Psychological Characteristics Of Generation Z

Psychological Characteristics of Generation Z - Digital Natives of Generation Z

There are different variables that describe the biography of a human being in their life path. For example, the date of birth. This data is directly linked to the generational factor. The generation Z It is clearly linked to a lifestyle related to technological and digital expansion. This is the generation after the millennial generation. What are the psychological characteristics of generation Z? In PsychologyFor, we make this description around the characteristics of people born between 1994 and 2010.

Digital natives of generation Z

While previous generations have updated their digital skills through training and adaptation to change, this generation is fully familiar with the use of new technologies that have the added incentive of visual information as a means of learning. YouTube and Instagram content are an example of this.

This technological aspect is also closely linked to future professional projection. This constant observation of reality through different screens and the completion of different tasks at the click of a button means that the search for immediacy can also produce at other times the effect of impatience that arises from waiting. This fact also influences the difficulty of maintaining attention for a long period of time on the same content.

This importance of technology also fuels dependence on the mobile phone, for example. This generation has not experienced a turning point with the arrival of new technologies and this is the fundamental characteristic of a lifestyle in which connectivity is present A turning point that previous generations did experience.

Psychological Characteristics of Generation Z - Digital Natives of Generation Z

Self-taught learning in generation Z

New technologies have opened the door to new avenues of learning and training. For example, young people of generation Z are defined by an essential characteristic: They are self-taught That is, they take the initiative to optimize the available resources as a way of learning. For example, a person interested in obtaining information on a specific topic can consult a practical tutorial over the Internet.

The Internet is present in different spheres of young people’s lives: in leisure time, at work, in training and in personal relationships.

Technological communication in personal relationships

Human beings are social by nature and this is also very present in the era of new technologies. However, forms of communication also evolve. Communication is the basis of interaction between people and maintaining friendship. The technological approach to communication through these channels is also very present in generation Z, as shown by the immediacy of WhatsApp messages.

At the same time, social networks They also constitute an important means of interaction by sharing content that can go viral. Through new technologies, they visualize the possibilities of a globalized world in which distances are reduced.

He visual language It is also very present in the form of communication with which young people of generation Z identify. Therefore, images and videos are especially important in transmitting a message.

Psychological characteristics of generation Z - Technological communication in personal relationships

Young creatives and entrepreneurs of generation Z

In relation to the capacity for self-taught learning, there is this willingness towards entrepreneurship as a creative manifestation that starts from one’s own desire for fulfillment. Among the different existing themes, technology is a topic that is of particular interest to this generation, which has found new development opportunities in this area.

This search for creativity transcends the entrepreneurship of a business idea itself. That is, those young people who are actively searching for employment also prioritize the possibility of being part of a business environment in which the exchange of ideas, personal development, dynamism and creativity are possible. This raises the emotional salary and also shows specific expectations regarding happiness in the professional environment. Expectations that companies themselves must consider to attract the talent of young people belonging to generation Z.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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