Why I Don’t Want To Work Or Study

If you constantly ask yourself this question: Why don’t I want to work or study? And you are a young man between approximately 18 and 34 years old, you probably belong to the so-called Ni-Ni generation. But what is the Ni-Ni generation? Young adults who neither work nor study and who still depend economically on their parents are called the NEET generation. These are young people who do not feel motivated nor have they seen the need to work or study because their parents give them practically everything they need to feel satisfied.

It is worth mentioning that many of these young people are not only provided with food and a place to live, but they are also accustomed to their parents giving them a series of comforts such as a car, money, clean clothes, etc. So the question would be: why do some young people prefer to live at the expense of their parents and do not want to become independent? In this PsychologyFor article: why I don’t want to work or study, we are going to answer this question.

8 possible reasons why I don’t want to work or study

There are many reasons why a person decides that they do not want to work or study, however among the main ones we can highlight the following:

Fear of failure

The fear of failure is very pronounced in some people because they have grown up and developed in an environment where they have had everything easily. The parents of these young people deprived them of few things, they have had studies, good food, clothes, money to go out with friends, they have indulged their whims, etc. Therefore, they have developed many fears in childhood and adolescence related to failing and not being able to obtain the things they are accustomed to for themselves.

Limits were never imposed on them

These types of young people who obtained a very permissive education from their parents and where limits were practically never imposed on them. They are people who became accustomed to always doing what they wanted and learned to follow rules, comply with an established schedule or obey orders, issues that must be followed for the vast majority of jobs.

Perceiving unhappiness in their working parents

Because these types of young people see their parents complaining about how hard they work, they don’t have time for other things, etc. They learn to perceive work as something extremely negative when it really doesn’t have to be that way for them.

Few job opportunities

The situation we currently have is somewhat unfavorable because it is not easy to get a job where you can have economic stability. This is why many young people perceive that they will never earn more than their parents, which discourages them too much, so they prefer to stay as they are and continue depending on them.

Lack of motivation

The lack of intrinsic motivation that many young people have is determined by a series of causes, among them that they perceive a bleak work and economic future, also by the fact of not knowing what they are really passionate about and what they would enjoy working with.

Not having clear goals

There are young people who simply do not have a clear definition of what they want in life, they have never asked themselves what they want to achieve since they want to dedicate themselves. It is also a lack of self-knowledge that causes one to have no interest in anything.

Too high aspirations

Some young people have very high aspirations for what they want to achieve, which is really not something negative but quite the opposite. The negative of having this type of aspirations is trying to achieve your goals in a short period of time and being impatient. For this reason, many people put aside their goals and purposes in life since they want everything to be given to them quickly, which causes them to immediately abandon their goals on the first try when they get what they want.


Another possible cause is that the person in question is depressed since, as we well know, depression is an illness that in most cases becomes disabling. Therefore, those who suffer from it live with a constant feeling of existential emptiness and even lose the meaning of life, ceasing to care about everything or almost everything that they do. To study or work you need to have a reason to do so and in this case there is no reason at all.

Why I don't want to work or study - 8 possible reasons why I don't want to work or study

5 solutions to motivate you to work or study

After having briefly described some of the possible reasons why a person does not want to work or study, we are going to give you some tips so that you can feel more motivated and succeed in this situation. As you know, finding yourself at this moment without studying or working can bring you certain momentary advantages, however in the not too distant future it will be necessary for you to start taking action and decide to do something since not only your economic stability but also your well-being will depend on this. psychological and emotional.

  • Give yourself your time. If you are not sure of what you want to do, it is good to take the time to reflect, however we must take into account that we must take care of actually doing it and not just let time pass. Something that can help you discover what you want is to do introspection exercises to know yourself better.
  • Visualize yourself a few years from now. How do you see yourself in 5 years? This is a question that is often used a lot in job interviews, it is important that we are clear about what we want to achieve in the long term to be able to move towards it. Think about the life you would like to have and set short-term goals so you can start achieving it.
  • Discover your talent and take advantage of it. We all have things that we are better at than others or that we are simply passionate about. It is important, if you are not clear about what you are good at or what you love to do, to identify it and begin to develop that skill further. For example, if you are a creative person, you like drawing and design, you could sign up for classes and/or start a professional training or university degree that is related to it.
  • Lose the fear of failure. If your limitation is the fear of failure, you need to improve your perspective about what failure is. We are all afraid, it is something that we will not be able to avoid, however instead of that fear paralyzing us we must make it drive us to achieve what we want. What are you more afraid of trying and failing or having never tried and still failing? Remember that if you decide to try and have “failed”, that is something extremely positive since we learn from that experience so that next time we can do better. Failure is part of success, the only people who really fail are the ones who never try.
  • Consult with a professional. If you feel that you cannot do anything on your own to feel better and/or you simply do not feel the desire to work or study on something and you notice that it is affecting you emotionally, it is always advisable to go to a professional to guide you. The psychologist is the most suitable professional who can help you, her job will be to serve as a guide so that, regardless of whether you decide to study or work, you can feel better about yourself and achieve an adequate emotional balance.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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