How To Control Anger? 7 Techniques To Channel Anger

Do you have anger problems? Do you think you suffer from too many attacks of anger? Discover how to manage anger effectively through psychological techniques and methods.

How to manage anger effectively?

He anger and rage They are two natural attitudes that we can take in a frustrating situation. Despite this, in some cases having excessive anger can cause big problems for the person who suffers from it. When anger takes control of your life, you must act to change this situation as soon as possible.

Table of Contents

What is anger?

Anger is a natural and natural reaction of human beings. Not all of these reactions are equally intense: simple anger can be considered a very low stage of anger, and this is not worrying, since it is necessary to feel these emotions. The really important thing is to channel episodes of intense anger or so-called anger attacks, which in psychology are those cases when the person has already lost control and their anger affects their environment. That is why the problem does not lie in feeling it but in knowing how to manage anger

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The feeling of anger produces adrenaline, which can be positive in moments of survival, since it gives us strength and prevents us from giving up. Despite this, it does not lead to anything in most cases since in a high state it generates exaggerated reactions in moments of fight, debate or simply when there is a emotional frustration

And you, how do you handle your anger management? Find out by doing this test:

Anger management

Answer the questions and find out if you know how to manage :boom: anger :boom:

Your result: About to explode!

Your answers indicate that anger has control over you, which is possibly causing you a series of problems. It affects you physically and psychologically and in the end you are even more angry.

You know you need to do something but you may not be sure where to start. The positive point is that you can break this chain reaction process with some attitude changes, and then find ways to manage your anger and make it constructive.

In this same article we share some useful tips to achieve this. How about starting to put them into practice?

Need help?

Your result: Halfway

You are able to control your anger in certain situations, but there are times when you simply cannot manage your anger. You have been able to create some guidelines to work from and have your own coping strategy. However, everything will be easier for you when you are able to better understand the causes of your anger.

What types of situations make you angry? Is there a pattern? Why does that kind of situation get on your nerves? Is there a deeper explanation?

This type of reflection will expand the knowledge you have of yourself and your way of functioning. Ultimately, to manage anger constructively, logical reflection that leads to changes in attitude is important. In this same article, we share some useful tips to achieve this. How about starting to put them into practice?

You have doubts?

Your result: Self-control in person!

Well done! You have managed to understand what really upsets you and you know what to do when the first signs that something is wrong appear.

You have developed many anger management strategies and you can be proud of them. But, since it never hurts to have up-to-date information on anger management, don’t stop reading our article!

In it we share some useful tips for managing anger constructively. You can also share your experience with other users in the comments.

You have doubts?

It seems that anger invades me unexpectedly, I don’t understand why.

When someone makes me angry, I try not to show my emotions and pretend to tolerate it.

When I encounter a problem, I identify the “correct” solution myself and implement it as quickly as possible.

When I get angry, I have to break something (or I want to)

When something frustrating happens to me, I know it’s not the end of the world

When I’m frustrated about something, I usually manage to find a bit of humor in it and laugh at the situation, at myself or at the others involved.

When people make me angry, I try to understand why they said or did that.

I feel like I am able to control my anger.

I am unable to forgive people who have hurt me or made me angry.

When I feel angry, I take a break (I usually walk away to calm down)

I have hobbies, a routine that I use to relieve feelings of anger

When I feel angry, I usually focus on my feelings and how I have been treated badly.

When my anger passes, I think about what I could or should have done to control my anger better.

When I feel angry, I look for alternatives and give myself enough time to make a good decision to solve my problems.

When I feel angry, I tend to yell, curse, and say things I will later regret.

When someone asks me to do something I really don’t want to do, I usually accept it in the end. Afterwards, I get angry at myself for doing it.

If I know in advance that a situation is going to make me angry, I try to avoid it.

If someone messes up something that I was in charge of, I confront that person right away and take advantage of the situation to talk to them about responsibility.

Why can’t I control my anger?

Psychological professionals affirm that behind the anger and its feeling Causes of genetic or hereditary origin may be hidden. In fact, there are people who are born with a lower tolerance for frustration, more irascible people who have a tendency to get angry easily and, therefore, who express more anger than others. Among the causes of anger that psychology establishes, the most common that we can find are the following:

  • Personal problems: In many cases the anger attacks They are preceded by not being able to manage well the emotions derived from certain personal problems. In these cases, people cannot control all their feelings and end up venting through anger.
  • Traumas: Past traumas can affect our adult lives in many ways. So much so that in many cases the anger and feeling Helplessness can arise from bad experiences we have had in our past.
  • Frustrations: Controlling anger involves knowing how to manage frustration There are many people who do not tolerate their frustrations and end up paying for their anger and their feeling of failure with everyone else.
  • Stress: Stress is one of the evils of today. So much so that in order to control anger We also need to reduce our stress since it is one of the main precursors.
  • Psychological problems: Some personality disorders can lead to anger attacks constants. Therefore, sometimes excessive anger may be indicating a deeper psychological problem.
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In each of these cases, the Anger control It is vital to try to alleviate the consequences of this type of attacks. Although these are the most common causes, anger can be preceded by other triggers. In all these cases, it is vital to see a mental health specialist.

In addition to the possible consequences that anger can cause in our social, family or relationship relationships, it has effects on our physical health: accelerated heart rate, increased breathing… All of these are reactions that accompany the wrath and that, in the long run, can leave a permanent mark on our body.

Anger control techniques

How to control anger?

Experts like Dr. Redford Williams talk about three elements that are fundamental to learning to channel anger: understanding what is the cause of our anger, minimizing our possible negative reaction and keeping anger at bay when it appears. To find out how channel anger you can use the following methods.

  1. Analyze our anger: If we understand what makes us angry, that is, why do we get angry and why our temperament changes, we will be able to define strategies that help us deal with these types of problems in a positive way. Likewise, it is known that some factors such as stress and frustration can make our anger greater, making our reaction disproportionate to what happens to us. Therefore, it is advisable to work on both emotions to reduce our possible reaction.
  2. Change your way of thinking: It is important to know how to control our anger when it manifests itself, so that the reaction does not escalate and we lose control of our actions or what we say. Working on values ​​such as empathy is very interesting, because it helps us understand the other person, their problem or what has caused our anger. Empathy helps in resolving conflicts through respect and communication. Hence it is necessary to work on it to learn to control emotions and, above all, know how to calm the anger
  3. Rationalize your feelings of anger: When the rage and the feeling of anger appear, it is always preceded by an external or internal situation. In order to avoid or control an attack of anger and the irascibility that results from it, it is essential to try to rationalize the thoughts that trigger this reaction. By putting logic into emotions, many times you will be able to verify that it is an emotional frustration that you are trying to channel with anger. How to channel anger?
  4. Practice relaxation: Simple relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or the use of relaxing images, can help control anger in an effective way. But to be able to resort to these when anger or anger arises as an emotion, it is essential to try to practice them on a recurring basis.
  5. Improve your communication skills: In certain cases, emotional frustration that leads to anger or getting angry is preceded by a lack of poor communication skills. So much so that it could be avoided fit of rage improving one of these social skills.
  6. Use relief methods: Practicing exercises full of adrenaline such as boxing or some martial art can be one of the best techniques to control anger So much so that people find it an effective way to channel anger and the feeling of emotional frustration that accompanies it.
  7. Recognize and avoid triggers: To try to control anger and channel anger It is vital to try to understand what your triggers are. So much so that trying to avoid them can be a good method to work on them effectively and slowly on the emotional side.

“If we taught every eight-year-old child on this planet meditation, we would eliminate violence from the world in a generation.”

Dalai Lama

Know how to manage anger It will not only have benefits for the person who suffers from irascibility. The problems that arise from anger and anger end up damaging many aspects that can only be controlled through personal work.

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