How To Feel Good About Yourself? 12 Tips To Improve Your Self-esteem

Feeling bad about yourself can greatly limit our lives. So, how to be good with yourself? Discover the psychological keys to feeling good about yourself.

Keys to feeling good

Feel good With yourself it can sometimes be quite a challenge. Whether you are dealing with a bad time, with too much stress or anxiety, it is normal that during these moments you are not well with yourself. When there are bad moments because you are sad or unmotivated, it can be useful to look for things you can do to feel better faster. Although there are things that are simply out of your control, there are many practical steps you can take to take control of this situation to feel good again.

Why do you care about feeling good?

When you are sad it can be very difficult to get up and move on. While you may be trying to find ways to feel better about yourself lying in bed or letting emotions take control of your day is a bad idea.

This is because the way you feel about yourself can have a big impact on your daily choices. For example, when someone starts feel bad about yourself You cannot get a job because you believe you do not have enough skills to reach that level.

Still, although it is completely normal feel bad about yourself From time to time, we must have enough tools so that our negative thoughts do not take control of our life and lead us in a direction in which we cannot grow and learn.

How to feel good about yourself?

There are some small actions and tips that you can do if you want be well with oneself:

  1. Take a break: Sometimes simply taking a break for a few days can be effective for feel good about yourself That is, getting away from what you are doing and giving yourself time to think about something else will be an effective strategy to feel comfortable with yourself. In fact, research has found that even taking short breaks can help improve your ability to pay attention to certain tasks.
  2. Take a walk: Getting out of your everyday environment and moving is good not only for your physical health, but it is also an excellent way to feel good almost instantly. This happens since physical exercise is related to reducing stress as well as improving mood. Therefore, a brisk walk, especially in a natural environment, can be a good way to start feeling good right away. In fact, studies suggest that walking through a natural environment allows us to lower our level of rumination.
  3. Listen to music: Enjoying the best songs can be a pleasurable experience, but there is also much evidence that music has psychological benefits, including the influence it has on feel good about yourself So much so, that a 2013 study found that listening to happy songs could improve happiness and make people start to feel better about themselves.
  4. Do something nice for someone else: Helping others can also be a good method to stop feeling bad about yourself Whether helping a neighbor, a friend, or volunteering, doing good for others generates positive emotions that allow us to feel better about ourselves. Tips to feel good
  5. Talk to a friend: When you feel stuck in a negative mindset, sometimes spending a few minutes chatting or texting with a good friend is enough to put you in a better frame of mind. In fact, research has found that a lack of social support is closely related to a series of negative consequences such as feeling more lonely and less resistant to stress. However, you should know that social support has more to do with quality than quantity.
  6. Set plans: Researchers found that people who can balance living in the here and now with planning for the future are more resistant to negative moods and resistant to stress. The study looked at two different ways to manage daily stress: mindfulness and proactive coping. On the one hand, mindfulness involves living in the moment, while proactive coping involves planning things in a way to minimize future stress. The results of this study showed that making plans for the future was useful for feel good especially if it was combined with living in the present.
  7. Eat healthier: Many people when they start feel bad With themselves, they often turn to food as a way to calm the stress and/or anxiety they experience in those moments. In these cases, it is better to turn to healthy foods, since they allow us to regulate our mood. In fact, foods high in fat, sodium, or sugar can make you start to feel worse about yourself.
  8. Deal with negative self-talk: Sometimes we are our own worst enemies and we end up treating ourselves with a contempt that we would never use with others. In this case, if you want to start be well with oneself It is important to change the way you talk to yourself. Therefore, every time your head is flooded with negative thoughts, try to stop them by reasoning each of the ideas that pass through your mind.
  9. smile more often: Smiling can help you feel better about yourself. The reason for this is that when the brain senses that you are using your muscles to smile, it assumes that you must be happy about something. In this way, one way to feel good about yourself It is precisely trying to smile at yourself until you feel better.
  10. Stop comparing yourself to others: Although it is difficult to put into practice, you should try to focus on your progress and leave aside that of others. Many times people who begin to feel bad about yourself It is usually because they compare themselves to others. Therefore, to be good with yourself it is vital to set your own goals and work to achieve your own goals.
  11. Learn to love yourself: Changing how you feel about yourself means creating a strategy, gathering some new tools, and becoming the person you want to be. A good way to start be well with oneself It is precisely trying to stop doing those things that hurt us.
  12. Deal with your fears: When people they are wrong with themselves They may end up succumbing to certain fears that limit them. In order to begin to be at peace with oneself, it is important to deal with those fears that limit us.
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Feel good about yourself It must be a priority. The reason for this is that in many cases, our mental state determines many aspects of our lives. For this reason, if you are going through a bad time and don’t know how to feel better, we recommend that you go to a professional psychologist. Every day is an opportunity to improve your situation.