The 5 Advantages Of Being An Honest Person

The 5 advantages of being an honest person

Honesty is a quality that helps promote authenticity, being a reflection of thoughts and feelings. In addition, it encourages courage and helps show other people that we are a trustworthy person, thus creating a secure connection with them. On the other hand, honesty attracts other honest people, so we will be surrounded by authentic people who can help enrich our experiences.

Among the advantages of being an honest person, the following are also worth highlighting: it promotes good understanding and communication with others, it can help in the workplace and also when achieving certain goals, it should be noted that honesty can become beneficial for mental health.

If you want to know more about the advantages of being an honest person In this article we are going to explain the main ones in more detail but first we will talk about the meaning of honesty and expose the main characteristics of honest people.

The characteristics of an honest person

Honesty, from the Latin honestĭtas, -ātis, is the quality of honest people (an adjective with meanings such as “upright, upright, fair, reasonable or decorous”, among others) that consists of communicate and behave frankly, reasonably and trying to be correct Likewise, honesty is a way of acting that usually goes hand in hand with those intrinsic values ​​of honest people.

On the other hand, it should be noted that to consider a person to be completely honest, their thoughts and feelings should be in accordance with their actions and it would also be normal for their values ​​to be in line with the norms of their community.

honest people They tend to avoid expressing themselves and behaving in a reprehensible manner towards others since their behavior and way of communicating are usually developed from loyalty and sincerity based on universal moral principles; Therefore, we would say that honesty is closely related to the principles of justice and truth.

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Furthermore, honesty is considered a fundamental moral value to be able to establish interpersonal relationships that are based on sincerity, trust and, of course, mutual respect, something that is very positive for mental health. And honesty usually influences various aspects of life since it manifests itself socially and also in our inner life, without ruling out the intimate environment of honest people. It’s more, In an honest person, even the most insignificant acts are usually governed by honesty (e.g., telling the seller that you have been refunded a larger amount of money for your purchase).

Before proceeding to explain the advantages of being an honest person, we are going to list the main characteristics of honest people, these being the following:

Benefits of being an honest person

What are the advantages of being an honest person?

Honesty could be considered a virtue or a very positive quality and the reality is that on many occasions it is not cultivated enough, not to mention that sometimes it is difficult to find completely honest people. This quality is about words and behaviors developing within truth and even justice. What’s more, when a person is honest, their actions usually have an intention that makes that person transparent, clear or without unnecessary embellishments that could generate any type of confusion or doubt.

For all this and other positive aspects related to honesty, by demonstrating this virtue to the people around honest people, it is quite likely that they can be entrusted with responsibilities of great importance, not to mention that it makes it easier for relationships to be strengthened. that those who really know an honest person usually trust them unconditionally. Next, we are going to explain in greater detail what the advantages of being an honest person are.

1. It allows you to attract other honest people

One of the main advantages of being an honest person is the fact that when a person behaves and communicates with others honestly, they usually end up attracting other people who are also honest. This It is very positive when it comes to developing healthy, robust and lasting interpersonal relationships so they are more likely to find good, honest friends they can trust.

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Furthermore, honesty allows us to establish romantic relationships based on trust so that they are more likely to last.

2. Help at work level

Honesty also benefits professionally, since honest people tend to have good relationships with their coworkers and are also more likely to end up being rewarded financially and also through possible recommendations to other companies

Furthermore, honesty can be a very distinctive trait, so that employers come to value fidelity and loyalty, which can help when obtaining positions of trust and great responsibility within the company, not to mention the advantages it could have to improve the climate within the company and also promote the good performance of workers when they have a person in charge or in charge who is honest.

On the other hand, honesty can help tasks at work be carried out fluently, since when a person communicates honestly it encourages problem solving and this could help increase productivity. On the contrary, If certain things are hidden when communicating, very valuable time can be lost clarifying positions when they clash with each other, so that productivity levels could decrease.

3. It can help when achieving goals

Another advantage of being an honest person is the help that this virtue can provide when it comes to achieving goals, since when a person is honest and sincere, without having to worry about pretending to be what they are not, their mind is more focused on achieving the goals that that person has set for themselves. In this way, he will also use his time and all his energy in achieving the objectives that are little by little directed towards those final goals.

Furthermore, acting in this way there is less risk of defrauding those people who have put their trust in that honest person so they could also benefit from achieving the proposed goals.

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4. Promotes good understanding and communication with others

Communication with other people is very important for the correct development of people on a daily basis, being essential in various areas: social, work or academic and many more. In that sense, one of the advantages of being an honest person is that this quality can promote good understanding with others and, therefore, the quality of communication with other people would improve.

Furthermore, honesty helps a person over time become able to express judgments with the ability not to harm other people And when a person is honest and consistent with this, when applying it in all contexts, they will come to be appreciated and listened to by others, which is very beneficial when establishing contact with other people.

5. Honesty can be beneficial for your own mental health

Finally, it is worth mentioning that one of the main advantages of being an honest person is that when a person is honest, their conscience will be clear and it is more likely that their actions will be in line with their values, so that the possibilities of develop anxiety. Likewise, these people tend to suffer fewer headaches or headaches, and are also less likely to have any symptoms related to anxiety due to having acted in bad manners.

In research published in 2017 by a group of researchers led by American neuroscientist Molly J. Crockett, it was shown that the brain responds satisfactorily to appropriate thoughts and behaviors, thus cognitive dissonance less likely to occur To do this, they scanned the brains of a group of volunteers who were asked questions about whether they would be willing to cause harm to other people anonymously in exchange for financial benefit.

What could be observed was that the majority of people who participated in the study were not satisfied, as reflected in the brain scan that was applied to them.