The Importance Of Limits In Interpersonal Relationships

The limits in interpersonal relationships

By being aware of the importance of self-schemas and values, a relationship can develop in a healthy way, creating a special bond.

For this it is necessary recognize feelings, emotions and assume mistakes We can never expect our happiness to depend on people; We must provide, manage and work on ourselves, waiting for the other person to do what we want never works.

Every relationship must be united by support, commitment and unconditional love; striving every day to be the best version of ourselves to accompany each other through patience, leaving behind the pride that spoils relationships, but maintaining the boundaries that make healthy relationships

Setting boundaries in relationships

The human being is born with the need to be loved; However, before looking for love, You must learn to love, accept and value yourself ; When you reach this level, you will always take into account the limits of both the people around you and your own. That is, limits must be clear and respected for the well-being of any relationship, and these are formed through self-love.

Boundaries and relationships

When you meet a person, you learn to know their limits implicitly, they don’t need to be mentioned. The dividing line in every relationship is drawn from the beginning. However, There are many people who do not read between the lines and who generally go over the line In cases like this, it is necessary to clarify these own limits in order to “have the party in peace.”

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How are the five self-schemas defined?

On the other hand, the human being develops resilience and self-schemas through lived circumstances ; The latter are what will determine the advancement of healthy relationships, not only interpersonally, but also personally.

Self-schemas train an individual to face a perverse and egocentric world, from which it is difficult to escape if there is no clarity in what one wants and what one has. This means that The person must appropriate and be aware of the five self-schemas that govern him or her: your self-image, self-concept, self-efficacy, self-acceptance and self-esteem. Although the most mentioned is self-esteem, it is vitally important not to neglect the other four elements to have healthy self-schemas, since the five are interrelated, forming part of the person’s character, the bond with oneself and with the environment.

However, it is important to recognize that self-schemas are not only fundamental in every relationship, they are also values ​​are necessary that today are frequently withering and trampled Values ​​and principles such as: respect, trust, humility, tolerance, active listening, kindness, service, dedication, commitment and love.

Keeping in mind the self-schemas and values ​​mentioned above, relationships begin with the knowledge of one’s own limits and the foundation of happiness to recognize that of the people around us, even more so with the partner.

Happiness is a state of mind that is achieved when there is satisfaction and joy in what one is, in what one does, and in what one has; This comes from you and depends on yourself; Your partner is only there to complement you and share your joys, dreams, ideals and achievements that are established by mutual agreement.

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In conclusion…

Your partner’s duty is not to make you happy, yours is ; It is your duty to work for your inner desires and your emotional stability.

The person you choose to share your life with is an imperfect human being, full of mistakes, with dreams, desires and limits, just like you. None will be your safe source, none can be your savior, since only you are the one who governs your life, your emotions and feelings; only you have the ability to remake yourself a thousand times; get up when you are down.

It is complex, but you have all the tools to do it, you are a perfect creation, you are the owner of yourself.

A romantic relationship is a decision made by two people who will never get to know each other, since no one has the ability to do it definitively, because we are changing beings and in constant construction. But they are two people who decide to love each other, accompany each other and share a life together in healthy communion, recognizing that there are thousands of differences, limits to respect and a common feeling: love.

To maintain good interpersonal relationships, it is necessary to work on self-schemas; You can perfectly do this with your therapist.