteristic features of this type of political systems are non-acceptance of any type of opposition to its guidelines , promulgation of laws or their ideas. In other words, the dictator has absolute power and authority. There is no participation or expression of the rest of the forces or of the people themselves.

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    Another point to take into account is the way in which dictatorships arise or how they have been established. As would happen in ancient Rome, Authoritarian governments are preceded by political instability, strong economic crises and, ultimately, a social discontent that generates dependence on a savior figure who takes power by force, hiding behind reestablishing peace.

      Types of dictatorship

      Although new times point to the disappearance of this political system, since its decline in the last 20th century the dictatorship has evolved and taken different forms.

      Here we will detail the types of dictatorship that still persist in some countries around the world.

      1. Authoritarianism

      Authoritarianism is an aspect of dictatorship in which the form of government is made up of a single person or political elite. The etymology comes from the concept of autocracy, from the Greek “autokráteia”, which means “oneself” (auto) and “power” (krátos), thus understood as absolute power.

      In this type of government restrict civil and even social liberties , of thought and of meeting. Any confrontation with the State is usually considered an act of conspiracy and treason. Sometimes, without any type of evidence, thus evading any type of justice.

      The curious thing about authoritarianism is that power is often achieved through democratic elections but over time the president configures the country’s constitution to perpetuate himself in power and limit his functions.

      2. Totalitarianism

      Totalitarianism is the opposite of authoritarianism. Unlike the first, in totalitarianism seeks the support of the masses acceptance and legitimacy, although they then use power to eradicate any type of dissidence, often with terror practices.

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      In this dictatorship own ideology is well developed and has a very broad framework of action within society such as culture, economy, values, customs and religion. Power is also concentrated in a single person, outlining a cult of idolatry towards that figure called leader.

      Another distinctive element is that totalitarianism seeks to radically change the mentality of its citizens eliminate any other type of thought and create a new identity that allows you to control them psychologically.

        3. Military

        The military dictatorship was also very popular in the 20th century due to the profound changes that occurred with the period of decolonization of Latin America, the Middle East and Africa. In this case all power resides in the hands of what is called the Military Junta whose head of state is the Chief of the Armed Forces and is supported by the army.

        Normally military dictatorships remain in power only through the use of force, coups d’état that have overthrown another type of previous political system, whether democratic, legitimate or authoritarian.

        4. Theocracy

        Theocracy is a relatively new model, with autocratic overtones but not exclusively, since there are theocratic governments that have come to power through free elections, as is the case of Iran or the Sultanate of Oman.

        Whether by consent or by imposition, theocratic regimes are governed by divinity, by a specific religion , and legislate based on it. The relevant constitution usually recognizes religion as a way of administering the State, both politically and civilly. These systems usually have a supreme religious leader within the government.

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        5. Tribal monarchies

        It is necessary to distinguish this type of monarchies well with respect to the European ones, since Tribal monarchies are a post-colonial concept which was established throughout the Persian Gulf to North Africa.

        As in any conventional monarchy, power is controlled by a single king surrounded by subjects to whom he dictates social or political norms, which are usually religious in nature as in a theocracy, with their respective divine leaders and a rigid constitution.

        Power is held by a family who have perpetuated themselves in power through force or deception, establishing themselves as leaders of the nation.

        The control of the company is total, the opposition is persecuted, punished and repressed with cruelty Furthermore, these types of practices are not hidden, which differentiates them from previous models of dictatorship. Executions in public squares or crowded civic spaces are carried out as normal. As examples we can highlight the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar or Kuwait.