Nothing More Ostentatious Than False Modesty

Nothing more ostentatious than false modesty

How many times do we know that someone is not humble and yet appears to be the most simple, austere, docile, reserved and loving of the world? We see it, a sixth sense tells us that it is not like that, but we cannot put it into words. It would be something like the “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

The thousand faces of false modesty

It could be, for example, a thieving lawyer in a divorce process, who uses extortion as a tool, who does not mind robbing children of their childhood, leaving them emotionally in “limbo”, taking them off a plane and ruining their vacations, or taking them to a court, a totally unknown place and alien to their reality, in order to remove them from their schools, a place of protection and security, with the simple purpose of bothering their mother and her daily logistics. These “gentlemen” go to mass on Sundays. Could it be that they visit churches to ask forgiveness there for their immoralities?

It seems to me that they are not even capable of registering their own immorality. Register it and make a mea culpait would make them even smaller than they are Great men make your life easy, but small, unhappy men make it difficult for you.

A falsely modest person could also be a person who wears old clothes and “espadrilles” of footwear, but hides millionaire coffers, evades taxes, and financially and sexually abuses those closest to him. He doesn’t even care about harming his children financially and even worse, psychologically. Likewise, they go to mass on Sundays, to self-ensure their reputation of being seen by others as “tank water” and self-affirm your “nobility”

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These characters are created by themselves, to be seen by others as they “want to be,” but could never be. They are condemned for life to the enormous weight, boredom and boredom of holding their image, and, at times, they believe that no one notices. They are admired by five crazy cats who consider them “royal” but have not yet suffered them firsthand.

What is modesty?

Falsely modest people often greet each other with a hug and a pat on the back, or a firm handshake, because that’s more “macho.” In this way, they convince and ratify each other what “good people” and how “right” they are. This is, in my opinion, ostentation. It’s false modesty, at the top of your game And as my title says, there is nothing more ostentatious than false modesty.

False modesty

Modesty is similar to humility, and has more to do with a question of image than a way of being. Modesty has to do with moderation, moderation, control submission to rules, is a way of being in the world, while humility has to do with knowing one’s limitations and weaknesses, accepting them, and acting from this knowledge.

Let’s also talk about kindness

Gentleness, on the other hand, is a delight; It has to do with a disposition, and is considered by many to be an exquisite trait of the human being. Many times Gentiles are considered naive

It appears in human beings as a virtue, far from evil, but not so close to good either. It has to do with the ability to have empathy with the thoughts and feelings of the other, with the discreet art of listening, with the ability to welcome the other, to accept the vulnerability of the other and of course, one’s own.

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The Gentile is often seen as a child trapped in a big body, incapable of seeing bad intentions in others, always willing to accept others and do good, no matter how twisted the intentions or words directed at them may be. He is always docile and at the service of others.

Etymologically, the gentile is “the naive”, “the well-born”, from a noble family and carries in his genes an innate tendency towards dignity, liberality, elegant bearing, simplicity and purity of his thoughts.

There is a discreet kindness that can only be seen through gestures and minimal attention that make relationships between human beings more loving and fluid.

The gentle He is the one who always takes the first step to establish contact, is the one who facilitates a meeting, the one who approaches. He is also totally selfless, expecting nothing more than a “thank you.”

I believe that kindness is the great support for humanity to continue to exist. What would we do in a world without kindness?