What Is Psychosomatic Disorder? 5 Signals That Your Body Is Sending You

Do you have pain without an explanation? The body sometimes becomes a reflection of our emotions. Discover how it speaks to us and what we can do to avoid psychosomatic disorders

What are psychosomatic disorders?

The body speaks to us, that is a certainty and is demonstrated by the fact that we can suffer from a psychosomatic disorder, another thing is that we listen to it. Frequently, the stress and the anxiety They manifest themselves through physical symptoms such as headache, contractures, stomach pain, ringing in the ears, etc.

These symptoms, being physical, normally we do not associate them with anything psychological and we move on from them. We take some anti-inflammatories and continue as if nothing happened, but after a short time they reappear or change their form, that is, new symptoms appear that we continue not to associate with emotional discomfort precisely because they are no longer the same. So, how can we know if we are facing a psychosomatic disorder?

What is a psychosomatic disorder?

He psychosomatic disorder It is a psychological condition that leads to physical symptoms, often without a medical explanation behind it. Psychosomatic problems usually affect almost any part of our body, for this reason, those who suffer from them tend to seek medical attention and become frustrated when they do not have a clear diagnosis.

In fact, people with psychosomatic disorders They may have excessive thoughts, feelings, and worries about these symptoms, as they may even affect their ability to function well.

Psychosomatic symptoms

Obviously, if you suffer from pain that is worrying you, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Even so, if the diagnosis is not consistent with what you feel, you may be facing a case of psychosomatic pain Psychosomatic disorders can be recognized due to the following symptoms:

  1. Racing heart or increased blood pressure: In many cases the psychosomatic problems They are usually related to a response to excess stress or anxiety.
  2. Muscle pains: Muscle tension can also be another sign that we are facing a psychosomatic disorder
  3. Headaches: Headache can also be one of the symptoms we are facing. psychosomatic problems
  4. Dizziness or tremors: People with a psychosomatic disorder They may feel dizzy or have tremors due to pain with no apparent cause.
  5. Digestive problems: Digestion is one of the functions that is most affected by excess stress or nervousness.
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These are some of the signs you could experience when faced with a psychosomatic disorder In all cases, it is important to go to a doctor to really check if we are facing a physical illness.

Why do psychosomatic pains appear?

The answer is simple: because you don’t listen to your emotions The brain dominates the body and if we listen to our worries, our stress, our emotional states and the reasons for these (if we are happy, angry, sad, frustrated, helpless, etc.) psychosomatic disorders normally do not appear because by being aware we are giving them the space they need and also that way we can solve them.

But if what we do is ignore our psyche, the brain begins to send signals to the body so that it reacts. These signs can range from mild symptoms such as heartburn, high blood pressure, indigestion, headache, etc., to more serious problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, ulcers or psoriasis. That is, our mind ends up causing an illness in our body by not listening to it after prolonged emotional discomfort.

With this I want to emphasize that a physical illness does not occur overnight because of having had a stressful day, but rather it is necessary for this situation or discomfort to last for a long time. prolonged period of time and is not managed or elaborated in any way.

Causes of psychosomatic disorders

What are the causes of psychosomatic problems?

Generally, people who suffer from a psychosomatic disorder They have the following common causes:

  • Excess stress: When people have too much stress, nervousness and everything related to this disorder can end up leading to psychosomatic illnesses.
  • Depression and anxiety: Both a depressive disorder and anxiety can also result in psychosomatic pain. In fact, in the case of anxiety, many people may have their digestive system affected due to this disorder.
  • Relationship problems: Being in conflict with other people can also cause us to suffer from psychosomatic problems.
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These are some of the main reasons why we might experience a psychosomatic disorder If you feel identified with any of these situations, we recommend that you go to a professional psychologist to work on the causes of these pains.

What can I do to prevent psychosomatic disorders from appearing?

  • Listen to yourself: It is very important to manage daily emotions and for this it is essential to be aware of what we think and feel. Dedicate a few minutes of your time every day to evaluate how the day has gone, what aspects have been good, what aspects have been negative for you and what you can do to resolve that situation. For example: imagine that you make that evaluation of your day and as a positive you highlight that you have been calm at your job because the majority are on vacation and they have not asked you for any favors, but as a negative you highlight that you have performed little and Your work has accumulated so tomorrow you predict that you will have a hard day and you will have to leave later. If you are aware of this, you can normalize the fact that you feel bad when you get home and you can also do something to change the situation.
  • Let off steam: To manage emotions it is necessary to give them shape through words. Talk to someone about your discomfort, explain what is happening to you and get their point of view. Simply talking about how you feel will free you up a little. Listen to the advice and act in the way you think you should.
  • Solve the problems you can: If the discomfort can be changed by resolving the situation because it depends on you, what are you waiting for? Venting is fine, but then you have to move to dissolve the worry. Ask yourself if you can do something to change it, and if so, get to work.
  • Learn to relativize: When you can’t change a situation, it’s not worth going over and over. Give it the importance it has and no more. Learn to live with it, but be aware of what it causes in you (allow yourself to be uncomfortable occasionally). For example, if you want to change jobs because you don’t like the one you have and it generates negative emotions, if you are already looking, but at the moment no opportunity arises, there is little point in dwelling on how bad you are. Keep looking, but don’t dwell too much on how bad your boss is or how little you like that job. Look for the positive part (for example that allows you to make ends meet). If you only think about the negative you can get very frustrated, but from time to time you have to allow yourself to “rant” to someone or let out the discomfort.
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At the first symptoms of a psychosomatic disorder It is important that we try to analyze what the cause is and what we can do about it to solve this problem. Remember: well-being is not the absence of problems, it is the ability we have to deal with them.