What Is The Influence Of Social Networks Today?

To what extent do social networks influence our behavior? Discover the benefits and drawbacks of the influence of social networks today.

How do social networks influence today?

Social networks can influence the appearance of some psychological problems The absence of likes or a lack of followers often causes self-esteem problems, depression, insecurity and isolation, although it is true that it also allows people to get closer and meet people from very different backgrounds.

The use of the social networks It generates many controversies due to the desire we have to share everything. The lack of privacy that we boast about through these channels is taken advantage of by other users to harass and attack people who daily expose fragments of their lives to the public. Some are young people who are not aware of the problem of selling their privacy to everyone, but adults have also succumbed to them and share aspects of their daily lives with others in an environment where if you are not there you seem not to exist socially.

The advertising What we do with our lives, with our daily routine, has a fundamental objective: to gain popularity. And this is where we find another of the serious problems with the use of social networks: anyone can upload content, regardless of what type it is, without prior filtering, which can be viewed by millions of people, the vast majority of them adults, but also minors who are increasingly exposed to violent content of various kinds. Could this problem end if social networks reviewed the content that users upload before it is published? We do not know if the freedom that these channels boast and the accessibility and speed of communication that they promote can reconcile practices of this type. Nor do we know if it would prevent certain criminal acts from being carried out that occur and whose execution is aimed, most of the time, at seeking popularity and dissemination.

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It is clear that responsible use of these channels would reduce the exposure we make of our lives and, therefore, the harassment to which we are often subjected, either by other users who criticize us, or through the content violent and unpleasant. That is, a whole overexposure which translates into hyper-stimulation and dispersion that endangers new generations. This need to be connected and carry out several simultaneous activities is what is known as multitasking.

How do social networks influence young people and children?

Children are like a blank page, a blank sheet of paper with a very different paper texture. If I raised my daughter in one way and my son in another, why are they so different? The difference is that the texture of the paper in one or the other is totally different, you have to adapt to that paper. As the years go by, this role becomes filled with the experiences of the growing person. As parents grow up, they can write less and less on that piece of paper, but it is no less important that they continue to be present in the life of their son/daughter, accompanying them in their life. personal and professional growth

Benefits of social networks

Although there is a lot of news and information that reaches us about social networks, the reality is that they also have a good social influence About us. Here we will show you some of the proven benefits of social networks today.

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1. They provide a sense of belonging

One of the characteristics of the human species is that socially we want to be within a group or feel part of something larger. For this reason, when someone mentions us in the social networks we feel accepted within a community.

2. Makes it easier to find role models

A clear form of influence of the social networks in society is that these tools facilitate the connection between different people. But not only do they allow this, but they also show us people who can be our role models.

3. They increase confidence

The social media influence It has made many of us trust people who perhaps we would not have done before. By having a profile on social networks with information about who you are and what you do, you can make more people trust you.

4. Reduces loneliness

The interaction between unknown people means that many use them as a tool to combat their loneliness. In this way, people feel more connected to others through them.

5. It makes us happy

Various research has shown that the influence of social networks can transmit a certain happiness. When you actively participate in social networks many individuals feel better about themselves.

Main disadvantages of social networks

Disadvantages of social networks

Although there are many benefits, there are many who think that influence of social networks on society and especially in young people it is harmful to their mental health. Here we will show you the main disadvantages of social networks.

1. You are never satisfied

One of the consequences of the social media influence It is that it causes us to continually compare ourselves to others. It is for this reason that there are many who seek to live up to the ideal lives that other users show.

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2. They can lead to cases of social anhedonia

Some research shows that there were subjects who ended up suffering social anhedonia With this condition, people feel unable to feel happy through activities that they would normally enjoy.

3. Increases the chances of addiction

The social networks today They have become an addiction problem for the majority of their users. This happens since the use of social networks triggers the release of dopamine, a substance that is only released in our brain when we obtain a reward.

4. Produces anxiety

The social media influence It can go to such a point that some users may even experience anxiety. More specifically, users are experiencing the so-called FOMO, the fear of missing out. In this way, people end up thinking that they are constantly missing out on something that they will not be able to enjoy.

5. Creates insecurity

Constantly seeing people who only show their coolest side can make many Internet users feel less than the others

6. Causes depression

Although the social networks have helped us connect with others, these will never reach the level of face-to-face interactions. It is for this reason that many who only focus on connections on the networks end up suffering from loneliness and can therefore fall into depression.

The social networks They are the order of the day as many researches are currently confirming, but it is important to think that it depends on each one of us, on the use we give to the tool, to what extent it can influence our lives.