How To Know If A Person Is Lying By Their Gestures

How to know if a person is lying by their gestures - How to know if someone is lying by their eyes

There are different ways to realize when a person is hiding something from us and even when they are not telling us the truth. When we tell the truth we do not have to make too much effort to remember and express what happened, however when we are going to tell a lie, our brain has to make an extra effort to disguise it from the other person and to create that fictitious story that we are going to communicate. .

In this PsychologyFor article, we are going to let you know how to tell if a person is lying by their gestures as well as we will also offer you information about the attitudes that a lying person normally has.

How to tell if someone is lying by their eyes

They say that The eyes are the window of the soul And when it comes to identifying whether a friend is false and lying or not, the expression and movement of their eyes can tell us a lot about it.

For example, when a person prefers not to look you in the eye when they are telling you something they are trying to convince you. avoid your gaze, lowers it and turns to look everywhere except at you, this is a great indicator that that person is indeed lying to you. On the other hand, it has been found, and this is something that is used a lot in neurolinguistic programming, that people who look to the right side when they are telling you something is because they are telling the truth, however when they look to the left side it can be a big indicator that he is lying.

But why does this happen? What happens is that the information we want to obtain is found in different areas of our brain, for example the area where information about events that happened to us in the past is stored is different from the area where we consciously want to create new information. which in this case would be a lie. This is why we tend to look in different places when we are trying to communicate something. It may also be that a person who normally does not have any nervous tic, begins to do something with his eyes, whether he closes and opens them constantly or his gaze is very different, which is better perceived if we know that person well beforehand. .

How to know if a person is lying by their gestures - How to know if someone is lying by their eyes

Attitudes of a lying person

Although a person tends to lie frequently, unless they are an expert on the subject and the art of acting, we can generally predict it in a relatively simple way if we have sufficient knowledge of how to do so.

However, despite this, we can never say 100% that that person is really lying since it is something more subjective and we first have to analyze the entire context in general. Below we present the most common attitudes of a lying person:

  • They tend to be slow in terms of their speech since while they are making it they are also thinking about what they are going to tell you next.
  • They repeat the questions you ask them a lot to give themselves more time to elaborate the lie.
  • They talk with many detours they tend to be not very direct about what they want to communicate.
  • They can often correct themselves as they tell different stories to different people, so they tend not to remember what they have said in the past.
  • When they are asked something specific they do not give a specific answer, they try to confuse the person who is asking them the question to end up answering something different from what was asked or simply not answering and they try to go off on a tangent.

Signs that someone is lying

Currently there are several studies that have shown how we can detect if a person is lying solely through their gestures. It is clear that in most cases non-verbal communication can express more than verbal communication and it is easier to analyze a person through this type of communication and not based solely on what he says.

  • Changes in body posture. When they are telling you what they want to communicate to you and especially when they are realizing that you may fall for their lie, they abruptly change their body posture. For example, they may sit with their legs open and cross them quickly, start stroking their hair, close their arms, etc.
  • Changes in tone of voice. Tone of voice is another extremely important factor when detecting a lie. When a person lies, the moment they begin to do so their tone of voice changes considerably; they may begin to speak with many pauses, their voice may break, they may raise or lower their tone of voice, etc. .
  • That his gestures do not match what he says. It may be that when the person is telling you the lie, in this case, their gestures do not match what they are communicating to you. For example, a person who says he feels sad or upset about some situation but his facial and even body gestures show the opposite, that he is relaxed and calm.
  • Blushing. This usually happens a lot to people who are not used to lying and try to do so. So it may be that when the person comes to talk to you to tell you the lie (if it is) she starts to blush.
  • Rigid posture. When someone lies they are generally not going to be relaxed, so their body rigidity that will be evident can be a great indicator that they are lying to us.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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