The Silent Treatment: Why Ignoring A Person Is Toxic Behavior?

Why can they treat us with the silent treatment? What happens if we start ignoring a person according to psychology? Discover what it is and how to respond to the silent treatment.

What is the silent treatment and what are its consequences?

The Ice law It is a way of behaving towards others that ends up inflicting pain. In fact, research has shown that ignoring a person activates the same areas of the brain as those involved in physical pain. Therefore, the silent treatment can harm the person we are trying to ignore. In fact, it can end a relationship, whether it is a friendship, family or couple. But, what can we do when the silent treatment is applied to us?

What is the silent treatment?

The silent treatment is a resource that consists of a series of behaviors to ignore a person Some people perform these types of actions unconsciously and others can use it to harm others.

“Excluding and ignoring people, such as turning your back on them or the silent treatment, is used to punish or manipulate, and people may not realize the emotional or physical damage that is being done. “

Kipling Williams, professor of psychology at Purdue University

This silent treatment affects us because it activates the anterior cingulate cortex, the part of the brain that detects physical pain. Therefore, we could affirm that ignoring is violence even though there is no physical contact with the person.

This type of treatment, whether used in relationships or in other relationships, can greatly harm the relationship. In fact, studies have shown that it decreases relationship satisfaction as well as feelings of intimacy and ultimately reduces the ability to communicate in a healthy and meaningful way.

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Why can someone ignore a person according to psychology?

There are a few reasons why people may apply the law of ice to others. Among the most common, we can find the following:

  • They blame you: Some people they use the silent treatment, since they blame others for a problem they have. In this way, they try to make the problem disappear by ignoring the other, when in reality this type of behavior ends up making things worse.
  • Punish others: Some people can ignore a person in order to be able to harm or punish the other. This is because when a person is treated through the silent treatment, they usually try to access whoever applies it to solve this situation. In this way, ignoring is violence for the person because it is a way to manipulate and attack through emotions.
  • They think it’s the best: It is possible that those people who use lthe silent treatment of friends, partners or family Think that it is the best thing you can do when faced with a problem. Or maybe these people are looking to have more space for themselves, but don’t bother to tell you. In many cases, people use these types of behaviors to avoid confrontation.

Many people who use the law of ice In their relationships they do not do it with bad intentions. In fact, in the vast majority of cases, ignoring a person is a method to deal with those problems that may not be easy within relationships.

Consequences ice law

The law of ice and its consequences

If you apply this type of behavior in your relationships, you should know that the silent treatment or the silent treatment They can damage your bond with others in the following ways:

  1. Emotional trauma: By ignoring a person, they can experience many overwhelming emotions. Thus, the law of ice causes victims to experience rejection, guilt, loneliness and despair.
  2. Stress: When a person is ignored by someone It can make a person feel that they have done something wrong and that they must act to fix the situation. So much so that it can harm the self-esteem of those who receive it. In addition, victims may feel that they have no control over this attitude, and therefore it can cause stress.
  3. May have physical side effects: As we have mentioned, our brain detects this type of behavior as physical pain. This ends up implying that those who suffer from it feel a headache, as well as experiencing stomach discomfort and even suffering from anxiety or insomnia.
  4. Behavior changes: People who receive treatment through the law of ice They may end up behaving in ways they normally wouldn’t. This happens because they do not know how to approach the person who is ignoring them and therefore end up acting in completely different ways than they normally do.
  5. Destroy relationships: Often the problem you have the law of ice It is communication. Constantly treating someone with this type of attitude can damage the bond in such a way that it ends up ending the relationship. This happens because ignoring a person can end up destroying the intimacy and trust that exists between two people.
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There are many cases in which people do not realize how dangerous it can be to treat someone with the silent treatment and the consequences What this attitude can have within a relationship. Therefore, if you have problems communicating or believe that you are damaging your ties with others with this type of behavior, it is important that you rectify it. If you believe that you do not have the necessary skills to face problems in your relationships, you may require consultation with a mental health professional.

Ignoring as a form of violence

What to do when they apply the silent treatment to you?

If you are the one receiving this type of treatment from a friend, family member or partner, it is important to keep in mind that this attitude can be harmful to your mental health, which implies that you must act to deal with this situation. Therefore, if you see that the silent treatment is affecting you, you can follow the following tips:

  • Keep calm: Although this type of attitude can upset the person who receives them, it is important to remain calm at all times.
  • Find out what the problem is: It is important that you try to find out what happened and why the person is treating you through the law of ice
  • Try to speak: Getting closer to the person can help you learn why someone is exercising. the law of ice with you just as it can make the other person end up giving in and explaining how they feel.
  • Understand the reason: If you believe that the person who is treating you through the law of ice He does it to harm you, it is important to detect that you are facing a relationship that is not healthy for you and put an end to this type of manipulation or emotional blackmail.
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It is important not to ignore a person if you are upset with him or her because of all the consequences this can have for your relationship. If this is your way of acting or you are receiving the effects of the ice law and you don’t know how to change this situation, perhaps you should consult with a professional psychologist. Don’t let anyone mistreat you through ignorance.