Why Don’t I Have Friends? 8 Reasons Why Friends Distance Themselves From Us

‘I don’t have friends’, ‘I feel like I don’t have real friends’ Do these phrases represent you? Discover why you don’t have friends according to psychology. Start making real friends.

Reasons why I don't have friends

There are more and more people who express phrases like ‘I do not have friends ‘, especially in adulthood. The causes or reasons for not having friends can be multiple, but the reality is that the older we are, the more difficult it is to make friends or try to establish a bond with an anonymous person. If you feel like you are friendless and want to solve it, here you will find the answer.

Why don’t I have friends?

The first thing we should do when a person thinks that they do not have real friends or that they it’s hard to make friends This is why this situation happens to us. Mainly, we can find the following reasons for a person to be friendless according to psychology.

  1. You complain a lot: People who constantly complain are often rejected by others. The reason for this is that if you spend a lot of time looking at the negativity of things, you make others also start to pay more attention to the negative aspects of their daily lives. Having this attitude can be one of the reasons why someone left without friends In order to reverse this situation, it is vital to try to develop a much more positive attitude and thinking both towards yourself and your environment. In this way, by seeking positivity as well as focusing on more interesting topics than complaints, you will see how will you start making new friends
  2. You get rid of your friends when you are in a relationship: Sometimes people end up dedicating their entire world to their partner. This may be synonymous with emotional dependence, but it also takes its toll on friendship. Some people may become friendless due to the obsession with spending time with their partner. Therefore, if you want to go from have few friends To have more, the key is to dedicate quality time to your friends.
  3. You are selfish: Selfishness can make it much harder for a person to make friends or even move on. have few friends The reason is obvious, but sometimes we don’t realize that we are selfish. Therefore, rethink how you are treating the people around you: Are you only there when you feel like it or do you only go to them with intention?Why am I friendless?
  4. You are envious: Although at some point or another people feel envy, it is our attitude towards this emotion that can make you express phrases like ‘I have run out of friends The problem is that by feeling this envy you end up getting frustrated and paying for it with those around you. In this case, if you want keep your real friends that you have by your side, you should try to convert that feeling of envy into a source of inspiration or motivation towards your goals.
  5. You don’t leave your comfort zone: Have few friends or not know how to make new friends It can be a sign that a person does not usually leave their comfort zone. Sometimes we don’t realize that the reason we don’t have friends is precisely that we don’t risk leaving our physical and mental comforts. If you want to reverse this situation, it may be interesting to try to dare new experiences.
  6. Gossip: Although at some point or another we can all gossip, sometimes people do not realize the damage we do with this gossip. If you are one of those who socialize through gossip, perhaps you should rethink your situation. This is because gossiping is not only frowned upon but can also cause a lot of harm to the people around you. Therefore it may be the reason behind those friends who walk away from you Keys to finding true friends
  7. You are aggressive: Aggressiveness is not only in our actions, but also in our words. Perhaps you are a person who intimidates others because you give orders or demands that others do not necessarily want to do. Aggression, therefore, can also be a reason why someone He usually has few friends
  8. Psychological problems: Sometimes when someone expresses ‘I do not have friends ‘Sometimes it can indicate that you don’t really know how to make friends or that you have certain social aversions. In these cases, perhaps there is a psychological problem like the following.
      • Being an introvert: Introversion can cause people to end up saying phrases like ‘I do not have a social life ‘ either ‘I’m friendless ‘. In some cases, introversion can be a problem if in the end there is no connection point with socialization. On the other hand, there are people who are better off alone than with others and there is nothing wrong with that.
      • Social anxiety: Social anxiety is one of the reasons why people may express phrases like ‘I don’t want to have friends ‘. Sometimes people who are friendless don’t have them because they suffer from anxiety when they meet someone.
        In this situation, it is essential to know that you are facing a problem that must be treated through a mental health specialist before you are left without friends and the consequences become worse.
      • Depression: Depression can also cause people to end up friendless. On the contrary, it can also be a consequence of running out of friends at 40, 30, 20, or at other ages. In the event that you experience sadness, desolation and do not have the energy to socialize, it is essential that you try to seek help from a professional.
      • Asperger: Sometimes Asperger’s is not detected during childhood or adolescence. Therefore, perhaps if you begin to notice that you are a person who has friends who distance themselves or that you have a hard time making new friends, perhaps it is because of this condition.
      • Stress: People who experience a high level of stress may end up not having friends due to the little time they invest in socializing.
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These may be some of the main reasons why a person may have expressions like ‘I do not have friends ‘. In these cases, if you want to make new friends and reverse this situation, you can always consult with a professional psychologist. Having good friends is essential to feeling a full life.