When looking for a job it is not only important to make a good CV, but many other factors are necessary and must be taken into account.
1.- Structured and well-constructed Curriculum Vitae
You must keep in mind to add contact information carefully, never telephone numbers that are not answered by you or emails that you do not check.
The job data is what is important and not the company you were in.
It doesn’t matter if you talk about yourself, only a stupid person would talk badly about himself on his CV.
Language or study data must be supported by titles.
The resume will be adapted to the job we are looking for, emphasizing the jobs or knowledge that have to do with the offer.
2.- Focus on the right offers
I agree that it is complicated, but responding to all offers, even when you do not fit the profile or do not meet the requirements, is wasted time for you and for the HR person who is receiving your resume, and who if they have you In various offers you will be creating a negative feeling towards you because of it.
In the worst case scenario, they can call you for an interview and make you waste your time responding to an offer that you don’t fit in, don’t want, or aren’t going to want you for.
3.- Every offer is important
When they respond to you about an offer or call you to arrange an interview, or even have to go to the interview itself, it is important to make sure that you can dedicate the time that that call, email or interview requires, and therefore if you think that in the When they ask for your attention, it is not possible to do so, it is better to say it clearly and attend when you can be present and relaxed. Remember that it is the first impression and this has a lot of value.
4.- An interview is prepared
We usually prepare people for interviews. Going to an interview is not just showing up there. Before going to an interview you should find out everything possible about the company you intend to join, to know not only how to fit in, but also if that company fits you.
5.- Strengths and weaknesses
You must know what your strong points are and what your weaknesses are. You must know that logically they are going to ask you about your abilities and therefore know what to answer about it.
6.- References of your work
When you prepare your resume or at the time of the interview you have to be clear about what previous references about yourself you can give, that is, which companies or people will explain good things about you. It is something that you cannot doubt and that you should not deny yourself because it would give a bad image of yourself or your work in previous companies.
7.- Monitoring
Once you have been to the interview and after a minimum of three days you can contact the company to see if there is a response. It’s not a matter of calling every day, but just showing a minimal interest afterwards.
8.- Contact networks
It is important that when you are looking for a job your networks know this and this includes Facebook with your friends and above all it is important to use LinkedIn, which would be the most professional. Think that it is always easier to enter where they have some reference about you, at least to anticipate a possible interview that otherwise would not occur.
9.- Take care of your Internet profile
Not only when you are looking for a job, but in general it is important that you take care of your profile on social networks. You have to keep in mind that it is not good for you to send resumes with the same email that you use on Facebook or for what you share to be public because you can give a distorted image of yourself.
10.- Looking for a job is a job
The same thing is always said and that is that if we want to look for a job we have to be willing to dedicate time to it. It is not just dedicating half an hour a day, or a little while between one task and another, but a job and that is a few hours, it is a commitment and it is an implication.