Self-confidence: 8 Techniques To Increase Self-confidence

Did you know that self-confidence is the key to personal success? Do you think you don’t trust yourself enough? Discover 8 psychological methods to increase self-confidence.

How to increase our self-confidence?

Recent neuropsychological studies have determined that self confidence that is, self-confidence, is essential to be successful in life and also to minimize the appearance or virulence with which certain mental disorders or even cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s suffer.

In this way, lack of self-confidence or the negative and pessimistic thoughts associated with it can make these diseases progress sooner and increase their severity. The self-confidence or having self-confidence is therefore vital to living a life full and full of happiness.

What is self-confidence?

The self-confidence It is one of the bases of self-esteem, and it is about the confidence we have in ourselves, that is, how capable and useful we perceive ourselves to be. In this way, self-confidence is a fundamental pillar to develop in the best way in each of the aspects of our life.

We nourish or diminish this pillar of self-esteem throughout our life experiences. So much so that in studies carried out in Kyoto through neurological sensors they have discovered that self-confidence increases when after an experience carried out by a person, he or she receives financial compensation.

If we transfer this fact to the psychological field, we can relate the reward with self-confidence or level of self-confidence This is because its origin occurs in the child’s first conscious experiences. When a child is rewarded every time he does something good or useful for others, this increases his self-confidence. In this way, thanks to these rewards received during childhood, he will increase both his self-assurance and self-confidence.

The relationship between self-confidence and self-esteem

The self-esteem and confidence in oneself or self-confidence have a lot to do with it. In this way, these two skills are formed during childhood but can be worked on in adulthood. There is a common mistake in people who try to compensate for a lack of confidence or low self-esteem; on many occasions they try to improve this by showing their achievements in front of others. But in reality, both self-confidence, self-esteem and self-assurance do not come from what they say about us but from within us.

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To have self confidence or improve our self-esteem, it is necessary not only to see the great achievements, but also to take the small details as a reference. So much so that trusting ourselves and building our self-esteem is done little by little, through daily achievements. Self-confidence is a job that must be worked from small to large, and not vice versa.

The main problem with all this is that the society in which we have grown up has for many years valued punishment more than positive reinforcement. Even today, parents find it easier to punish for things that are done wrong than to value what their children do well. . If we only punish what is done wrong, what is done well goes unnoticed, the person does not value his or her achievements and therefore does not learn to have self-confidence When this is done from childhood, by the time the person becomes an adult they will grow up with poor self-esteem and therefore will not trust their abilities or resources and will be very demanding of themselves. It will have created a vicious cycle: because I have not been reinforced for my successes, there is no good foundation for self-confidence or self-confidence.

The path to improve self-confidence and to reward the lack of self-confidence, it would then focus on manipulating the thoughts we have towards ourselves to focus them towards achievement.

The relationship between self-confidence and self-esteem

How to have confidence in yourself?

The best way to reward lack of trust that can appear in a person, is trying to deceive our own mind in order to reinforce positive thinking around us and build a basis for our self-confidence. This way, you can do these steps to improve your self-confidence. Despite this, on many occasions there are certain problems that cannot be changed without the help of a mental health professional.

  1. Replace negative thoughts: Surely you will have the habit of mentally punishing yourself and undervaluing yourself. Even if you think you are realistic, you are probably being pessimistic. So much so that to know how to have more confidence in yourself It is vital to try to banish these thoughts from your mind and renew them with more optimistic ones. To achieve this, you can rationalize each of the negative thoughts or ruminations that come to your mind. In this way you will see that those ideas that come from your lack of confidence often have no foundations.
  2. Demand less of yourself: Appreciate the pressure you give yourself because perhaps you are demanding too much of yourself. On many occasions, a lack of self-confidence goes hand in hand with an excess of perfectionism to try to compensate for it. So, in order to improve our self-confidence and self-esteem It will be vital to leave behind these types of attitudes towards ourselves. To do this, you will have to accept your flaws and mistakes. The best way to know how to improve self-confidence is to detect these types of attitudes and relax our level of demand. By being more permissive with ourselves we will be able to enjoy and improve in many more aspects.
  3. Avoid generalizing: We tend to use very general words like “everything”, “nothing”, “always”, “never”, etc. We use these types of general statements in an erroneous way. Trusting oneself is equivalent to making an effort every time we use these labels to avoid having to face a difficult situation. In this way we will be able to improve our self-confidence since we will motivate ourselves and try with all our might to know how to believe in ourselves.
  4. Value your own achievements: We tend to highlight what we have not achieved more than what we have achieved and we accumulate that in a mental list that demotivates us. It’s about reversing that list, instead of thinking only about what you haven’t achieved, think about everything you do well, your skills, your resources and everything you have achieved, no matter how small. Through this, you will be able to improve both your self-confidence and self-esteem thanks to see that you have really come further than what it may seem at first glance.
  5. Congratulate yourself and reward yourself every time you achieve something: Notice every thing you do well throughout the day and congratulate yourself for it. Remember that it doesn’t have to be big achievements, but rather every little thing you do well. Although they may seem like small things, the reality is that doing it daily is an effort that you manage to make every day. Look how you achieve it day after day to be able to trust yourself much more How to improve our self-confidence?
  6. Recognize your insecurities: Identify everything that makes you feel lack of self-confidence In this way, you will detect what precisely creates a lack of self-confidence in order to correct this type of attitude. Many times, the root of insecurity and lack of confidence or self-confidence is a feeling of not having enough of something, whether it be emotional validation, good luck, money, etc.
  7. Be assertive: One of the main defects of people who lack self-confidence is precisely not knowing how to accept the compliments they receive from others. Therefore, the best way to Trust yourself It is possibly to try to take these precise opinions in a positive way.
  8. Act as if you have self-confidence: Observe how enterprising or confident people act and pretend to act like them. In this way, the brain gets used to the feeling of positive thinking and like everything, it will become part of your own routine. Trick your brain through a confident attitude in oneself will be the best way to end up with a lot of self-confidence.
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Through all these psychological methods you can improve your confidence in many aspects. So much so that if you manage to repeat this type of attitude for a long time it is very likely that you will get a golden self-confidence