Can You Be Single And Be Happy? 7 Psychological Advantages Of Singles

Can single people be happy? Why do we fear being single so much? Discover the psychological benefits of being single and how to enjoy this independent stage of your life.

How to be single and be happy?

Despite popular beliefs on the matter, it has been shown that being single It can have numerous mental and physical benefits. In fact, many people are so afraid of being single that they are terrified by the idea of ​​being without a partner by their side. This causes many relationships to end up becoming a relationship of loving dependency that only harms both parties in the relationship. According to psychology, there are many advantages of enjoying being single. Discover them.

The advantages of being single

Although there is a belief that people should be in a couple, the reality is that The singles They have many psychological benefits that they can enjoy during this stage of their lives. In reality, according to psychology, you can be single and be completely happy in all aspects. In fact, studies indicate the following advantages of single life.

  1. Clear mind: On many occasions, relationships take up a lot of mental work, something that causes people to end up dedicating little time to themselves. This happens since intimacy and love for others end up taking up a lot of space in our heads, therefore we dedicate less of our thoughts to ourselves. When a person she is single She does not have worries around another person for so long, but instead thinks more about herself and this benefits her mental health and psychological balance.
  2. You are more open: Another advantage of be a bachelor or bachelorette It’s that you are more accepting of the challenges that life throws at you. The reason for this is that singles are free from the limitations of having a partner and therefore take more risks to pursue their ambitions or their own dreams.
  3. More time to be with you: On many occasions, being in a relationship means putting aside our intimacy and introspection to get to know ourselves. The reason for this is that when we are with another person we stop doing things independently. When someone is in a single life He/she has much more contact with himself/herself. The advantages of being single
  4. You have the opportunity to discover what you want in life: The singleness It is a golden opportunity to discover our meaning in life. That is, it is the best time to investigate who you are and what you want to dedicate your existence to. In addition, singles can reflect on their old relationships and see what they can improve about themselves in order to change and be themselves with others.
  5. It can be your best life option: Being in a relationship is not the life everyone wants or needs. There are people who will really be happy being a bachelor or bachelorette forever. Being single and happy is a completely viable option for those people who are looking for love and can’t find it. This is much better than being unhappy in a relationship.
  6. You can make self-care a priority: The single’s life It is an opportunity to put ourselves as a priority. The time that we would dedicate to our couple, we now have to work on our personal aspirations. In this way, one of the advantages of being single is precisely that there are no distractions that can take us away from our own personal care or development.
  7. You learn to enjoy your own company: Being alone is not the same as feeling alone. Thus, be single It does not imply suffering loneliness. According to psychologists, people who enjoy being single have learned to be with themselves. Thanks to this, we can improve our personal confidence and self-esteem, two aspects that many people forget when being in a relationship.
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As we see, there are many advantages of being single For this reason, when we are alone we must take advantage of it to improve ourselves. If you don’t see the positive side of being single, perhaps you require the attention of a mental health professional.

Being single and happy

How to be happy being single?

The singles They can be very happy. Also, as we have seen, there are many advantages to being single. According to psychologists, to enjoy being single, we must follow the following tips.

  • Think about the advantages it has: Many people when she is single Think about how nice it is on a Sunday at home with popcorn and your partner by your side or taking a walk on the beach at sunset hand in hand with your boyfriend/girlfriend. However, being single has many advantages that we sometimes forget. Think about everything you have thanks to not having a partner: you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone, you can exploit your social side, you can have sexual relations with whoever you want, you can dedicate yourself exclusively to yourself without thinking about anyone else, etc. Therefore, evaluate all these advantages instead of thinking about the disadvantages.
  • Ignore social pressure: Your life is yours and yours alone, forget about what people will say and enjoy what you have and what you want. We cannot live our lives adhering to what some dictate, lead the life you want to lead whether being single or next to someone.
  • Exploit your individuality: Take advantage of the free time it gives you singleness to dedicate it to you; Do everything you want, make the most of your hobbies and do everything you wouldn’t do if you had a partner. For example, there are people who are self-conscious about going out at night or taking a year off from traveling. Take advantage of this moment if this is your case and enjoy.
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Singles can be happy

  • Learn to enjoy solitude: Loneliness can be perceived as something bad but it can also be enjoyed. There are people who don’t know how to do anything being alone or living the single life, you need someone’s company to be happy. Think about what you would do if you were on a desert island with all the amenities but no one. What would you dedicate your time to? Learn to be with yourself, to enjoy who you are and what you know how to do, learn to do new things and also learn to do nothing, to simply be watching the shrews.

Love is not only in the couple. We must learn to enjoy the other types of love we have: the love of siblings, friends, parents, family, self-love, etc. That way we won’t need our partner’s love as much. Generally when someone craves that love it is because those other loves fail in some way.

If so and you can’t enjoy your singleness, focus on improving your self-esteem, expand your social network, foster a better relationship with your family. This way you will feel more complete and it will not be so necessary for your partner to cover all those shortcomings (which is often what people try to do and that is why there are so many toxic relationships in which the partner acts as a friend, brother or sister). a, father/mother) and the relationship is suffocated.

If you notice that it is difficult for you to be alone or you are incessantly looking for a relationship, perhaps it would be good for you to do a psychotherapy to work on these deficiencies. Enjoy being single It involves valuing yourself above others. To live love, we must experience it from within.

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