What Is Emotional Instability? 7 Signs That You Suffer From A Mental Imbalance

Are you an unstable person? Do you think you may suffer from emotional instability? Enter and discover the main characteristics of an emotionally unstable person and how to control it.

How to deal with emotional instability?

Any person has suffered a time of emotional ups and downs in their life. Despite this, the emotional instability It is a psychological condition that can affect us in many areas of our lives. When a person tends to lack emotional control, it is very likely that they will end up suffering from some psychological pathology at the worst moments. Therefore, it is very important to know what is hidden behind a mental imbalance and how to address them to enjoy any day of our life.

What is emotional instability?

When talking about emotional instability We are referring to the unpredictability that some people have in their emotions or reactions to certain events in daily life. In this way, when there is no emotional stability in an individual and they tend to have constant emotional downturns, this affectation can lead to a personality disorder as well as mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety or suffering from trauma.

The emotionally unstable people They have this reaction since they experience many difficulties in processing each of the emotions they feel. So much so that in most cases these individuals tend not to practice introspection on themselves and lack good self-knowledge.

Characteristics of emotional instability

There are a series of signs that indicate that we are facing a unstable personality Psychologists indicate that an emotionally unstable person may have the following attitudes.

1. They react unexpectedly

On many occasions the emotional instability It causes people who constantly suffer from it to react in a completely different way to how they normally behave. An unstable personality is capable of doing the opposite of what it is expected to do.

2. Mood swings

One of the best known characteristics of a emotional imbalance They are the repetitive changes in a person’s mood. In this way, instability is perceived through the emotional ups and downs that these individuals never stop experiencing. They can go from being sad to happy or from being motivated to being unmotivated in a single moment.

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3. Trouble calming down

On many occasions this emotional disorder can cause people to not be able to calm down easily. So much so that when they suffer emotional downturns It is difficult to try to encourage them. The same thing happens when they become overexcited due to a certain situation.

4. They are impulsive

Impulsivity becomes a problem when it occurs on many occasions. It is very common for an emotionally unstable person to end up being guided by their most instinctive impulses due to these changes in their emotions. In this way, this emotional disorder can end up leading people who suffer from it to do certain actions that they do not want to carry out. In these cases it is vital to try to prevent those who tend to do this emotional instability disorder end up induced into addictive behaviors such as gambling or drug addiction.

Characteristics of unstable people

5. They are inconsistent

So much emotionally As in their thoughts, these people tend to be very inconsistent. For this reason, they can defend two opposing ideas in the same conversation or want a certain objective at a moment and change it at the first difficulty that arises.

6. They have problems in their relationships

Often the emotional instability It can lead people who suffer from it to not be able to establish a good bond with other people. In fact, it is very likely that a person with an emotional imbalance will end up being toxic to others.

7. They can’t contain their feelings

The main characteristic of a emotionally unstable person It is precisely that in the vast majority of cases they cannot contain their feelings. In this way, they end up showing inappropriate behavior in certain situations. So much so that sometimes these emotional ups and downs can become precursors to anxiety or depression.

If you think you meet many of these characteristics, it is very likely that you have a emotional instability disorder In these cases, it is important to treat this emotional imbalance through self-knowledge and personal reflection. It can also be vital to go to a professional psychologist in most cases.

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What is an unstable person like?

Emotional instability in women

On many occasions, women are spoken of as the gender emotionally unstable Although this is not a feasible reality, there are some hormonal characteristics that can lead women to be more likely to suffer from emotional instability. Sometimes emotional instability in women ends up being a personality trait, but this should not be a problem like borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder. However, it is necessary to make it clear that emotional instability accompanies these psychological disorders.

Reasons such as premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, are examples that cause a variation in women’s hormones. However, it’s not simply about the hormones. Traditionally, women have been more “emotional” than men; presenting a greater reactivity to stress, therefore more prone to emotional instability Women who experience crying often without knowing why, or one day they love something and the next day they hate it, they start an activity with great enthusiasm and then don’t finish it, etc., who fluctuate from passion to indifference with speed.

A woman who suffers emotional instability He may give the impression that he is happy, but in reality he lives with the heavy burden of not being able to consolidate his projects. This can lead her to abandon a university degree, a job, break up a relationship, etc., so often, when she looks back and introspects her life, she feels frustrated as she takes inventory of everything. that he has not been able to achieve.

The continuous emotional ups and downs also harm her interpersonal relationships, especially because those around her never know what to expect from her, she is unpredictable. A simple phrase or a certain unimportant action can produce a crisis of anxiety or an outburst of anger. This exaggerated reaction leaves others stunned, who do not know how to behave and prefer to avoid the person, who is often left alone.

Difficulties in self-esteem and lack of security make the emotionally unstable woman Test those who are by your side to see if you can trust them, which results in friends or partners being subjected to daily tension and constant scrutiny that ultimately ends up affecting relationships. The same situation happens in the workplace, and on some occasions she is usually fired. This series of failures generates a vicious circle that intensifies their emotional instability, with mood swings.

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Tips for unstable people

How to stop being emotionally unstable?

There are a series of tips that can be followed to control emotional instability to reach a certain balance in both women and men. In this way, psychologists advise resorting to the following.

1. Not believing everything you think

On many occasions, an unbalanced person tends to tend toward negative thinking. So much so that they can become distrustful of some people or become self-critical very easily. Therefore, it is essential that if you are a person with emotional instability Try to rationalize each of the ideas that pass through your mind.

2. Stop judging yourself

Judging or having prejudices is an ineffective way to stop the mental imbalance So much so, to stop your emotional instability, you must put aside these judgments and try to see things with a much more open mind. You must also stop trying to control everything, since in most cases you do not have the power in certain situations.

3. Learn to tolerate uncertainty

Sometimes we cannot know what will happen in our future or around us. That is why it is vital not to give so much importance to what will happen and learn to live with uncertainty. To achieve this, it is vital to try to get out of our comfort zone and find a balance between our safe space and the unknown.

4. Stop controlling everything

People with a emotional instability disorder They tend to have problems with control. So much so that when they cannot control a situation they end up feeling insecure and helpless. Therefore, it is essential to try to let go of this feeling and learn to relax even though the environment is out of our control.

5. Make decisions based on your values

Sometimes the people with emotional instability They end up making their decisions through their emotions and do not do what they would really like. That is why it is necessary to balance both our values ​​and our feelings and learn to discern what will really benefit us.

If you want to overcome your emotional downturns In order to lead a more emotionally balanced life, do not hesitate to contact a professional psychologist to work with the main objective of achieving the emotional balance you need, focusing on learning to manage expectations and frustration. Emotional balance is the secret that will lead you to find happiness in every moment of your life.