Fatphobia: What It Is And How To Combat It

Language changes with new times and now, every day we use words that either did not exist or were not used. For example, nomophobia (irrational fear of spending a period of time without a mobile phone), a term currently used and that 20 years ago was not in our vocabulary nor did we have any prediction that it would be.

The dictionary includes new terms from other countries or related to new technologies and eliminates others that fall into disuse for obvious reasons.

One of those terms that is unfortunately very fashionable, and I say unfortunately because it does not favor anyone, is fatphobia. In PsychologyFor we want to explain to you What is fatphobia and how to combat it

What is fatphobia?

We can define the fatphobia As the rejection or repulsion towards people considered fat according to the current beauty canons of our society.

We see that although the term includes the suffix “phobia” it is quite far from the phobias treated in psychology. Phobia usually refers to the irrational fear caused, for example, by a situation, for example claustrophobia, which is the fear of closed or limited spaces, of an insect or animal (arachnophobia) or an object (chronometrophobia: fear of clocks). However, people who have fatphobia do not present a fear but repulsion or contempt towards people considered fat, curvy or who do not have the physique they consider appropriate in terms of excess weight or volume.

In relation to fatphobia, two groups have appeared:

  • Those who comment on the overweight of those they consider fat reject, ridicule and insult them.
  • Those affected, fed up with being treated with contempt, have decided to raise their voices and report this harassment. In addition to expressing how comfortable they feel with their physique.

How to combat fatphobia

In relation to the group that expresses it, it is a question of tolerance. We each have individual tastes and we cannot change them or force them to like the same things as us. What we can intervene in is education in values ​​and beliefs teach and encourage tolerance It helps us live together. In a tolerant society, no one is rejected because of their ideas, their physique, their sex, their sexual identity, their origin or their way of dressing.

Once again, modifying irrational thoughts and replacing them with more rational ones will be the most effective treatment. In the case of fatphobia we will also focus on give the physique adequate importance and in relation to health and not appearance. Since an excess of importance and concern about the physique could lead to self-esteem problems, insecurity, depression or eating disorders.

On the other hand, within the group that suffers the consequences of this fashion concept, there are two subgroups: those who do not feel comfortable with their physique and those who do. Whether they belong to one or another subgroup the rejection suffered is painful for them, they and for your loved ones. Both would benefit from psychological therapy.

In both groups the basis will be to work on self-acceptance and promote self-esteem. This will increase their confidence and security in themselves and the way in which the comments of third parties affect them. Complementing with the rational emotive behavioral therapy (ABC/DE) for the identification of irrational beliefs and the modification of harmful thoughts associated with those beliefs with more rational and adaptive ones.

Fatphobia: what it is and how to combat it - How to combat fatphobia

Fatphobia and feminism

Society has imposed beauty ideals on women to which they have been subjected. Before we had to have white, well-groomed skin, wear a corset, enhance some curves, then hide them… Nowadays, society in general (from family to television) tells us that we should appear youthful, reduce our wrinkles as much as possible, have breasts firm, a flat stomach, being very thin and taking care of ourselves to please others

What we have not been taught at any time in history is to accept ourselves To accept the passage of time and understand that wrinkles are nothing more than signs of having lived and felt. And that’s why now he Feminism demands real equality and freedom for women in all aspects including the physical. Fight so that our body is ours and not for others. Because we feel comfortable with ourselves. For making people understand that beauty is not only in impossible bodies. For equal opportunities regardless of physical appearance, sex or ideology.

Feminism is helping to show the real woman and eliminate the impositions that a predominantly sexist society has perpetuated. And he is achieving it. You will find more information about feminism, its objectives and principles in this article on What it means to be a feminist.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Fatphobia: what it is and how to combat it we recommend that you enter our Social Psychology category.


  • Piñeyro, M. (2019). 10 cries against fatphobia. Barcelona: Vergara

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