How To Manage Emotions? 7 Emotional Self-control Techniques

Do you know that emotional management is vital to achieving happiness? Discover the best emotional self-control techniques to see situations from another perspective.

How to manage your emotions?

Emotions are a fundamental part of our life. On many occasions the emotion management It gives us a completely different perspective of reality than what we had always observed around us. Therefore, channeling emotions should be one of our main objectives if we want to become our best version.

What is the meaning of managing emotions?

Emotion management refers to the process in which people influence through self-control techniques with the way they experience or express feelings. In this way, the meaning of managing emotions is, according to emotional psychology, this regulation process involves addressing both positive and negative feelings and controlling them to use them to our benefit. In order to have emotional control, it is vital to take into account the three components that are involved in the performance of emotions.

  • Home emotion

In order to manage emotions, it is vital to take into account what triggers them. So much so, that what initiates these reactions must be analyzed in order to have a control of emotions

  • Inhibition of the aftereffects of emotion

At the moment an emotion begins, in most cases you cannot curb feelings that this can produce in our mind and body. Despite this, we can exercise certain self-control techniques to try to inhibit the actions that can produce these emotions. The idea is to understand and accept emotions but without them taking control of our actions.

  • Modulate emotions

To control emotions It is essential to try to modulate them without eliminating them. The modulation of our negative or positive emotions is the key to achieving self-control in our emotional life.

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In our daily lives we face many stimuli that trigger a emotion that generates some action or response on our part. Knowing how to control the mind and the emotions that control it is the best way to achieve each of your goals and successes.

There are many cases in which learning to control emotions It can be much more difficult due to certain problems with our mental health. So much so that when suffering from a psychological pathology it can feed back through the poor control of emotions that a person has due to it. In these cases it is vital to try to go to a professional psychologist to be able to face these problems.

How to control emotions?

How to manage emotions?

He emotional self-control It is mainly about trying to separate feelings from the reactions they trigger. Therefore, self-control techniques help us slow down when emotions appear and act after objectively evaluating a situation.

The emotion management It also implies commitment to our own values. On many occasions, when people allow themselves to be controlled by emotions, they end up acting impulsively, which in some cases leads to abandoning our fundamental ideals. In this way, it is essential to manage emotions and take control of our lives.

1. Self-awareness

To learn to control emotions, both self-knowledge and self-awareness are two of the basic tools to achieve this. In this way, when an action triggers an emotion, we can ask ourselves why this response arises.

Therefore, it will be essential to explore our feelings and why they happen. some emotions that arise in us. When analyzing them we should not judge them, but simply try to understand them and see why they can control your mind.

2. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a vital tool that not only allows us to gain more awareness in our thinking. One of the objectives of one of these self-control techniques It is precisely trying to be in the present without the thoughts that roam through our minds controlling us. Managing emotions can transform your attitude because you can discern between negative and positive emotions. Having full awareness will allow you to rationalize those thoughts that you do not want to dominate your actions.

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3. Cognitive reappraisal

To control emotions, perspective is one of the most useful tools. In this way, one of the most effective ways to manage emotions is precisely by trying to change both the role and the vision we have of the situation that triggers it.

In these cases we can change the negative affirmations for others that are more understanding of the situation of others. When exercising one of these self-control techniques We create a broader perception of reality and helps us have a much more positive attitude.

4. Adaptability

When we do not have good control of our emotions, we have little ability to adapt to changes in our lives. So much so that on many occasions it is not manage emotions It prevents us from leaving our comfort zone and enjoying new experiences. In order to exercise this capacity, it is vital to have an objective evaluation of our emotions. At the moment that a new emotion is paralyzing you, you should think about what you would say to a person who suffered from this same sensation. The moment you have the answer, apply these same suggestions to your case.

Emotional self-control techniques

5. Self-pity

In order to reach channel emotions In most situations, it is vital to exercise self-compassion. In this way, we must remind ourselves of both our talents and virtues. Through these positive thoughts we can influence to change the sensations that dominate us due to certain negative emotions. Practicing gratitude toward yourself and your loved ones is a good way to foster self-compassion.

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6. Emotional support

According to psychologists, there is an innate ability that all humans have with which we can build an emotional repertoire with which to face negativity. In this way, sharing our concerns or our feelings with others can be a great tool to be able to exercise emotional control. In many cases, it may be essential to see a mental health specialist.

7. Emotional intelligence

Following Gadner’s studies on multiple intelligences and later the works of Salovey and Mayer, as well as the publications of Goleman, we have carried out workshops with very good results for various groups in society.

The intelligence It is a concept that has been the subject of many studies and currently we can say that intelligence is not something unique, nor is it, as previously thought, something quantifiable in numerical terms only, that would be mathematical intelligence, but it is not the only one. We always associate intelligence with academic ability, but we have other intelligences that are equally important and some of them, such as emotional intelligence, are very important to develop fully.

What good is it for me to be a genius in a subject if I am not able to relate to my peers, work as a team, have a mentally healthy life and know how to take advantage of the opportunities that life offers us? Discover how to develop these capabilities and expand the possibilities of a more complete life personally and professionally.

Being able to enjoy a good emotion management, is essential not only to enjoy many moments of our lives, but also to be able to evolve in every sense. Emotional self-control techniques are capable of providing an ideal method to be the person we want.