13 Things Only Highly Sensitive People Understand: What Difficulties They Must ‘Overcome’?

What difficulties do highly sensitive people have to overcome on a daily basis? What problems do sensitive people have to deal with? Discover them.

The strength of highly sensitive people

Do you feel things very intensely? Do you think too much about what is happening around you? If you feel identified with these questions, perhaps you have PAS traits, that is, of a highly sensitive person This means that you have a predisposition to perceive the information around you with greater intensity. In fact, this makes them more creative and passionate. But behind this advantage, there are also some disadvantages, such as they tend to become overwhelmed more easily and their emotions can cloud their judgment.

Things that only highly sensitive people understand

Have PAS traits It implies that you must deal with certain daily struggles due to high sensitivity. Some of the most common are the following:

  1. You can’t function without sleeping well: Although having a bad night can affect us all, the highly sensitive people They tend to have more difficulties when they do not rest properly. This means that they are likely to be moody, irritable, groggy, or nervous, since according to research around this trait, these people need more sleep than most people.
  2. You can’t stand loud noises: The sensitive people They tend to get overwhelmed very easily, especially when they are in large crowds. Therefore, it is often difficult for people with this personality trait to have fun at concerts, festivals, clubs, and parties.
  3. You often feel emotionally exhausted: The strength of being highly sensitive It is having a lot of empathy towards others. But, this also entails an obstacle for these people, since they feel emotions in a deeper way than others. This is why HSPs can feel like they are on an emotional roller coaster.
  4. You overanalyze the words and gestures of others: The HSP people They are people who end up noticing the little things that others may overlook, especially in social situations. In fact, one of the virtues of highly sensitive people is that they are very good at perceiving non-verbal signals and being able to analyze the body language of others. But, this ability can also mean that they end up overanalyzing others and giving a lot of importance to certain facts that perhaps should not matter so much.
  5. You are very squeamish about violence: most of highly sensitive people They tend to be very apprehensive about violent events. For example, they may not tolerate gory movies very well or may even be bothered by hearing certain types of news.
  6. It’s hard for you to move on: One of the problems usually faced by highly sensitive people is that it usually takes a long time to overcome certain events or difficulties. For example, if you have argued with someone and this person has said something cruel or mean to you, you cannot let it go. That is, they usually end up dwelling on certain negative comments or attitudes that others have had towards them.
  7. You feel uncomfortable with change: Leaving your comfort zone can be really exhausting for people. highly sensitive people This is because they have the need to try to assimilate everything before they can feel comfortable.Difficulties of highly sensitive people
  8. You avoid conflicts: someone with HSP traits You can avoid confronting other people at all costs. Furthermore, the people closest to them should keep in mind that raising your voice at them or getting very angry with them can end up hurting them a lot.
  9. You can’t work under pressure: Stress can cause a lot of distress to highly sensitive people In fact, HSP people tend to work poorly in somewhat stressful environments. That is, they hate having to rush through anything or juggle multiple tasks at once. Instead, they prefer to take their time with their projects and give their full attention to what they are doing.
  10. You don’t know how to say ‘no’: The sensitive people They tend to be more aware of the emotions of others, so it is easy for them to sense when those around them are disappointed or upset about something. Because of this, they don’t set limits for others and often end up saying yes to many things they don’t want to do. That is, they end up pleasing those around them and avoid disappointing them at all costs even though this means doing things they really don’t want to do.
  11. You are very critical of yourself: To the HSP people They find it very difficult to accept their own personal failures. Therefore, they end up punishing themselves even though they are judging a small mistake they have made. In fact, they tend to be very hard on themselves.
  12. You need a lot of time alone: The highly sensitive people They usually need a lot of personal space. This is because they overanalyze most situations, especially when they are with other people. Therefore, they require a lot of time to rest and recover from all the energy they invest in others.
  13. You feel like you don’t fit in: The PAS They often end up feeling out of place in many contexts because they feel misunderstood by other people. This is because being highly sensitive can be seen as a ‘negative’ trait by some environments.
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Despite all the difficulties that must be faced by a highly sensitive person, the reality is that it is a trait that also implies many virtues. Even so, HSPs must work within themselves to accept themselves and learn to manage their emotions. Therefore, if you feel identified with these “problems”, it will be advisable to go to a professional psychologist.