How To Make New Friends At 40

How to make new friends at 40 - 8 tips to make new friends at 40

Friendship is a purpose that activates the heart because human beings are social by nature. No matter how old you are, the purpose of making new friends is one that can always accompany you. The stage of 40 is one of the most significant, a moment of maturity in which in addition to enjoying the company of the friends who have always accompanied you, you can also add the incentive of the new people who become part of your life. social circle. How to make new friends at 40? At PsychologyFor, we give you ideas to achieve this very happy purpose.

8 tips for making new friends at 40

  1. Have an open-minded attitude Even if you already feel that you have your routine very well done and your happiness is complete with the people you meet, do not close yourself off to the novelty of meeting interesting people with whom you can share new experiences.
  2. Time provision If you want to make new friends, this requirement is essential. Work conciliation is complex. However, if every time they propose a plan to you, you postpone the meeting or reject it with some excuse, there comes a time when those people stop trying to build a friendship with you because they do not notice receptivity on your part.
  3. Put into practice the social skills acquired so far. If you remember, you can see how friendship is a subject present in your history from the first years of your existence. Put into practice all the learning acquired around friendship.
  4. Look for common hobbies To meet new friends at 40, you can encourage the habit of focusing on those common points that unite you with other people with whom you regularly meet somewhere, for example, on a course. Based on these common interests, you can encourage interaction by directing communication towards that area so that, at some point when you feel comfortable, you can propose a plan to that person.
  5. Make new contacts through mutual friends You can tell a friend with whom you trust more that you are at a time when you have a special interest in meeting new people. This friend can introduce you to some of his friends through common plans.
  6. Learn to flow If you want to make new friends, then be patient. Do not become obsessed with this purpose, do not be impatient with your own desire. You not only have to listen to your rhythm, but also respect the other person’s rhythm.
  7. Training courses Continuous training is a common reality in today’s professional field. In this professional space where you spend so many hours of your life, you can also make new friends.
  8. Pages to make friends online New technologies also open new possibilities for social relationships. If you are interested in this idea, you can create a personalized profile on a friendship portal where you have your own user profile.

In the following article, you can see more tips to be more sociable and make friends.

How to make new friends at 40 - 8 tips to make new friends at 40

Take the initiative to make new friends at 40

When you have the desire to make new friends, you may expect to see interest in others. However, it is especially important that you take the initiative to cultivate social ties when you see the opportunity to do so. To do this, focus on your action without anticipating the response you may get from the other person.

Do not compare your present stage with previous stages. To make new friends at this time, you have to start from your own circumstances and, based on them, make effective decisions. Beyond age, there is a quality that always triumphs in friendship: authenticity Therefore, put into practice the naturalness of being and showing yourself as you are. Those people with whom you feel this way are a very positive influence and very pleasant company.

Take care of the details. For example, remember the name of those potential friends during your first conversations. Encourage conversation plans because they are the best to promote mutual knowledge.

The importance of intergenerational friendship

The maturity of 40 years can be especially inspiring to activate a value as important as that of intergenerational friendship That is to say, the definitive criterion for making new friends does not have to be age.

This occurs more frequently in childhood and adolescence where groups of friends are made up of boys and girls who are in the same life stage. Now, from your position, you can establish social ties by observing how age is relative when you find concerns in common with those people.

It is very possible that in those places where you usually participate you will find people of different ages. People who can give you different points of view that complement your own vision of life.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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