Energy Thieves: 17 Thoughts And Attitudes That End Your Vitality

Do you lack energy? Do you feel like your mind is always invaded by bad thoughts? Discover what energy thieves are and how to identify what takes away our vitality.

What are energy thieves?

Have you ever felt tired? Do you think negatively a lot in your daily life? The energy thieves They are thoughts or people that end up exhausting us emotionally and that can make us less productive, unhappier, and make our life not progress at the pace we want.

What are energy thieves?

Energy thieves are not just people, but they are negative thoughts, that is, worries that we may have on a daily basis that prevent us from moving forward. Consequently they steal our spiritual or vital energy that we have and we could call them “habits”.

These thoughts or people that absorb your energy They can become a problem since they cause things around you to not turn out in the best way. So much so that in many cases energy thieves can end up modifying your behaviors and causing you to suffer from anxiety or depression.

What are the most common energy thieves?

There are a series of attitudes or thoughts that we can identify as these ‘mind thieves ‘. In many cases, people who lose their energy due to mental malpractice usually do the following actions.

  1. Constantly complain: They are people who look for something totally useless on a daily basis to complain about and without the objective of finding a solution. In this way, complaining not only makes people end up feeling that the responsibility for their ‘bad luck’ lies with others, but also that they do not want to take control of their lives and put an end to them. energy thieves
  2. Leave pending tasks: Phrases like the following may be associated with this topic: “I didn’t remember to write it down” “I completely forgot to tell you” “I think I missed the date to submit the documentation” “I will do it in a while.” This generates unnecessary expenditure of spiritual, physical and mental energy that does not help in being able to solve or carry out the issue in question.
  3. Not giving yourself permission to rest: Taking a break is great for both our psychological and physical health, since otherwise the rush of the moment can lead us to not perform our job well, for example. So much so that one of the energy thieves What can affect us the most mentally and physically is precisely not taking time to recharge our batteries and be relaxed.Keys to identify energy thieves
  4. Being disorganized: Having a tidy workplace and home helps transmit positive energy and frees us from chaos. For this reason, maintaining order in our home and in our minds should be one of the first steps to recover our spiritual or vital energy and free ourselves from the energy thieves that impede our progress. A messy place full of things will make your life and mind become chaos.
  5. Not accepting the facts: Acceptance means accepting the things you cannot change and doing something to change those over which you do have some degree of control. When we do not accept something or someone as they are, they can become a great “weight” on us for a long time and end up becoming a mind thieves that end our vitality.
  6. Clinging to things or people: This is related to friendship, family or dependent relationships, that is, without leaving enough space for the other person to have their moments of freedom. Emotional dependence is one of the energy thieves which most affects both our self-esteem and the relationship itself.
  7. Worrying unnecessarily: People usually react to the situation or the interpretation we make according to our mental situation, sometimes even anticipating it. Therefore, when faced with a difficult situation, it is best to focus on the here and now, go step by step, without imagining negative consequences that probably will not occur. Most common energy thieves
  8. Not knowing how to say “no”: People who don’t know how to say no are usually because they feel embarrassed or because they are afraid that others will reject them. Having time for yourself, for your loved ones and to enjoy what you like is essential for your health. When someone doesn’t know how to say no, it is obvious that those around you become people who absorb your energy
  9. Bear a grudge: Hate and resentment over time are feelings that can trigger physical and psychological illnesses. Also not only this, but it ends your spiritual or vital energy because it fills your mind with negative and unnecessary thoughts to be happy in your life.
  10. Not deciding: Sometimes when we make important decisions we must assume that we will not always make the best decision, perhaps we will make mistakes but mistakes are lessons learned. It is better to make a mistake and make amends than to sit idly by and suffer from indecision.
  11. The house or space you live in is messy: There is nothing more that takes away your energy than disorder, but especially disorganization. Also, those things in your home that do not bring you well-being and joy. Throw away, order and organize those things from the past that no longer serve you. The only thing they prevent you from is moving forward.
  12. Drag pending things on the health issue: “I’ll go to the dentist” “I’ll look at this allergy” “I’ll go to the dietitian.” If you’re not going, throw these expectations out of your mental agenda. Be realistic with yourself. And if you finally decide to go, write it down in your agenda and forget about it until it’s time for your medical appointment.
  13. Surround yourself or allow people into your life who constantly complain: Furthermore, these people do nothing to get out of the situation in which they find themselves, people who constantly judge and do not see themselves, people where the I is abundant and the you is scarce… If someone is looking for a garbage can, try not to be you. That is, toxic people are the energy thieves by excellence.
  14. Contact your personal power: Stop tolerating toxic situations or people. Make a decision to get out of there. Whichever. When you remain passive, what you are doing is allowing others to destroy you. spiritual or vital energy When you take the necessary action, you restore the energy flow and feel more liberated. What destroys your spiritual or vital energy
  15. Emotional debts: Words unspoken, grief unresolved, goodbye unspoken, I love you unreleased. Write to the person to close the past and if this is not possible, write to them anyway and send it to the “wind” to collect those words that you have now spoken. Free yourself from the emotional burden of not leaving the past behind. There is nothing more liberating than letting go of all those words that we have not been able to say before. Forgive, but above all, forgive yourself for not knowing how to do better.
  16. Eliminate from your life those things that do not make you happy: Yes, that radical. The things that don’t make you happy and you dedicate time to them drain your energy. Enjoy those that you do enjoy. You will see how you feel more energetic and happy. Alternatively, you can delegate those that you are not entirely comfortable with.
  17. Keep your promises: The easiest way to avoid not doing something is to say no from the beginning. If you have already made the promise, you can offer alternatives or negotiate. The non-fulfillment of a promise keeps us energetically aware of what was not finished, so a part of that spiritual or mental energy is still with what is unfinished.
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In many cases energy thieves They end up taking an emotional toll on the people who suffer from it. For this reason, if you see that you do not have enough vitality to face this situation, you should contact a professional psychologist. Get your mind in order and you will feel full of life again.