What Is Emotional Hypersensitivity? 6 Characteristics Of A Hypersensitive Person

Do you think you are a hypersensitive person? Do you know the characteristics of a highly sensitive person? Do you want to know the difference between both people to see if you can identify yourself?

What is hypersensitivity and how does it differ from PAS?

Currently many people are describing themselves as people hypersensitive or highly sensitive Although hypersensitivity is increasingly normalized, the reality is that many people do not know what exactly it means to be hypersensitive. Suffering from this condition does not mean having a psychological problem but rather it is simply a trait that our personality has.

What is hypersensitivity?

When we refer to hypersensitivity in psychology we are pointing out those people who are very sensitive to both criticism and the attitudes of other people. So much so that in many cases a hypersensitive person ends up having some physical symptoms due to this emotional reaction of rejection. This type of hypersensitivity should not be confused with the biological condition that a person has when faced with certain substances or physical conditions.

What are the characteristics of hypersensitive people?

There are a series of characteristics that allow us to differentiate hypersensitivity from highly sensitive people. In these cases, the psychological hypersensitivity It is defined by the following features:

  1. They react excessively to stimuli: One of the clear signs that we are facing a hypersensitive person is that they tend to react excessively to the stimuli that surround them. So much so that they can be easily scared or on the contrary, they can become excited by small things that have happened around them.
  2. They are stuck in the past: His hyper-reaction and emotional hypersensitivity It is explained by your personal history, shortcomings, learning from the past (for example, if I was not valued or recognized in the past, currently I will have a tendency to think that I am not valued and I will interpret from what happened to me, leading me to react “exaggeratedly”) .
  3. They don’t know how to manage their emotions: They do not know how to manage their emotions, which leads them to explode or react excessively. In this way they find themselves in a vicious circle where their hypersensitivity It leads them to situations that cause them even more pain due to the criticism of others.
  4. They are impulsive: Their reactions or behaviors are sometimes impulsive: not knowing how to manage their emotions, they explode without a reasoning mechanism. Impulsivity and hypersensitivity are an almost explosive mixture since they can lead to living in very difficult situations for anyone. sensitive person
  5. They care a lot about the opinion of others: The hypersensitive people They take too much into account the opinions of others: by feeling everything too much, they also feel their own personal insecurities too much and this leads them to seek appreciation from the people around them. Non-rating or comments can lead them to feel attacked.
  6. They have a distorted perception: Due to their extreme sensitivity, they interpret everything from their own reality: what others do, say, what happens… is directed towards them. They continually feel themselves in the spotlight, which worsens their self-perception. In this way, the psychological hypersensitivity It can lead to loneliness and isolation by trying to avoid these situations.
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These characteristics affect them in their daily lives and they always feel excessively emotional people (for example, excessively worried, too insecure, among other feelings). In many cases, individuals with hypersensitivity require the help of a mental health professional due to all the implications that this personality trait entails.

What are hypersensitive people like?

What is the difference between highly sensitive people and hypersensitivity?

The concept of highly sensitive people It was coined by psychologist Elaine Aaron in 1995. Aaron described the 4 basic characteristics or pillars known as “DOES” (Deep processing, Overstimulation, strong Emotions and Sensitive). To be considered a highly sensitive person, all 4 must be present.

  1. Deep processing: They carry out deep processing of all the information they receive. They perceive many details in the environment and analyze them excessively.
  2. Overstimulation: They perceive many stimuli from the environment, which can overwhelm them and feel blocked.
  3. Strong Emotions: They feel their emotions in excess, which causes them to feel their emotions at the greatest intensity.
  4. Sensitive: They are very sensitive and have highly developed 5 senses, which leads them to perceive differences in the environment that would apparently go unnoticed.

Unlike a hypersensitive person or those very sensitive people, an individual who is a pas has the following characteristics.

  • Are highly sensitive, not as a reaction to lived situations or personal experiences, but as a trait and way of feeling. They are born with a much finer sensory system and perceive the environment in greater detail.
  • They have a great ability to empathize with the rest.
  • They get very involved emotionally (feeling positive and negative emotions excessively).
  • They can be people with tendency towards loneliness: Contact with others can overwhelm them (solitude is their way of protecting themselves from emotional intensity).
  • They prefer solitary activities
  • They notice the subtleties those small details that would go unnoticed by others: they are very observant.

What is it like to be a hypersensitive person?

How to be less sensitive if you suffer from hypersensitivity?

Even though it be hypersensitive In itself, it is not a bad thing if certain traits of this characteristic of our personality are controlled, the reality is that this condition can become a setback for many people. So much so that in many cases, people who have emotional hypersensitivity seek to reduce these sensations. To do this, there are a series of tips that you can follow based on certain psychological characteristics.

  1. Analyze your emotions: Start by putting words to what you feel and analyze it from that past trauma that leads you to overreact in the present.
  2. Put braking strategies into practice: As you become more aware of what you really feel, start by putting into practice braking strategies and avoiding overreaction. For example, before reacting, stop and change places, before reacting, drink a glass of water, before reacting, write what you would like to say… You will be learning to manage your impulsivity preceded by high sensitivity that you have before your emotions.
  3. Seek other perspectives: When you realize that you are analyzing a situation from an old wound, allow yourself to stop and find new meaning in what you are interpreting (for example, maybe he didn’t call me because he is busy instead of because he doesn’t like me or already). he doesn’t want to talk to me anymore). In this way you will stop being guided by the emotional hypersensitivity and you will look for a more rational vision.
  4. Ask for help if you need it: Look for a psychologist who will accompany you in a process of learning to manage your emotions and redirect the consequences of your hypersensitivity With external help it is much easier to achieve it.
  5. Reflect and write about your emotions: Think about the last year and answer:
    • In what situations do you notice that your emotions are very intense?
    • In what situations do you feel attacked?
    • In what situations do you feel like you are not in control of your reactions?
    • In what situations do you always experience the same emotion?
    • In what other situations (beyond 1 year, even when you were younger) have you also experienced these emotions?
    • If you could describe the emotion in words… what would what you feel mean? What really makes you feel that emotion?
    • What is it that you want most that you don’t have in those situations?
    • What would you like to be different and what makes you feel that emotion?
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What can I do if I don’t know exactly if I am a hypersensitive person or HSP?

Your way of feeling and perceiving reality is not something you can change, but you can improve the way you interpret it. Perceiving subtleties and having a great capacity to empathize are characteristics that can be very positive as long as they are well directed and this hypersensitivity does not lead to personal suffering.

  • Learn to know yourself more: Do a process of self-knowledge and observe those situations that you feel excessively or in which you may feel very overwhelmed by all the information that surrounds you. To know if your problem lies in the fact that you are a hypersensitive person or on the contrary you are a person with high sensitivity, it is essential to know who you are.
  • Accept your qualities or defects: Even if you are a person with high sensitivity or a hypersensitive person You must learn to accept yourself as you are. In this way, the best step will be to accept your ability to perceive subtleties and your ability to receive a lot of information from the environment and that this leads you to feel different from others. Neither better nor worse, different. The environment may not understand you, not because they don’t want to, but because they don’t perceive those subtleties that you do. The first step is for you to accept yourself.
  • Assume your emotions: Accept that you have the capacity to feel emotions in excess and at their maximum intensity, and ask yourself “What would I do differently if I felt it a little less?” and start by putting into practice what you discover what you would do differently.
  • Set limits: In most cases, both in cases of emotional hypersensitivity As in highly sensitive people there are a series of insecurities that end up producing some attitudes that we do not want to do. Learn to say no and know what you want for yourself: your high capacity to empathize can lead you to not set limits with others and feel bad if you don’t do what you are told. Allow yourself a little more no and put your attention on yourself.
  • Benefit from this trait: Both in the hypersensitivity As in a person who has high sensitivity, this personality trait can be used to develop a virtue. In this way, use your finest system to your advantage (for example, with professions that involve helping, or with a high need for concentration, or very creative activities…). Lean on a psychologist to direct your trait and find your personal well-being. Your well-directed trait and ability can greatly enrich your daily life.
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If you feel discomfort in your daily life due to your hypersensitivity and you don’t know how to direct your emotions… the best thing you can do for yourself is consult a psychologist. A process of self-knowledge and psychotherapy will allow you to know more about yourself and be able to direct your qualities, personal experiences and abilities in an adaptive and positive way for you.