The 14 Types Of Toxic People: How To Recognize Them?

Are there different toxic behaviors that can harm us? Discover the main profiles of toxic people and their most common characteristics.

Types of toxic people

There are different types of toxic people that can interfere with our lives. These people can generate so much negativity that they influence our mental health. In fact, toxicity often takes different forms, even though people with these attitudes have the same common trait: they poison your life. Discover the different ways people can affect your life.

Types of toxic people

We must emphasize that toxic people can be toxic because they are going through a bad time, that is, in many cases they tend to have these negative behaviors towards others instead of having this trait in their personality. In this way, we can talk about the following profiles of toxic people:

  1. Psychopaths: This toxic type of people They are often cruel, manipulative and act impulsively towards others. Because they have little or no self-awareness, they rarely recognize that they can cause harm to others. People with psychopathic traits often blame others for their failures and do not take responsibility at all for their actions, decisions or behaviors.
  2. Narcissists: Narcissistic people need to be the center of attention wherever they are. Additionally, they often abuse others emotionally to try to compensate for their lack of self-esteem.
  3. Pessimists: This toxic type of people They tend to always find the most negative side of any moment or situation. Even though you try to share good news with them, these people will end up seeing the negative side of anything. The main problem with these people is that even though they have a very negative attitude towards life, they believe that they are realistic.
  4. Compulsive liars: People who are too liars end up making lying their way of life. Furthermore, in some cases, they may even believe their own lies.
  5. Critics: Critical people often end up talking to others and forging friendships through rumors behind other people’s backs. In fact, those who tend to criticize others tend to be toxic people due to their insecurities, low self-esteem, and low self-confidence. By criticizing others they try to compensate for these shortcomings they have within themselves.
  6. Busybodies: This toxic person profile They are usually those who try to get involved in the affairs of others or say their opinions where they have not been asked for. The common characteristic of these people is that they always believe that they know better and that everything is their business.
  7. Controllers: This toxic type of person She is determined to try to control everything. In fact, they may come to think that they have the right to even take control of who you are and even try to make your decisions. By doing so, these people believe themselves to be superior to others, and tend to have a condescending attitude. Types of toxic personalities
  8. Victims: Anyone can feel like a ‘victim’ in different situations. But, someone who perpetually victimizes themselves can be toxic towards others. In fact, they may blame others for the way their life turned out so as not to take responsibility for their actions. Even if you try to help them, these people are determined to remain in a state of victimization.
  9. Martyrs: Unlike victim people, martyrs look for those difficult or even painful circumstances that they have experienced to feel superior to others or have a certain approval from those around them. Furthermore, they often take on unnecessary burdens and try to sacrifice their own needs for others. They become a toxic type of person because they will use these ‘misfortunes’ to try to manipulate those people around them.
  10. Irrascible: These types of toxic people They tend to get irritated by common everyday situations. On the other hand, they will end up getting angry with others to control them and make them do what they want. In reality, people who tend to be more irascible usually have little emotional intelligence since they are not able to manage their feelings.
  11. Gaslighters: Gaslighting is a kind of toxic attitude which consists of denying an aspect of reality. That is, these toxic people will say and do anything to make you doubt your own perception and memories.
  12. Attention seekers: This types of toxic people They are obsessed with being the center of attention in any situation. Therefore, they will do anything to be the focus of attention because they want to feel special.
  13. Paranoid: Paranoid people often see hidden malice and persecution everywhere. In fact, this is usually a sign that there are trust issues and they are convinced that most people are acting to harm them.
  14. Complainers: We can all complain at a time when we are too stressed and want to vent to others. But, those people who end up complaining about everything can end up being too toxic with those around them.
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If you recognize yourself with these attitudes or someone around you, you should keep in mind that being toxic is not a trait of our personality. In reality, we all have the ability to improve our attitude and put aside these behaviors that harm those around us. Therefore, the help of a mental health professional will always be highly recommended whether you feel guilty about these attitudes or if you receive this treatment from someone close to you.