Feminist Phrases Against Gender Violence

Feminist phrases against gender violence - Short but intelligent feminist phrases

Feminism is a movement with many years of history that is defined as a great fight for women’s rights and equality. Today, there are many who have decided to join the cause and raise their voices against the injustices that continue to be committed. One of the big problems in today’s society is the large number of victims of gender violence and the little protection they have at a legal and social level.

In order to fight against gender violence, we can find inspiration in great women like Frida Khalo, Angela Davis or Simone de Beauvoir and their famous quotes. In this PsychologyFor article: feminist phrases against gender violence you will find great figures of the feminist struggle and some of their most famous phrases, so you can find the motivation and inspiration you need.

This selection of feminist phrases from famous women provides you with very important reflections that will make you think about a new and revolutionary way of seeing life.

Short but intelligent feminist phrases

Women are full of intellect and language and that can be seen reflected in some of the famous phrases. Let’s look at some phrases against violence against women:

  1. Women are the real architects of the society. -Harriet Beecher Stower
  2. Feet so I have them if I have wings to fly. – Frida Khalo
  3. “Feminism” is the radical notion that women are human beings. -Marie Shear
  4. That? Do you think feminism means hating men? -Cindy Lauper
  5. The revolution will be feminist or it won’t be. -Anonymous
  6. You don’t have to be anti-man to be pro-woman. -Jane Galvin Lewis
  7. When you want democracy, you want feminism. – Celia Amorós
  8. I’m strong, I’m ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a “bitch”, that’s fine. -Madonna.
  9. One is not born a woman. One becomes a woman. – Simone de Beauvoir.
  10. A feminist is anyone who recognizes equality and full humanity in women and men. -Gloria Steinem
  11. “Feminism” is a radical notion that women are human beings -Marie Shear

If you find these feminist phrases very inspiring, we have a selection for you with short reflection phrases to think about.

Feminist phrases against gender violence - Short but intelligent feminist phrases

Short feminist phrases against gender violence

Gender violence or sexist violence It is defined as any aggressive act against women for the mere fact of being women. These acts threaten the physical and psychological integrity of women and can appear in different ways. In this article, you will find information about the types of gender violence and its characteristics.

Below, you will find phrases against gender violence against women so that you can reflect, specifically, we show you short phrases from feminist women:

  1. Break the silence When you witness violence against women, do not stand by. Take action. -Ban Ki Moon
  2. Violence is the last resort of the incompetent. -Isaac Asimov
  3. There is no barrier, lock or bolt that you can impose on the freedom of my mind. -Virginia Woolf
  4. When men are oppressed, it is a tragedy. When women are oppressed, it is tradition. -Letty Cottin Pogrebin
  5. I will not be a free woman as long as there are still women subjected. -Audre Lorde
  6. Feminism is not simply about being a woman in a position of power. It is a fight against inequalities.-Jessica Valenti.
  7. I’m not accepting the things I can’t change, I’m changing the things I can’t accept.- Angela Davis
  8. We had two options: be silent and die or speak and die. We decided to talk – Malala Yousafzai
  9. My life has value, my body has no price. – Anonymous
  10. When they tried to silence me, I screamed. – Teresa Wilms Montt
  11. I will not be a free woman as long as there are still women subjected. -Audre Lorde

Feminist phrases against gender violence - Short feminist phrases against gender violence

funny feminist phrases

Discover more short phrases against violence against women. Specifically, to finish this list of the best feminist phrases against gender violence, we show you some of the funniest and most ingenious comments that have been made in the fight for gender equality. Discover funny feminist phrases:

  1. A woman without a man, It’s like a fish without a bicycle -Gloria Steinem
  2. No woman has an orgasm cleaning the kitchen floor. -Betty Friedan
  3. I would venture to guess that “Anonymous” who wrote poems without signing them, was often a woman. -Virginia Woolf
  4. Equality will come when a foolish woman can go as far as a foolish man goes today. – Estelle Ramey
  5. Equality is like gravity, a necessity. -Joss Whedon
  6. When a man backs out, he really backs off. A woman only backs up to take a run. – Zsa Zsa Gabor
  7. When God created man, she I was practicing -Rita Mae Brown
  8. I am a feminist and have been a woman for many years. You would be an idiot to consider not being on my side. – Maya Angelou
  9. Good girls go to heaven and bad girls go to heaven! everywhere !. -Helen Gurley
  10. If there is a God in the world, I am very convinced that it is a God, because no woman could do and ruin things in such a fatal way.-George Carlin.
  11. A woman without a man, It’s like a fish without a bicycle -Gloria Steinem

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