Types Of Looks And Their Meaning

Types of looks and their meaning - The direct look

The look is one of the most versatile ways to express feelings and emotions. In fact, through your eyes you can convey many things without saying a single word. For this same reason, the eyes are often called “the window to the soul” and each type of look has a different meaning. Much of our time is spent looking at other people’s faces. Furthermore, since the pupils cannot be intentionally controlled, the eyes do not lie and respond to stimuli transparently.

In this PsychologyFor article we will explain the different types of looks and their meaning so that you learn to identify those non-verbal signals that people offer in our daily lives.

The direct look

We start with one of the types of looks that can be the most intimidating. The direct gaze implies look straight at the other person, almost without blinking. This is a display of absolute attention in which there is genuine interest in what you are hearing or seeing.

In some cases it can also be a signal to attract attention, something that happens a lot between parents and children or between teachers and students. Therefore, this type of gaze can be interpreted as an act of interest, power or domination.

Types of looks and their meaning - The direct look

The look up

Who doesn’t remember the emblematic look of Princess Diana of Wales? When a person looks up without raising their face it usually indicates that is shy and prefers to give control to others

However, this type of look can also be associated with other factors such as:

  • The person is visualizing something that is above them and that arouses some interest.
  • It is possible that whoever looks up is trying to To remember something in particular.
  • Looking up is also an indication of visual review of some recent events.
  • When the gaze is up and to the left, it is likely that the person is searching for a memory in their mind. On the contrary, if it goes up and to the right, it is a sign of the mental reconstruction of an image.

Likewise, it is common for people who are bored with something to look up to show that they are not paying attention.

Vertical gaze or visual scanning

Another of the most interesting types of looks is the vertical scan. It is called that because the person performs a study from above below what you are seeing. It’s not an easy look to spot, since it usually happens in a matter of seconds.

For example, when someone finds another person attractive, they usually look at them up and down, from head to toe to observe the most notable details.

The look down

What does it mean to look down? The answer is very simple, since it is an elusive signal, in which the person does not want to face the eyes of whoever is in front of him, either because insecurity, fear, disinterest or low self-esteem.

Now, depending on the context, looking down can be interpreted in the following ways:

  • It may be a show of respect towards a person with a higher rank.
  • Sometimes it is a signal to let people know that you are not a threat.
  • The lovers They often use their downward gaze to show that they are dazzled by the other person.

Likewise, looking down and frowning can also indicate that the person is in an internal conversation with himself/herself.

The look that shines

Have you noticed that when two lovers meet, their eyes shine? This is what is known as the bright look. It is a type of look that expresses love, joy and fascination when finding something precious.

Although it is usually associated with couples, this type of gaze can also occur in other cases, such as, for example, when parents see their children achieve their achievements or when they receive news that causes them pleasure and happiness.

Types of looks and their meaning - The look that shines

The observant or concentrated gaze

The observant or concentrated gaze is a type of gaze in which the person concentrates all their attention to direct it towards a specific focal point. It is very common in researchers, reporters or people who are analytical and carefully evaluate every detail of their environment.

If you want to know more about it, in the following article you will find the Characteristics of reflective people.

Types of looks and their meaning - The observant or concentrated look

The stolen look

Also known as the furtive or sideways glance, this glance indicates that does not want to be caught observing the person to whom you are directing your attention at that moment. To achieve this, the observer makes sure to look from only one angle so that he or she is not discovered.

The sideways glance is elusive and, if the person sees that they have been caught, they immediately change the direction of their gaze to try to hide their intentions.

The nervous look

When a person blinks excessively and directs their gaze in several directions at the same time, it is a clear sign that they are nervous, anxious or stressed. This type of look is common in people who are under pressure or those who feel uncomfortable when listening to something that upsets them or makes them nervous.

Roll your eyes

At some point in our lives we will have seen someone roll their eyes, we may have even done it ourselves. This gesture may mean that the person feels superior or what would not you agree with what someone tells you. This type of look is commonly known as “looking over your shoulder.”

In this article you will find How to treat an arrogant and arrogant person.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Types of looks and their meaning we recommend that you enter our Social Psychology category.


  • Canales Lacruz, I. (2009). Look and touch in body expression. Notes. Physical education and esports.
  • Touraine, A., & Martínez, A. (1979). The voice and the look. Mexican Journal of Sociology, 41(4), 1299-1315.

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