How To Get Over A Breakup? 9 Keys To Deal With Sentimental Shock

We all know that breakups are painful. Do you know what phases of grief you will go through after a romantic separation? Discover how to get over a breakup and come out stronger.

How to get over a breakup?

It is normal that a breakup be difficult to overcome. When there is a love mourning, people usually experience feelings that range from pain and sadness to joy and melancholy. Although the anguish of each of the phases of a breakup is temporary, most people can suffer a lot during this process. Despite this, it is vital to move forward and work on yourself to find love again.

According to various research, it takes around eleven weeks to overcome a breakup and feel better after the breakup. love duel Therefore, it is vital at this time to think that no situation lasts forever even if going through a breakup seems like the end of the world.

Phases of a couple breakup

All people who have a sentimental separation They go through a series of stages of a breakup. In these moments where you don’t know what to do after a breakup, it is essential to know these stages and try to understand them to overcome love grief.

  • Denial

One of the first phases of a couple breakup It is mainly denial. In these stages of a breakup the person believes that they are in a dream and that this is not really happening to them. In this way, to overcome heartbreak, it is essential to try to accept what has happened as soon as possible despite the sadness that this entails.

  • Gonna

Afterwards for the ‘depression’ for love that you may feel during the early stages of a breakup that are based on denial of the separation, people often trigger a kind of anger towards the other party. This happens both when ending a long or short relationship, since the other is seen as an enemy who has betrayed you. During these phases of the breakup in men and women, there is usually deep sadness combined with attacks of aggression and anxiety.

  • Negotiation

Another of the phases of a romantic breakup It is the negotiation. In it, instead of trying to overcome heartbreak or recover from a breakup, what we want is to try to reach an agreement so that this situation changes. It is during this moment that instead of facing a separation, what we do is act impulsively by sending messages, or forcing surprise encounters that are usually counterproductive to combating sadness for love. This is where we end up accepting the emotional breakup due to all the refusals to return to the other person.

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Phases of heartbreak

  • Depression

The so-called ‘depression’ for love is one of the phases of a breakup where you begin to overcome the sentimental separation and try to understand the reason for everything that happened. In these stages of grieving as a couple you realize that the relationship has ended and that you will never be able to be with this person again. This post-breakup depression is usually accompanied by sadness, lack of hunger and despair due to the ambiguity of the future. During these phases of couple breakup it is normal for the sentimental shock of disappointment in love makes you think ‘I’m sunk’ or that you will never be able to overcome this lack of love even though you have already understood the reason for the end of your romantic relationship.

  • Acceptance

Finally, the last of the stages to overcome a breakup It is acceptance. It is during this time that people begin to recover from a breakup and gain strength to leave behind negative thoughts related to ending a long or short relationship. During these stages of grieving, you can talk more normally about your ex-partner without experiencing the suffering typical of other stages of emotional breakups.

When leaving a long or short relationship, it is normal that we have to combat the sadness of a relationship. love duel The so-called love depression can be very persistent in people who go through a romantic breakup. In cases where you don’t see yourself capable of overcoming a heartbreak or you don’t see yourself capable of knowing how to get over your ex, it may be a good idea to have the help of a professional psychologist.

How to overcome a break of couple?

It is true that each breakup It is different and each person manages it in their own way, but according to psychologists, a series of basic tips can be followed to carry out the grieving process. It is not about simply moving forward with the typical “one nail pulls out another”but to seek to be able to pass that love duel.

1. Seek support from your family and friends

In order to know how to accept a breakup, it is essential to have all the support of your dearest family and friends. They will be the key to being able to go through each of the phases of love mourning in the best way and overcome the emotional breakup more quickly. Thanks to his presence you will see that you are capable of being alone and taking care of yourself. These people will remind you of all the reasons you have in you that will make you overcome the breakup.

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2. Find new hobbies

There are tons of things that you were probably putting off until tomorrow, that you always say you don’t have time to dedicate to because there are too many things to do. It is also interesting if these occupations have to do with some social or cultural group, if they allow you to interact with more people such as cooking or dance classes, or, why not, practice a sport. There are many places where you can not only practice your hobby, but also share it with new people and expand your circle of friends. Getting out of your comfort zone after a sentimental break It will be one of the keys to knowing how to get out of depression for love that is much stronger than you expect. Through a new hobby you will discover facets of yourself that perhaps you didn’t know before, making your breakup bring you something good.

Keys to getting over a breakup

3. Don’t use others like Kleenex

The previous relationship has ended and new relationships are yet to come. Finish closing your wounds and, when you have done that cleaning, that will be when you can let new people into your intimate circle. Things have to flow normally, without rushing or forcing, and for this it is vital that there are no things that are still in the pipeline that could affect this process, negative influences. On many occasions, another person is sought as a method to overcome breakups and go through each of the situations better. phases of the breakup Doing this will not only make you sadder but you can also cause a lot of harm to others.

4. Visualize the failures and understand why it didn’t work

Although it may be painful, it is vital to try to visualize and understand the reason for the breakup of the couple Even if you think that this will not make you get over a separation, the reality is that analyzing the story with your ex can make you understand the reason why you should not be with him or her. You can return to everything that you have been experiencing, everything that happened in that relationship and how you have been living it afterwards, and how you are now, or how you imagine that future that is still to come. All of this, if you are sincere, will give you a lot to reflect on your path and the things that remain to be changed about yourself, so as not to allow yourself to make the same mistakes. Changes are always positive if they are considered and calm.

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6. Don’t talk about the past of the relationship anymore

This is now a past issue and, therefore, must be gradually forgotten. It’s one thing to talk to that friend about how you feel, about your state, but nothing about what happened, what he or she did, what your ex is doing right now… This is something that has already happened and nothing we talk about is going to help us. serve absolutely no purpose. Part of the process of grieving the breakup is accepting what happened, getting angry with it and, finally, leaving it in the trunk of memories, with other things and people that, one day, passed through your life, and then have simply disappeared.

7. Take your time

overcome a love separation It is not something you should do in a hurry. Everyone takes time to recover from a breakup. In these cases, it is essential that you accept the feelings that come to you in an honest and effective way. Furthermore, it will be essential to take your time to reflect and accept everything to overcome heartbreak.

How to overcome a heartbreak?

8. Work on yourself

The love depression and love grief They will only go away if you have the strength and will to work on yourself. In this way, it will be essential to try to know how to deal with a romantic breakup by taking better care of yourself both inside and out. To recover from a breakup it is vital to start seeing what you can improve and learn from this process.

9. Change your attitude

Go through each of the phases of love mourning It can be a good incentive to change our negative way of thinking and transform it into a positive attitude to face life better. One of the things that a separation can teach you is precisely to be more grateful for everything you have and act on the things that you do have control over (such as your attitude).

If all this doesn’t work, if you are still grieving, if there is no way to close it or the pain is still chronic, it is time to go to a psychologist and work on the issue. It’s not about telling you to cheer up and that everything will pass, but rather seeing how we can put those emotions and thoughts in their place so that they allow us to move forward. In this way, a psychologist can always help you cope. the sentimental shock related to a couple breakup. The future awaits you so that you can receive again the love that you so deserve.