7 Psychological Secrets To Earn The Respect Of Others

Do you feel like you can’t earn the respect of others? Do you think they disrespect you? Discover the tricks to know how to be respected by others according to psychology.

How to earn the respect of others?

Many of us have found ourselves in situations in which we have not been treated as we should: we have been belittled, insulted or, in short, disrespected. When this happens, most of us think about the reason behind it. disrespect by others. Are there methods to gain the respect of others?

Why do they disrespect you?

There are many situations in which good people end up losing. respect of others This is because people who are too nice to others end up leaving themselves relegated to the demands of others. Therefore, in many cases when people are extremely nice and helpful to those around them, others end up disrespecting the people who act this way.

The reason? In most cases, to earn the respect of others we must respect ourselves. In this way, if a person does not have security, self-esteem and self-love, they end up lacking self-respect. This makes others notice it and end up following the same steps. For this reason, for earn respect of those around you you should try to respect yourself first.

How do I know if I don’t respect myself?

There are a series of signs that indicate that people they cannot be respected to themselves. On many occasions these types of respect or lack thereof end up causing others to not respect you. According to psychologists, these are the main symptoms of someone who has no self-respect.

  • They can’t say ‘No’: People who lack self-confidence end up trying to earn respect of others through his extreme dedication to those people. So much so that on many occasions these individuals cannot say no to what those around them impose on them.
  • You feel undervalued: When a person constantly feels worthless, others end up treating them this way unconsciously. In this way, this becomes a vicious circle where it is not perceived examples of respect of others towards the affected person.
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Do they disrespect you?

  • They take advantage of you: People don’t know how to earn the respect of others They end up realizing that those around them are constantly trying to take advantage of them.
  • They do not express their opinion: In order to avoid confrontation with others and lose your respect these people avoid saying their opinion on various topics and conversations.
  • They are your last priority: If you put everyone else’s needs before your own, this ends up translating into a lack of respect for yourself

It’s obvious that being nice shouldn’t be a problem. Despite this, when this kindness ends up causing you to disrespect yourself, this implies that you need a change in your attitude. If you think you can’t reach earn respect of others respecting yourself, this is a clear sign that you require a visit from a professional psychologist.

How to make yourself respected by others?

If you have identified with the signs that we have exposed, it is normal for you to wonder how to command respect in front of others. As you can imagine, earning the respect of others starts with having respect for yourself. In this way, psychologists advise taking the following initiatives to earn the respect of others.

Organize your thoughts: Before reacting to a situation, you must organize your thoughts. To do this, remain silent for a moment, do not act on impulse. If you stay quiet, you will be able to organize your thoughts and it will help you focus on yourself, which is one of the things necessary to command respect from others

  1. Take several deep breaths: This will help focus your energy and concentrate on what you want to do and say. If you stay calm, centered and focused on your actions and words, you will will help ask for respect that you deserve from others.
  2. Use body language strategies to convey respect: Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and use a strong, clear, and assertive tone of voice. If you slouch or whisper, you will come across as lacking in confidence, and people generally don’t respect a person who isn’t confident. Through good body posture you will be able to earn respect by others.
  3. Learn to say your opinion: Respect is earned Therefore, you must know how to communicate and say what you think. The moment you want to say yours, stand up to help draw all the attention to yourself and what you are about to say. Establish eye contact with the person. Use an assertive tone of voice and words when talking about how you feel, as well as your desire to be respected. Explaining your emotions will make them understand the problem. Keys to earning the respect of others
  4. Point out the lack of respect: The people who get little respect from others, very often wonder what to do when they disrespect you. In these cases you must say “I deserve respect as much as you do. I’m not disrespecting you, so don’t disrespect me either.”. Use a calm but firm voice when saying it and always maintain eye contact. This will show firmness and confidence, two characteristics necessary to command respect from others.
  5. Run away from toxic people: In the event that despite having carried out these steps and that the disrespect continue, it is best to stay away from the situation, since no one deserves to hear disrespectful words and you will also make them understand that you will not stay in their game.
  6. Stop asking for forgiveness: Normally, people who do not They gain the respect of the people around them or who have a lack of self-esteem tend to ask for forgiveness very often. To earn the respect of others you should try to stop apologizing for everything at any time.
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Earn respect of others may seem difficult for a person who does not repeat himself. But as we have said, the key is to start with yourself. Stop undervaluing yourself and command the respect you so deserve.