70 Questions For Tinder (ideal For Meeting People)

Tinder Questions

Tinder is not one of the most famous dating apps by chance; In a very short time it has managed to become part of the usual way of meeting people and seducing (or trying to) hundreds of thousands of people, and today even those who rarely use their smartphones have heard of it.

Now, this app is often criticized because it places a lot of emphasis on its users’ photographs. While this is partly true, the truth is that if you are skilled with words and conversation, the chances of being successful on Tinder increase greatly. Now, this is not easy, especially when talking to someone we don’t know at all. Thus, Tinder questions like the ones below can help you to get the conversation flowing.

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Questions to use on Tinder (ideal to meet your match)

Applications to find a partner like Tinder can be very useful if you know how to take advantage of their potential, and to do so You have to find ways to have fun and interesting conversations In this sense, the questions for Tinder that you will find below can help you “break the ice” and make the dialogue flow based on specific topics.

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1. What is your favorite book?

Literary tastes are often an important part of someone’s personality.

2. What is your favorite movie?

An interesting question with which we can begin to detect common points.

3. What would your ideal date be like?

A good way to start getting to know someone and discover what they are like in private.

4. What is your favorite song?

Musical tastes are the soundtrack of a person’s life and with them we can also identify compatibilities.

5. What series are you watching?

The series that one watches also tell us a lot about what a person is like.

6. What 3 emojis are the last ones that you have used the most?

A curious question that can tell us what kind of person we are meeting.

7. Do you prefer the sea or the mountains?

A question about the tastes of people with whom we can begin to establish compatibilities.

8. What is the first movie you saw in the cinema?

A biographical detail that can be interesting and tender.

9. How do you get along with your ex-partner?

The style of relationships we have throughout life can speak very well or very badly about us.

10. Where do you see yourself living in 5 years?

Life aspirations tell us about what a person is like and what their priorities are.

Questions to talk on Tinder

11. What is your favorite food?

A question with which we can begin to build links.

12. What 3 objects would you take to a desert island?

A classic question with which you can get to know someone much better than we think.

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13. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Describing yourself can be difficult at times, but the way we do it says a lot about us.

14. What are your 3 best virtues?

Again, a question that can be very useful and interesting.

15. Do you have friends of more than 10 years?

A question that can be very interesting, since the type of friendships we have describes us as people.

16. Do you consider yourself romantic?

Romanticism is a highly valued quality in some people.

17. What is your favorite soundtrack?

Some people are true movie buffs and have a soundtrack burned into their hearts that will accompany them throughout their lives.

18. At what age did you have your first kiss?

A nice question that tells us about the biography of our interlocutor.

19. What is your favorite app?

With this question we can begin to know what type of person we are meeting.

20. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Asking about daily habits and routines is also a good way to get to know someone.

21. Do you prefer day or night?

Some people are diurnal while others prefer the night, it all depends on each person’s tastes.

22. What sport do you practice?

Sports are usually an important part of a person’s life and this question can teach us what type of person we are talking to.

23. What was your worst date like?

A question with which we will undoubtedly obtain funny anecdotes.

24. How many followers do you have on Twitter?

Twitter is one of the most important social networks and from it you can get to know a person very well.

25. How many followers do you have on Instagram?

The amount or little activity one has in this application clearly tells us how it can be in private.

26. Do you collect anything?

Collections are an important part of many people’s lives and serve to discover hidden aspects about them.

27. Do you have any hobbies?

Hobbies and pastimes are a good way to connect and find common bonds.

28. What do you like to do in your free time?

Hobbies during free time tell us about what a person is like in private.

29. What was your favorite book as a child?

The love of reading begins in childhood and at that time you can find very interesting books that will accompany us throughout our lives.

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30. What superpower would you like to have?

Some people can certainly have very surprising answers to this question.

31. What would you do if you were invisible?

A fun question about which we can start an entertaining debate.

32. If you could make 3 wishes, what would they be?

With this question you can discover what the other person’s most intimate dreams and aspirations are.

33. What is your favorite word?

A nice question with which we can share tastes about our favorite words.

34. Where would you like to live?

Some people dream of living in a certain country or city.

35. At what age did you lose your virginity?

A classic question that is asked to learn more about the interlocutor.

36. How many stable partners have you had?

A question that will tell us about the type of relationship that person has.

37. At what age did your parents get married?

A nice way to start learning about the other person’s family.

38. What book are you currently reading?

The readings in which one is engaged at the current moment say a lot about what a person is like.

39. Can friendship exist between a man and a woman?

An interesting question that will allow us to discover the other person’s opinion on such a controversial topic.

40. Do you want to have children?

The dreams and aspirations that someone has are an important part of their personality and with them we can get to know them in depth.

41. What was the happiest day of your life?

Some people have the day they were happiest engraved inside them.

42. If you could meet a historical person, who would it be?

A question with which we will learn first-hand about the other person’s tastes, interests and even hobbies.

43. What do you think of veganism?

Some opinions about politics, social movements or current events can teach us a lot about what this person is like.

44. What is your favorite holiday?

Tastes in leisure and vacations also show us an important part of someone’s personality.

45. What is the movie you have seen the most times?

We all have a movie that we have seen repeatedly throughout our lives and that has undoubtedly left its mark on us.

46. ​​How would you describe yourself in a tweet?

Describing yourself is a good way to show others what we really are like.

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47. If you wanted to win over me, what would the ideal date be like?

An interesting question that will make us see how far the other person is willing to go to win our love.

48. How many siblings do you have?

The family world is a personal sphere that can teach us a lot about what someone is like.

49. Where did you last travel?

Asking about trips taken throughout life are ways to get to know a person.

50. What would be your ideal trip?

Some people have been planning the trip of a lifetime for years, and it can be wonderful.

51. How many countries have you traveled to?

The habit of traveling the world is a hobby that we can share with many people.

52. If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

Some people tend to have interesting and very elaborate answers to this surprising question.

53. If you could reincarnate as someone, who would you do it?

This question will tell us profusely about the personality, values ​​and interests of our interlocutor.

54. Do you believe in ghosts?

A question that can be very interesting to debate whether the answer is positive or negative.

55. Are you a committed person?

Commitment is a highly respected quality in both men and women.

56. Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life?

An interesting question that can provide an enjoyable and fascinating conversation.

57. Do you like poetry?

Poetry is a hobby that many people have and that is undoubtedly related to romanticism, sensitivity and art.

58. How many languages ​​do you speak?

An excellent question to break the ice and start getting to know that person’s abilities.

59. Do you like dogs or cats more?

A good question with which we can learn more about the other person’s tastes.

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60. Do you know what your name means?

Some people have names with very specific meanings.

61. What animal would you like to be in a future life?

It can give us a lot of information about the way you see yourself.

62. What is the photograph that surprised you the most to find on Tinder?

63. What do you think about polyamory?

Keep in mind that depending on the context in which you ask this question, the other person might believe that you are looking for an open relationship.

64. What type of people do you try to avoid at all costs on this app?

A way of talking about each person’s preferences, compatibilities and incompatibilities, etc.

65. Why have you decided to use those photographs in the app?

This question can be used when the conversation has already advanced a little, so that it is not interpreted as criticism. It allows the other person to talk about what they want to express in those images.

66. What did you think about hookup/dating apps before using one for the first time?

This is an invitation for the person to give their opinion on how their perception of these new technological tools has changed (and, of course, their way of seeing relationships and dating).

67. Do you believe that opposites attract?

A topic of conversation that can be very useful when talking about each person’s personality.

68. Are you looking to go on a first date soon?

It is never more important to know the limits and rhythms of each one.

69. Are you interested in the idea of ​​making friends on Tinder?

Some people are just looking for a partner, and others are just looking for friendships with something more.

70. What time frame have you given yourself to know if this app works for you?

Even the most “popular” people on Tinder can feel like they are not progressing if for some reason they do not connect with the way the app works or with the conversations they find in it.