Am I A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?: Test To Detect High Sensitivity

Do you think you may be a highly sensitive person? How can we know if we are highly sensitive? Detect high sensitivity through this test.

PAS Test (Highly Sensitive Person)

Some people seem to have their nerves on edge. These people tend to be more sensitive than those around them. The reality is that there are people who are more sensitive than others and not only emotionally but also in other aspects. When this happens we refer to a highly sensitive person (HSP) But how can we know if we are an PAS person?

How do I know if I am a PAS person?

The term HSP or highly sensitive person It was first described by psychologist Elaine Aron in 1996. According to her research, there are individuals whose brain works differently from others. Thus, studies showed that PAS people process information and reflect on it more deeply, making them more aware of what is happening in their environment. For this reason, high sensitivity implies being more prone to being overstimulated due to phenomena that happen outside.

It is estimated that currently, between 15 and 20% of the population can fit within the characteristics of highly sensitive people. Furthermore, the research carried out around the PAS people states that this personality trait is innate and genetic rather than learned or existing on a spectrum. In Aron’s (2010) studies, highly sensitive people were distinguished with the following traits:

  • Processing depth: Research has shown that one of the highly sensitive people They process information with greater depth. That is, they are more reflective and take longer to make decisions.
  • Overactivation: A highly sensitive person You tend to perceive your environment much more, whether it be the emotions of the people around you, noise levels, smell or other aspects of the environment. This can be advantageous, but it can also lead to feeling overly overwhelmed and even suffering from chronic stress.
  • Emotional intensity or empathy: When a person is highly sensitive, tends to experience emotions more strongly, whether positive or negative. In this way, they tend to be individuals with a more empathetic tendency towards others.
  • Sensory sensitivity: The HSP or highly sensitive people They tend to notice environmental stimuli more easily, even the most subtle ones. Normally, people can ignore them, but HSPs tend to not be able to ignore them in the same way.
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These are the main traits that can indicate that a person has a high sensitivity As a result, HSP people tend to be more empathetic, conscientious and cautious, as well as seek more new sensations and novelty.

Furthermore, another fact to take into account is that, although the PAS or high sensitivity is not alienated with giftedness, there is research carried out where it has been shown that 87% of gifted people are very sensitive (Koolhof, 2020).

Another characteristic to take into account in someone with a HSP personality is that they tend to have a heightened sense of aesthetics, which allows them to be more sensitive to the beauty of nature and the arts. On the other hand, they also have a greater sensitivity to unpleasant stimuli than other people.

That is, the PAS people They tend to feel more distressed by negative environments, unlike less sensitive people. On the contrary, they can also benefit from the positive. Normally, someone with PAS or high sensitivity usually requires psychotherapy to overcome childhood difficulties, since it usually leads them to suffer from low self-esteem.

Am I a highly sensitive person? PAS Test:

If you want to understand if you can really have this personality trait, this high sensitivity test will allow you to know it:

  1. I am aware of the subtle nuances of my environment.
  2. I am affected by the mood of others.
  3. I am very sensitive to pain.
  4. I need to isolate myself on those days when I have had a lot of stimuli, whether in bed, in a room or anywhere where I can be calm and free of stimuli.
  5. I am particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine.
  6. I am easily overwhelmed by bright lights, strong smells, rough clothing, or the sounds of nearby sirens.
  7. I have a rich and complex inner life.
  8. Noise bothers me.
  9. The arts and music awaken deep emotions in me.
  10. I am a conscientious person.
  11. I startle easily.
  12. I get irritated when I have too much to do in a short time.
  13. When others feel uncomfortable in an environment, I usually feel what I should do to make them better.
  14. I lose control when people try to make me do too many things at once.
  15. I really try to avoid making mistakes or forgetting.
  16. I make sure to avoid movies and shows that contain scenes of violence.
  17. I get stressed when a lot of things happen around me.
  18. Hunger causes a great reaction in me, affecting my concentration and my mood.
  19. The changes in my life overwhelm me.
  20. I notice and appreciate delicate smells and flavors, soft noises, subtle works of art.
  21. I do everything possible to avoid disturbing situations.
  22. When I have to compete with others or when people look at me while I work, I lose my temper and get a much worse result than when I am left alone.
  23. When I was a child, my parents or teachers seemed to think of me as sensitive or shy.
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Result: If you give more than 14 affirmative answers, you are probably a highly sensitive person Still, it is important to note that no test can determine this personality trait. The best way to know if you are an HSP is through the help of a professional psychologist.

Find out if you are highly sensitive

What to do if we are a highly sensitive person?

Be highly sensitive It can involve experiencing more joy or feeling more sadness and even despair. In this way, the key to managing high sensitivity is precisely emotional self-regulation, trying to recognize those factors that overstimulate us.

However, the PAS people They are often more likely to feel exhausted due to chronic stress caused by overstimulation combined with perfectionism and excessive empathy.

To mediate this, the people with high sensitivity They should get enough rest and keep in mind that having downtime is essential to improving their strengths. It is therefore relevant to know how to set limits and learn to say no to others to minimize the negative effects.

It is advisable to go to therapy to learn to manage the emotions and sensitivity of HSPs.