How To Discover Infidelity

Infidelity is a circumstance that can occur in a relationship, although not necessarily, that is, it is a fact that does not condition all relationships. When a person begins to doubt his or her partner’s fidelity, he or she experiences the confusion produced by doubt centered on suspicions, assumptions and interpretations that may be true or wrong.

How to discover an infidelity of a man or a woman? In the following PsychologyFor article, we give you all the keys so you can know how unfaithful acts and if your partner is cheating on you with another person.

Questions you should ask yourself before discovering infidelity

At this moment, it is possible that your inner dialogue is very focused on that doubt you want to resolve. These questions can help you clarify your thoughts:

  • What objective data do you have to doubt your partner? Beyond any type of interpretation or intuition, it is advisable to focus the argument around evaluations that are accompanied by facts so as not to fall into the realm of absolute subjectivity.
  • Have you observed any significant changes in the relationship between you? Try to contextualize when you feel that a turning point has occurred in this relationship and in what way that change has occurred.
  • What can you do to resolve this doubt? This question positions you in the role of protagonist in this situation, that is, it is recommended that you try to specify what you can do based on what is happening to you internally. Even if infidelity is not really happening, the simple fact of suspecting your partner causes you suffering similar to that experienced by a person who is really going through that pain.

How to discover infidelity - Questions you should ask yourself before discovering infidelity

Signs of infidelity in marriage or as a couple

There is no instruction manual for discovering infidelity. However, considering that you are one of the people who knows your partner best, you can also observe possible changes in their behavior. What are the possible signs of infidelity?

1. Significant schedule change

A break in schedules that occurs regularly and, therefore, implies a higher level of absence from home. These absences will be accompanied by work justifications that, in some cases, are only excuses to hide the infidelity.

2. Distance or excessive romanticism

Infidelity can not only produce the effect of distance in a relationship, even when they are physically together in the same place. It may also happen that the person makes an effort to take care of the details so as not to be discovered.

3. Technological connection

New technologies also create new nuances in infidelity. For example, it is likely that the couple spends a lot of time in front of the computer or checking the mobile phone because through this means they communicate with that person. Your partner does not answer some phone calls when he is with you, nor is he easily reachable when you call him during his absences on supposed business trips, for example.

4. Confuse your name with someone else’s

Doubts can also begin with the mistake of someone who uses the wrong name to refer to their partner. It is not something that has a meaning when it occurs in isolation, however, it can have greater value when it is repeated on more than one occasion and this symptom is accompanied by other observable gestures.

5. Frequently asked questions

Unfounded doubts are common for a jealous person. However, they are not for someone who fully trusts their partner. In that case, if mistrust and doubts affect your mood on a regular basis, try to reflect on what is behind this thought. For example, possible lies or contradictions.

6. Take more care of your image

You notice that he is more aware of his physical appearance through fashion and sports, however, you share less and less time together.

In the following article on the psychological profile of an unfaithful person you can continue discovering how an unfaithful person acts.

What to do to discover infidelity

First of all, to discover infidelity, the first thing you have to do is talk to your partner about this theme. This conversation can broaden your own vision on the topic by completing your information with the other’s point of view. This does not mean having blind faith in the words of the interlocutor if you have objective data to doubt, because one of the possible reactions of the unbeliever is to deny the evidence. He tries to support your reflections with data and arguments.

At this moment and at any other time in your life, it is important that you act in a way that gives you calm and tranquility. When you have this conversation with your partner, it is recommended that express your doubts from assertiveness , instead of doing it from reproach. To do this, do not give an absolute truth value to an assumption that may not be true. In the following article, you can see how to resolve a conflict in an assertive way.

Talking to your partner is important because human beings are very complex and a person’s change in behavior can be caused by factors very different from infidelity.

How to discover infidelity - What to do to discover infidelity

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to discover infidelity we recommend that you enter our Couples Therapy category.

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