What Does It Mean To Be An Extrovert? 7 Virtues That You Can Learn From This Personality

Do you like to attract the attention of others? Do you know what it means to be an extrovert? Discover the great skills of extroverted people and how to acquire them through psychology.

What is it to be extroverted?

Do you think you are the life of any party? Part of the nature of a extrovert or extrovert It lies in enjoying being with other people. Unlike an introvert, extroverts love to participate in different social activities and actually recharge their energy by being in the crowd. Despite what most believe, an extrovert has many interesting facets.

What is the meaning of extrovert?

The first to differentiate the extroverts of introverts was the psychologist Carl Jung. According to this researcher, people could be classified based on where they got the source of their energy. In this way, Jung proposed that the meaning of extrovert was that these people were more energized through crowds and interaction with the external world. On the other hand, in their more introverted side, people tend to be more reserved and require time alone to recharge so they can externalize and socialize with others.

What is an extrovert?

Taking into account this definition of these two personality spectrums, we could say that extroverts or an extroverted person could be described as those who are more communicative, sociable, enthusiastic, friendly and open to others. On the negative side, we could also define an extrovert such as those people who tend to seek more attention and who find it more difficult to spend time alone.

According to various investigations, it has been correlated to extroverts with those people who tend to have more friends and tend to spend more time on social activities. In this way, it has also been shown that a synonym for extrovert is having an easier time experiencing happiness, as well as being less likely to suffer from certain psychological disorders.

Characteristics of an extroverted person

There are a series of features that define extroverts Despite this, we must keep in mind that it is a spectrum of personality and although we tend to have a more extroverted profile, it does not mean that we should identify ourselves in all its characteristics.

  1. You love to talk: A outgoing person Enjoy socializing with any family member, friend or stranger. In fact, on many occasions you can reach out to new people to seek out different conversations. Furthermore, these types of people are fascinated by learning about the lives of others. So much so that for them socializing is synonymous with exploring and organizing their own thoughts and ideas.
  2. You recharge your batteries by socializing: To the be extroverted You usually look for inspiration in other people. In this way, experiencing energy with others usually defines an extrovert. In many cases, when extroverts have to spend a lot of time alone they can feel uninspired and even apathetic. Traits of an extroverted person
  3. They like to argue with others: When starting a discussion with others the extroverts They can better visualize the different options or perspectives of a problem. This way they can discover which option works best. After a difficult day, the extrovert usually tries to talk about it with his friends and family to try to feel less stressed.
  4. You are friendly and approachable: On many occasions the meaning of extrovert or extrovert is used to say that a person is friendly towards others. In fact this is a synonym of extrovert that characterizes this type of personality. An extrovert at a party is likely to be the first to approach strangers and make introductions.
  5. You are open-minded: Being an introvert sometimes means not leaving your comfort zone too much. Instead, be extrovert It is usually linked to a mind that is more open to change as well as being willing to share thoughts and feelings.
  6. You don’t like or need a lot of time alone: TO the extroverts They don’t need to spend a day alone to be with themselves. In fact spending too much time in solitude can deplete your natural energy. On the other hand, when they are next to other people they feel full of energy.
  7. You socialize a lot: For most of extroverts Making new friends is no problem. This is mainly because they tend to enjoy the energy of other people and tend to get involved with those around them. It is for this reason that they have a large social network and end up discovering all kinds of people.
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Despite the extroverts They are less prone to suffer from certain mental problems, the reality is that they can also lead to psychological pathology. If you think you are an extrovert and feel like you have problems relating to others, it is vital to consult with a professional psychologist.

Differences between introvert and extrovert

Can you be an introvert and an extrovert?

You may not fit into each of the characteristics of extroverts even though you look like one of them. The reality is that most people do not fit the full definition of extrovert or introvert since no one is purely one of these personality types.

In addition, although it is not very common, people can change this spectrum of their personality throughout their lives. In this way, it is normal that as a child you were more introverted and that when you grow up you feel more extroverted Therefore you can work to be less extroverted or introverted either with the help of a psychology professional or through your own personal exploration.

Much of your personality is determined by genes. In fact, a study found that genes determine the amount of dopamine that generates this distinction in your character. Although genes play a role in your personality, environment and self-effort can also cause you to shift within these two spectrums.

How to be more extroverted?

If you would like to purchase one more extroverted attitude When faced with life, there are a series of psychological tips that you can follow to achieve a more open personality towards others. According to psychologists, you can be more extroverted through these attitudes.

  • Remember that everyone has insecurities: Insecurities can be the source of you not being yourself in front of others. To develop a more extroverted personality You can try to work on your self-esteem to let yourself care what people think about you.
  • Practice curiosity about people: Normally introverts tend to avoid people because they are not interested in others. For this reason, to try to be more extroverted we can acquire more interest in those people around us. The extroverts They usually have this curiosity because they feel that others can teach them interesting facts about life.
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How to be more extroverted?

  • Try to be more open with others: Others do not usually have bad intentions when approaching you, for this reason sometimes our mind can hinder us through negative thoughts about others. Asking questions to others as well as being open to sharing certain emotions and feelings with others will be the key to developing an attitude more extroverted
  • Accept your flaws and how you are: The key to the extroverts It is precisely trying to accept both your defects and knowing how to extract the best from your virtues. In this case, knowing what you are like and how you can get the best out of yourself will undoubtedly be an ideal way to be more extroverted with others.
  • Do not be afraid to fail: Fear of failure can prevent you from being more extroverted before others. Taking risks and trying to bring out your fun side can be difficult if you’re thinking about making mistakes in front of people.
  • Start by taking small steps: If you have an introverted personality, it is normal that taking the first step can be quite a challenge for you. To be able to start soaking up your side more outgoing you can try it by setting yourself small challenges that are easy for you to assume.

In many cases the skills of the extroverts They can be very useful to improve personally and professionally. Therefore, if you want to be a more extroverted person, ask a professional to help you overcome your fears and open up to the outside world.

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