Saying Without Saying: 8 Keys To Communicate Better

We are immersed in the so-called “age of communication” Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds to try to respond to our communication demands and we find more and more devices that facilitate this task: smartphones, computers, tablets,…

Every day we have more resources to get a message to other people, but despite all the technological help, properly transmitting a message is not an easy task. Communicating better is becoming more and more confusing faced with so many technological channels through which to express oneself.

Let’s think for a moment about health professionals, psychologists, police officers, judicial workers or people who work with disadvantaged groups who, on occasion, in the development of their profession, may be forced to communicate information that is not easy to convey to other people. . Would they be able to convey a message without leaving part of themselves in it? Or, more importantly, what would happen? If only they would pay attention to the message And they won’t value the rest of the elements of communication?

Communication is more than words

Communicating is more than saying something, implies much more than mere words. Whether we are aware of it or not, not only is the message we want to convey relevant, but also the way in which we convey said message. Communicating includes several actions at the same time: closeness, the ability to listen, show empathy and understanding.

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The communication specialist uses his or her body language to ensure that the message reaches the recipient properly and it is these bodily resources that give adequate meaning and importance to the speech.

On the one hand, we have non-verbal language (posture when speaking, movements while speaking, facial expression and eye contact, among many other elements) and, on the other hand, we have the paraverbal elements of language (intonation of the voice, pauses or emphasis when speaking, rhythm with which we pronounce our speech, silences, timbre and volume of the voice, etc.) that favor the expression of our attitude, feelings and emotions in this regard.

Paraverbal communication motivates the receiver and helps him to pay attention to the speech, thus allowing him to process the information and favoring the change of speakers’ turns.

Tips to communicate better

To improve your communication skills Well, you must keep in mind that communication is much more than what you say through words. These are some keys that will help you progress.

1. Maintain a relaxed and relaxed posture

When we are tense, the person who should receive the message perceives it and responds to our state by becoming alert To do this, put your shoulders back, do not cross your arms (it is usually aggressive for the recipient), look them in the eyes and, above all, show a friendly smile, it will help relax the atmosphere.

2. Listen

Just as important as the message that must be transmitted, are the feelings and concerns that it generates in the person listening. If we do not allow the receiver to express himself, communication deteriorates. Make the other person feel understood heard and valid.

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3. Use a soft and slow tone of voice

Above all, when faced with difficult news or news that can generate violent reactions, It is essential to maintain a calm tone of voice and soft, which facilitates communication and helps the other person calm down and listen to the rest of the message.

4. Be specific, honest and sincere

Do not take detours to transmit the information, the receiver perceives the reluctance to give the message and increases their concern, making communication difficult. If the receiver perceives that you transmit the information directly and sincerely will appreciate the gesture.

5. Don’t judge

It is essential that the recipient does not feel judged during the speech, use your words carefully and non-verbal and paraverbal language. Improving communication also consists of making it more fluid, and this key will help you do this, eliminating barriers.

6. Ask if you don’t understand

The quality of the speech depends on knowing what is being asked of us. Likewise, it is essential to allow ourselves to recognize that there are times that we will not be able to give a correct or adequate answer because it is beyond our control or knowledge. This also helps us show an image of closeness that favors communication.

7. Evaluate your feelings

When we are forced to give a message with which we do not agree or that makes us uncomfortable, we transmit these feelings to the receiver, being able to transfer said emotions to him.

8. Highlight positive aspects

Highlight favorable aspects and, above all, end the speech with these aspects helps empower the recipient to deal with the situation they find themselves in.

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The same message, millions of possibilities

the same message can have many different meanings, when we transmit it we are giving it a part of ourselves. Each message carries with it a personal seal inherent to the person who transmits it and who makes it, which becomes unique in the hands of different people.

If we return to the example of professionals who face the difficult task of transmitting sensitive information to other people, we can understand the importance of good communication and how essential it is for the sender to take care of the non-verbal aspects of their communication. so that these accompany and enrich the message that is being transmitted.