Live Online Training Vs. Streaming: Advantages And Disadvantages

Live Online Training vs. Streaming: Advantages and Disadvantages

In recent years, a whole series of new words have emerged that we internalize automatically, almost without thinking about what they mean. This gives rise to situations in which we confuse similar terms, but which refer to different concepts. It is something that happens very frequently, for example, with “live online training” and “streaming training” At first glance it may seem the same, but it is not.

In this article we will see what the differences are between these two ways of understanding the training experience and why live online training has advantages over streaming classes.

Distinguishing between streaming training and online training

Currently and accelerated by the global pandemic situation that occurred in 2020, distance training grew and multiplied by hundreds, since it was the only way to continue training with the comfort and security that home offered you. This led to the emergence of new forms of training and some similar terms that, as we will see, are not the same in terms of the student’s experience.

Between live online training and streaming training, the main difference between the two is that, Streaming classes take place in a physical classroom in person and are broadcast live for the students and are connected as spectators from home watching live what happens in the classroom; This requires total adaptation on the part of the student who sees it broadcast. On some occasions, not even the student sees it live, but rather it is recorded and later viewed from home, so there is no real, live interaction.

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And on the other hand, Live online classes are designed and structured from the beginning as a complete experience that is lived through the screen as if you were living it in person, since the structure, the methodology, the detailed agenda of the classes, the adaptation of the tools to the virtual format, the real and equal interaction between all participants, make this choice a more fruitful and with a greater benefit in terms of learning and experience.

What are the advantages of online training compared to streaming classes?

Next, we will detail the main benefits of live online training programs compared to streaming training.

1. Real-time interaction:

For good learning It is essential that students can interact with the trainer and other students in real time ; This facilitates communication, the exchange of ideas and the resolution of doubts immediately. This happens in live online classes, unlike in streaming classes, since in streaming, being a spectator and often watching it on a delayed basis, this interaction does not occur in real time, which causes difficulties in assimilation. of concepts and therefore of learning. However, in the live online mode, this does not happen, since all participants connect at the same time under the same conditions.

2. There is equal conditions between colleagues

As we have commented in the previous section, one of the main advantages of live online training is that by having real-time interaction, equal conditions are created, something that should undoubtedly be a priority in any training, having the same options and opportunities than their peers and that a comparative grievance does not exist by default.

In streaming training, egalitarian student-teacher and student-student communication dynamics are not encouraged, so they are NOT really equitable. This directly influences when doing internships, participating with opinions or interacting with other colleagues.

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3. The contents are adapted to the format

Another great advantage is that live online training has a structure that is fully organized and designed for this modality, with fixed dates and times, with adapted content, syllabi and tools, and with methods used to present the classes that are fully designed to be able to do so. in a simple and, above all, effective way when it comes to integrating concepts and carrying out the tools learned. This also helps a lot to keep students engaged and follow a learning program consistently.

Instead, With streaming classes, all students are affected by the limitations that affect those who do not attend these sessions in person or those who will watch the recordings of the classes on a delayed basis, something that undoubtedly also directly affects the commitment to the training.

4. Immediate feedback and resolution of doubts:

We must highlight other very significant advantages of the live online modality and that is the immediate feedback during the practices and the resolution of all doubts that arise during them, since, in the spaces generated for carrying out the practices between Colleagues, trainers and supports go to the sub-rooms to be able to solve and give feedback, which allows them to improve their coaching skills more effectively.

However, in the streaming modality, they will not be able to carry out peer-to-peer practices and if the students watch the recorded recordings on a delayed basis, they will not be able to practice in situ, so in no case will they be able to obtain immediate feedback nor will they be able to resolve the issues. doubts live.

5. Smaller classes for good learning

No less important is to highlight that the groups in the live online mode will always be delimited by a maximum number of students so that there is good functioning and use of the classes. It is because of that The maximum number should not exceed 18 or 20 students while streaming training generally tends to include a sometimes excessive number of participants, with more than 50 people participating in the same classrooms in addition to the people who are from home, something that makes it very difficult for everyone to participate due to equal.

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6. Creates a good work and collaboration environment

Where it is perceived that there is fair and equal treatment of students, fewer conflicts arise and there are greater facilities for collaborating on tasks that require the participation of various people at the same time. That is to say, equitable treatment favors the emergence of a good climate of learning and involvement. Students appear more comfortable being able to share, generally internal divisions will not arise and a connection of closeness and intimacy will be created.

7. Allows you to offer more competitive prices

Since there is no need to reserve a physical classroom and physically maintain a series of facilities and resources, Live online training has greater room for maneuver to offer more competitive prices ; That is to say, they are a cheaper and more accessible option for all those who want to have quality training that is affordable.

In comparison, streaming training tends to offer higher prices, because the expenses are also higher.

Do you want to train in coaching with 100% live online classes?

In InnerKey We firmly believe in the 100% live online modality, which is why we offer professional training in this modality, to truly take advantage of the potential of training from home and offer a structure and methodology fully adapted to this format. We offer training programs for individuals and coaches, as well as workshops and advisory services for companies. And if you like it more in person, we also have training in Madrid, Barcelona or Malaga. To learn more about how we can help you, visit our website.