How To Make Difficult Decisions? 7 Psychological Secrets To Choose The Best Option

Can’t you make decisions? Do you have a hard time making a difficult decision? Discover how to make a decision according to psychology and learn to always choose the best of your options.

How to make good decisions?

The decisions Not only are they part of our unconditional freedom, but they also determine many aspects of life. So much so that on many occasions, decision making can change you completely. This is why sometimes confronting the opinions of others and connecting with what truly brings us well-being and from there making an important decision makes us feel insecure, generates doubts and worries us in many ways.

How do we make decisions?

There are few decisions we make with the brain and not with the heart. When making decisions, imagination and desire often have equal or greater weight than intelligence and rationality. Although almost all of us would come to the conclusion that the better decisions They are those that have been taken rationally; according to various studies, this is not always the case. Therefore, we reveal some important points that you should take into account when making a decision.

  • Emotions are also important: Emotion moves us, drives us, motivates us and also, sometimes, retracts us through fear. We must not underestimate the feelings and desire when faced with an important decision, which have made it possible for many to give their lives for a cause greater than themselves, even assuming the risk of death. In this way, emotions are an essential element to not only make a decision but to choose the best decision since they will be the drivers of the motivation that will exist around it.
  • Find balance: The ideal point for a good decision making according to psychology, it would be something like an intermediate point between our emotional and rational parts. It is wrong to sentence emotions to ostracism just as it is crazy to sentence sanity to banishment. Both need each other and complement each other. Emotionality alone is actually a pure instinct and intelligence alone is nothing more than turning the human being into an insensitive and antisocial machine. Once again, virtue lies in the middle ground; a philosophical lesson that is difficult to learn but is essential for decision making.
  • The importance of self-knowledge: Throughout life we ​​will take decisions In many ways, some are more important and others will affect our daily lives less. Many people, when faced with making decisions, would like to be able to foresee the future, the consequences of choosing one path or another. However, it is likely that even knowing what each option holds for us, we would not be able to choose with all the certainty and this is because we do not know what our future self is going to need, want or desire. Each person is a unique being with their biography, their sensations, their way of facing life, their ways of communicating and relating, and their ideas about themselves. Approaching a decision-making process without knowing each other means losing valuable information. For this reason, the best way to make a correct decision is to know ourselves better.
  • The decision is up to you: Before make a decision, ask yourself, Who will you please with that decision? Who will you make happy? Remember that the most important thing is that it adds to your personal growth and well-being. Many times our decisions affect others but this is not enough reason for it to influence when making decisions about our lives. In this way, if in making personal decisions this action affects you and others but you have no intention of causing harm, you must persevere in it. Although that choice may not always please everyone involved, the important thing when making a decision is to feel good inside and out.
  • Act with conviction: Maybe think before make a decision seems like the easiest part of this process. The reality is that when making decisions, you must be convinced in all aspects by the option you have chosen. In this way, acting with conviction and not looking back is something you should keep in mind when you are making an important decision.
  • Assume the consequences and responsibilities: When you act consistently and follow your heart, life will sustain you, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared. Every choice involves commitments, consequences and carries responsibilities. May your mind and heart be focused on your decision, but have an action plan at hand that allows you to achieve them. In this way, even though you are clear about the option you have chosen at the time of take decisions it is essential to always have a plan B in mind.
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These are some of the keys that you should keep in mind before make important decisions for your life Although these can help you see the best decision more clearly, the reality is that in order to choose the most favorable option for you, you must enjoy good mental health. When making decisions, psychologists can help you not only achieve your goals but also live appropriately with past mistakes.

How to make a decision?

How to make a decision?

A good method to get make a correct decision is to ask yourself a series of questions about the choice you should make. Therefore, we ask you some questions that can help you make decisions. This is the way you can approach decision making according to psychology:

  1. Become aware: How do you feel right now? How can your state affect your decision making? Becoming aware of how you are connects you with your emotions and allows you to analyze if it is a good time or if you need something different to be able to make the right decision.
  2. Find your preferences: What things have made you feel good up to this point? Are they related in any way to the options you are considering? Our experiences are a very broad source of information about ourselves, knowing what things made us feel good in the past can help us when evaluating the options we have and thus knowing how to make an ideal decision for us.
  3. Visualize your fears: What fears appear when you think about make a decision? Have you felt them at other times in your life? Thinking about the fears that arise can give us clues to understand where we make decisions.
  4. Get rid of the fear of making mistakes: How do you relate to the error, what does it mean to you? Before the decision making, it is common for the fear of making a mistake, of making a mistake, to appear. Analyzing and understanding what the possibility of failure means for us can be very useful. In this way, we will leave behind the fear of making the wrong decision and we will be able to better visualize all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options. Keys to making a good decision
  5. Leave other people aside: When you think of take decisions Is there a person or character that comes to mind? How does their gaze affect your decision-making? People internalize an image of ourselves in contact with others, that is where we learn who we are and what is expected of us. Therefore, it is important to identify if there is any perspective that especially affects us when deciding, to be able to do so with greater freedom. We cannot forget that our gaze is what matters most above that of others.
  6. Visualize yourself in the face of loss: How do you feel about losses? When we choose, each of the options we value gives us something more or less valuable to us; Choosing always implies a renunciation of other alternatives. One of the difficulties that we may encounter when make a decision It is that we are discarding other options and therefore the things that these can give us.
  7. Trust yourself: Do you consider yourself to be someone with good judgment when deciding? Some people, due to their life experiences and especially their childhood, have an image of themselves as someone capable of make right decisions ; Others, however, see themselves as someone without the ability to choose well, which makes them feel insecure about the idea of ​​having to decide. This idea of ​​ourselves is essential when we are faced with making a decision.
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There are many options to know how to make decisions correct. But despite having different psychological methods to face decisions, the reality is that we must be good with our mental health to achieve the best for our lives. Therefore, it is essential to go to a professional psychologist when we are in bad situations. Decisions are not good or bad in and of themselves, we are the ones who have the ability to turn them into the best options for us.